106,748 research outputs found

    Visual programming in a heterogeneous multi-core environment

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    É do conhecimento geral de que, hoje em dia, a tecnologia evolui rapidamente. São criadas novas arquitecturas para resolver determinadas limitações ou problemas. Por vezes, essa evolução é pacífica e não requer necessidade de adaptação e, por outras, essa evolução pode Implicar mudanças. As linguagens de programação são, desde sempre, o principal elo de comunicação entre o programador e o computador. Novas linguagens continuam a aparecer e outras estão sempre em desenvolvimento para se adaptarem a novos conceitos e paradigmas. Isto requer um esforço extra para o programador, que tem de estar sempre atento a estas mudanças. A Programação Visual pode ser uma solução para este problema. Exprimir funções como módulos que recebem determinado Input e retomam determinado output poderá ajudar os programadores espalhados pelo mundo, através da possibilidade de lhes dar uma margem para se abstraírem de pormenores de baixo nível relacionados com uma arquitectura específica. Esta tese não só mostra como combinar as capacidades do CeII/B.E. (que tem uma arquitectura multi­processador heterogénea) com o OpenDX (que tem um ambiente de programação visual), como também demonstra que tal pode ser feito sem grande perda de performance. ABSTRACT; lt is known that nowadays technology develops really fast. New architectures are created ln order to provide new solutions for different technology limitations and problems. Sometimes, this evolution is pacific and there is no need to adapt to new technologies, but things also may require a change every once ln a while. Programming languages have always been the communication bridge between the programmer and the computer. New ones keep coming and other ones keep improving ln order to adapt to new concepts and paradigms. This requires an extra-effort for the programmer, who always needs to be aware of these changes. Visual Programming may be a solution to this problem. Expressing functions as module boxes which receive determined Input and return determined output may help programmers across the world by giving them the possibility to abstract from specific low-level hardware issues. This thesis not only shows how the CeII/B.E. (which has a heterogeneous multi-core architecture) capabilities can be combined with OpenDX (which has a visual programming environment), but also demonstrates that lt can be done without losing much performance

    Visual and Textual Programming Languages: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    It is well documented, and has been the topic of much research, that Computer Science courses tend to have higher than average drop out rates at third level. This is a problem that needs to be addressed with urgency but also caution. The required number of Computer Science graduates is growing every year but the number of graduates is not meeting this demand and one way that this problem can be alleviated is to encourage students at an early age towards studying Computer Science courses. This paper presents a systematic literature review on the role of visual and textual programming languages when learning to program, particularly as a first programming language. The approach is systematic, in that a structured search of electronic resources has been conducted, and the results are presented and quantitatively analysed. This study will give insight into whether or not the current approaches to teaching young learners programming are viable, and examines what we can do to increase the interest and retention of these students as they progress through their education.Comment: 18 pages (including 2 bibliography pages), 3 figure

    Towards rule-based visual programming of generic visual systems

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    This paper illustrates how the diagram programming language DiaPlan can be used to program visual systems. DiaPlan is a visual rule-based language that is founded on the computational model of graph transformation. The language supports object-oriented programming since its graphs are hierarchically structured. Typing allows the shape of these graphs to be specified recursively in order to increase program security. Thanks to its genericity, DiaPlan allows to implement systems that represent and manipulate data in arbitrary diagram notations. The environment for the language exploits the diagram editor generator DiaGen for providing genericity, and for implementing its user interface and type checker.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures contribution to the First International Workshop on Rule-Based Programming (RULE'2000), September 19, 2000, Montreal, Canad