55 research outputs found

    Six Degree-of Freedom Haptic Rendering for Dental Implantology Simulation

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    International audienceDental implantology procedures are among the most com- plex surgical procedures executed by dentists. During the critical part of the procedure, the jawbone is drilled at the location of the missing tooth (or the missing group of teeth). This asks for specic skills from the dentists, who need to be well trained. In this paper we present a virtual reality based training system for im- plantology and we mainly focus on the simulation of drilling. We have two main contributions: The rst one is a method for precise haptic rendering of contacts between the drilling tool and the jawbone model issued from a CT-scan. The second one is the real-time simulation of the jawbone erosion during drilling which is compatible with the haptic rendering of contacts

    The application of virtual reality and augmented reality in oral & maxillofacial surgery

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    Background: Virtual reality is the science of creating a virtual environment for the assessment of various anatomical regions of the body for the diagnosis, planning and surgical training. Augmented reality is the superimposition of a 3D real environment specific to individual patient onto the surgical filed using semi-transparent glasses to augment the virtual scene.. The aim of this study is to provide an over view of the literature on the application of virtual and augmented reality in oral & maxillofacial surgery. Methods: We reviewed the literature and the existing database using Ovid MEDLINE search, Cochran Library and PubMed. All the studies in the English literature in the last 10 years, from 2009 to 2019 were included. Results: We identified 101 articles related the broad application of virtual reality in oral & maxillofacial surgery. These included the following: Eight systematic reviews, 4 expert reviews, 9 case reports, 5 retrospective surveys, 2 historical perspectives, 13 manuscripts on virtual education and training, 5 on haptic technology, 4 on augmented reality, 10 on image fusion, 41 articles on the prediction planning for orthognathic surgery and maxillofacial reconstruction. Dental implantology and orthognathic surgery are the most frequent applications of virtual reality and augmented reality. Virtual planning improved the accuracy of inserting dental implants using either a statistic guidance or dynamic navigation. In orthognathic surgery, prediction planning and intraoperative navigation are the main applications of virtual reality. Virtual reality has been utilised to improve the delivery of education and the quality of training in oral & maxillofacial surgery by creating a virtual environment of the surgical procedure. Haptic feedback provided an additional immersive reality to improve manual dexterity and improve clinical training. Conclusion: Virtual and augmented reality have contributed to the planning of maxillofacial procedures and surgery training. Few articles highlighted the importance of this technology in improving the quality of patients’ care. There are limited prospective randomized studies comparing the impact of virtual reality with the standard methods in delivering oral surgery education

    Augmented reality in clinical dental training and education

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    Dentistry is a profession that requires coordinated motor skills in addition to acquired knowledge for ideal execution of any treatment plan for patients. Learning experiences have been modified over a period of time for students as well as for the healthcare providers. Conventional pre-clinical training employed the use of cadavers, but financial, ethical and supervisory constraints have become a major shortcoming. With the adaptation of technology in dentistry, pre-clinical training has now employed simulation. It provides the opportunity for students to develop psychomotor skills for procedures by practising pre-clinical, standardised learning competencies before they engage in patient-management. Simulation involves computer-aided learning, augmented reality and virtual reality, which are largely taking over pre-clinical teaching. Augmented reality is commonly being employed in maxillofacial, restorative, tooth morphology learning and mastering technique for administering local anaesthesia in dentistry. Virtual reality is being employed particularly in pre-treatment implant planning and dental education for students. Use of haptic technology, like robotics, is also gaining popularity, and facilitates a two-way communication between the user and the environment to better simulate the clinical setting for learning purposes

    Learning about tooth removal with robot technology

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    Deze PhD-thesis richt zich op een fundamenteel onderzoek van de extractieleer en maakt daarbij gebruik van robottechnologie. Het onderzoek omvat zes inhoudelijke hoofdstukken, waarin verschillende aspecten van dit onderwerp worden behandeld. Het tweede hoofdstuk analyseert de literatuur over robottechnologie in de tandheelkunde en wijst op de matige kwaliteit van beschikbare literatuur, zeker als het op klinische toepassingen aankomt. Hoofdstuk 3 biedt een overzicht van robotsystemen in alle deelgebieden van de tandheelkunde sinds 1985. Hoofdstuk 4 introduceert een meetopstelling om krachten en bewegingen bij tandextracties nauwkeurig vast te leggen, terwijl hoofdstuk 5 de resultaten van een serie experimenten voor wat betreft krachten en momenten weergeeft. Hoofdstuk 6 beschrijft het bewegingsbereik en de snelheden tijdens tandheelkundige extracties, zoals gemeten met een robotarm. Hoofdstuk 7 beschrijft de ontwikkeling en eigenschappen van een classificatiemodel voor extracties op basis van kracht- en bewegingsgegevens. De conclusie benadrukt de toenemende interesse in robotinitiatieven in de tandheelkunde, de behoefte aan wetenschappelijke validatie van de toegevoegde waarde daarvan en het potentieel van robottechnologie om ons fundamentele begrip van de extractieleer te vergroten. De studies benadrukken het belang van gegevensverzameling, analyse en samenwerking tussen verschillende disciplines om ons fundamentele begrip van extracties te verbeteren, met een focus op tandheelkundig onderwijs en uiteindelijk de patiëntenzorg

    Robotics in Dentistry : A Narrative Review

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    Background: Robotics is progressing rapidly. The aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive overview of the basic and applied research status of robotics in dentistry and discusses its development and application prospects in several major professional fields of dentistry. Methods: A literature search was conducted on databases: MEDLINE, IEEE and Cochrane Library, using MeSH terms: [“robotics” and “dentistry”]. Result: Forty-nine articles were eventually selected according to certain inclusion criteria. There were 12 studies on prosthodontics, reaching 24%; 11 studies were on dental implantology, accounting for 23%. Scholars from China published the most articles, followed by Japan and the United States. The number of articles published between 2011 and 2015 was the largest. Conclusions: With the advancement of science and technology, the applications of robots in dental medicine has promoted the development of intelligent, precise, and minimally invasive dental treatments. Currently, robots are used in basic and applied research in various specialized fields of dentistry. Automatic tooth-crown-preparation robots, tooth-arrangement robots, drilling robots, and orthodontic archwire-bending robots that meet clinical requirements have been developed. We believe that in the near future, robots will change the existing dental treatment model and guide new directions for further development

    Comparative evaluation of dental haptic simulators and their applications in pediatric dentistry- a scoping review

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    BACKGROUND: Almost all fields of dentistry are very reliant on dentists’ well-developed dexterity and psychomotor skills. Simulation preclinical dental training is important for dental students to acquire preliminary manual dexterity before interacting with real patients. In the recent years, virtual reality specifically haptic simulations have drawn a lot of attention due to their multiple advantages including lack of the threat of spreading air-borne diseases. PURPOSE: The overall purpose of this study was to provide a review of the available dental haptic simulators in the market, and specific aim was to report the available evidence from the current scientific literature about the use and benefit of them during early preclinical pediatric dentistry training. METHODS: Information about Haptic VR simulators was obtained through manufacturers’ websites and current scientific literature. For the specific aim, the review is reported using the PRISMA-Scoping Review (ScR) guidelines and bibliographic databases such as PubMed, Cochrane library, Embase, and Dentistry and Oral Sciences Source. RESULTS: The systematic search identified 79 titles of which 14 full-text articles were selected for detailed review. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria 4 studies were included in this review. CONCLUSION: Evaluation evidence from reviewed studies indicates the usefulness of the haptic simulators in preclinical pediatric dental training. The haptic simulators complement the existing phantom head simulators by offering different beneficial features. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the simulators in pediatric dental training and to support the current availability of evidence

    The Use of Tactile Sensors in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: An Overview

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    Background: This overview aimed to characterize the type, development, and use of haptic technologies for maxillofacial surgical purposes. The work aim is to summarize and evaluate current advantages, drawbacks, and design choices of presented technologies for each field of application in order to address and promote future research as well as to provide a global view of the issue. Methods: Relevant manuscripts were searched electronically through Scopus, MEDLINE/PubMed, and Cochrane Library databases until 1 November 2022. Results: After analyzing the available literature, 31 articles regarding tactile sensors and interfaces, sensorized tools, haptic technologies, and integrated platforms in oral and maxillofacial surgery have been included. Moreover, a quality rating is provided for each article following appropriate evaluation metrics. Discussion: Many efforts have been made to overcome the technological limits of computed assistant diagnosis, surgery, and teaching. Nonetheless, a research gap is evident between dental/maxillofacial surgery and other specialties such as endovascular, laparoscopic, and microsurgery; especially for what concerns electrical and optical-based sensors for instrumented tools and sensorized tools for contact forces detection. The application of existing technologies is mainly focused on digital simulation purposes, and the integration into Computer Assisted Surgery (CAS) is far from being widely actuated. Virtual reality, increasingly adopted in various fields of surgery (e.g., sino-nasal, traumatology, implantology) showed interesting results and has the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning. A major concern regarding the actual state of the art is the absence of randomized control trials and the prevalence of case reports, retrospective cohorts, and experimental studies. Nonetheless, as the research is fast growing, we can expect to see many developments be incorporated into maxillofacial surgery practice, after adequate evaluation by the scientific community

    Capturing differences in dental training using a virtual reality simulator

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    Virtual reality simulators are becoming increasingly popular in dental schools across the world. But to what extent do these systems reflect actual dental ability? Addressing this question of construct validity is a fundamental step that is necessary before these systems can be fully integrated into a dental school's curriculum. In this study, we examined the sensitivity of the Simodont (a haptic virtual reality dental simulator) to differences in dental training experience. Two hundred and eighty-nine participants, with 1 (n = 92), 3 (n = 79), 4 (n = 57) and 5 (n = 61) years of dental training, performed a series of tasks upon their first exposure to the simulator. We found statistically significant differences between novice (Year 1) and experienced dental trainees (operationalised as 3 or more years of training), but no differences between performance of experienced trainees with varying levels of experience. This work represents a crucial first step in understanding the value of haptic virtual reality simulators in dental education

    Action-based Learning Assessment Method (ALAM) in Virtual Training Environments

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    Specialised and high priced simulators for surgical training, chemical labs, and flight training can provide real-world simulation in a safe and risk-free environment, but they are not accessible for the broader community due to costs for technology and availability of experts. Thus, training scenarios shifted to virtual worlds providing access for everyone interested in acquiring skills and knowledge at educational or professional institutions. Even in this context, we still expect a detailed formative feedback as would have been provided by a human trainer during the face to face process. Whilst the literature is focusing on goal-oriented assessment, it neglects the performed actions. In this paper, we present the Action-based Learning Assessment Method (ALAM) that analyses the action-sequences of the learners according to reference solutions by experts and automated formative feedback