11 research outputs found

    An Agent-Based Model for Refined Cognitive Load and Reading Performance in Reading Companion Robot

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    This paper presents the importance of modeling dynamical behaviors of human cognitive states that serves as a core foundation in creating intelligent and responsive systems. It discusses in detail the development of a dynamical model of cognitive load and reading performance which acts as the central component of creating a reading companion robot. Simulations results show realistic behaviour patterns that adhere to the literature. Finally, the results produced from an automated verification approach to validate the internal correctness of the proposed model using Temporal Trace Language (TTL) are shown

    A formal model for analyzing manager’s performance during stress

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    Managers who are exposed to stress have the risk of taking insufficient decisions, which will affect their performance levels. The affect could be either positive or negative, depending on the individual’s perception on stress. Many inadequate conventional studies have been conducted for analyzing the complicated relationship of stress and performance. Hence this study introduces a formal model supports managers’ performance during stress. This model can be encapsulated within an intelligent agent or robots that can be used to support managers. The methodology was used to explore human cognitive processes during stress consisted of four phases: identification of local and non-local properties, conceptualization of the model of these properties, formalization, and evaluation. Deferential equations have been used in formalizing the properties. The developed model has been simulated by applying it to different scenarios. Mathematical analysis has been used for the evaluation of the model. Results showed that the formal model was able to show the effects of different levels of stress on managers’ performance

    Modelling human support agent for managers during stress

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    Patterns of stress at work become a popular topic and have been reported everywhere.Work related performance during stress is a pattern of reactions that occurs when managers are presented with work demands that are not matched with their knowledge, skills, or abilities, and which challenge their ability to cope.Although there are many prior findings pertaining to explain the development of manager performance during stress, less attention has been given to explain the same concept through computational models. In such, a descriptive nature in psychological theories about managers’ performance during stress can be transformed into a causal-mechanistic stage that explains the relationship between a series of observed phenomena.This paper proposed a human support agent model for analyzing managers’ performance during stress. Set of properties and variables are identified through past literatures to construct the model.Differential equations have been used in formalizing the model.Set of equations reflecting relations involved in the proposed model are presented. The developed model has been simulated by applying it to different scenarios.Mathematical analysis has been used for the evaluation of the model.Results showed that the support model is able to show the effects of different levels of stress on managers’ performance.The proposed model is essential and can be encapsulated within an intelligent agent or robots that can be used to support managers during stress

    An Agent-Based Model for Refined Cognitive Load and Reading Performance in Reading Companion Robot

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    This paper presents the importance of modeling dynamical behaviors of human cognitive states that serves as a core foundation in creating intelligent and responsive systems.It discusses in detail the development of a dynamical model of cognitive load and reading performance which acts as the central component of creating a reading companion robot.Simulations results show realistic behaviour patterns that adhere to the literature. Finally, the results produced from an automated verification approach to validate the internal correctness of the proposed model using Temporal Trace Language (TTL) are shown

    Computational analysis of dynamics in an agent-based model of cognitive load and reading performance

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    To avoid the development of cognitive load during task-specific actions, technologies like companion robots or intelligent systems may benefit from being aware of the dynamics of related mental performance constructs. As a first step toward the development of such systems, this paper uses an agent-based approach to formalize and simulate cognitive load processes within reading activities, which may involve specific assigned task. The obtained agent-based model is analysed both by mathematical analysis and automated trace evaluation. Based on this description, the proposed agent-based model has exhibited realistic behaviours patterns that adhere to the psychological and cognitive literature. Moreover, it is shown how the agent-based model can be integrated into intelligent systems that monitor and predict cognitive load over time and propose intelligent support actions based on that

    An ambient agent architecture exploiting automated cognitive analysis

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    In this paper an agent-based ambient agent architecture is presented based on monitoring human's interaction with his or her environment and performing cognitive analysis of the causes of observed or predicted behaviour. Within this agent architecture, a cognitive model for the human is taken as a point of departure. From the cognitive model it is automatically derived how internal cognitive states affect human's performance aspects. Furthermore, for these cognitive states representation relations are derived from the cognitive model, expressed by temporal specifications involving events that will be monitored. The representation relations are verified on the monitoring information automatically, resulting in the identification of cognitive states, which affect the performance aspects. In such a way the ambient agent model is able to provide a more in depth cognitive analysis of causes of (un)satisfactory performance and based on this analysis to generate interventions in a knowledgeable manner. The application of the architecture proposed is demonstrated by two examples from the ambient-assisted living domain and the computer-assisted instruction domain. © 2011 The Author(s)

    An ambient agent model for reading companion robot

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    Reading is essentially a problem-solving task. Based on what is read, like problem solving, it requires effort, planning, self-monitoring, strategy selection, and reflection. Also, as readers are trying to solve difficult problems, reading materials become more complex, thus demands more effort and challenges cognition. To address this issue, companion robots can be deployed to assist readers in solving difficult reading tasks by making reading process more enjoyable and meaningful. These robots require an ambient agent model, monitoring of a reader’s cognitive demand as it could consist of more complex tasks and dynamic interactions between human and environment. Current cognitive load models are not developed in a form to have reasoning qualities and not integrated into companion robots. Thus, this study has been conducted to develop an ambient agent model of cognitive load and reading performance to be integrated into a reading companion robot. The research activities were based on Design Science Research Process, Agent-Based Modelling, and Ambient Agent Framework. The proposed model was evaluated through a series of verification and validation approaches. The verification process includes equilibria evaluation and automated trace analysis approaches to ensure the model exhibits realistic behaviours and in accordance to related empirical data and literature. On the other hand, validation process that involved human experiment proved that a reading companion robot was able to reduce cognitive load during demanding reading tasks. Moreover, experiments results indicated that the integration of an ambient agent model into a reading companion robot enabled the robot to be perceived as a social, intelligent, useful, and motivational digital side-kick. The study contribution makes it feasible for new endeavours that aim at designing ambient applications based on human’s physical and cognitive process as an ambient agent model of cognitive load and reading performance was developed. Furthermore, it also helps in designing more realistic reading companion robots in the future

    A Virtual Human Agent Model with Behaviour Based on Feeling Exhaustion

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    A computational agent model for monitoring and control of a virtual human agent’s resources and exhaustion is presented. It models a physically grounded intelligent decision making process within the agent model for physi- cal effort to be spent. Simulation results are discussed, and a formal analysis is presented on conditions under which the agent model functions properly, for example, such that it can be used to avoid running out of resources. Finally, the model is related to a model for monitoring or simulating a person’s heart rate