2,200 research outputs found

    Efficient and Effective Solutions for Video Classification

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    The aim of this PhD thesis is to make a step forward towards teaching computers to understand videos in a similar way as humans do. In this work we tackle the video classification and/or action recognition tasks. This thesis was completed in a period of transition, the research community moving from traditional approaches (such as hand-crafted descriptor extraction) to deep learning. Therefore, this thesis captures this transition period, however, unlike image classification, where the state-of-the-art results are dominated by deep learning approaches, for video classification the deep learning approaches are not so dominant. As a matter of fact, most of the current state-of-the-art results in video classification are based on a hybrid approach where the hand-crafted descriptors are combined with deep features to obtain the best performance. This is due to several factors, such as the fact that video is a more complex data as compared to an image, therefore, more difficult to model and also that the video datasets are not large enough to train deep models with effective results. The pipeline for video classification can be broken down into three main steps: feature extraction, encoding and classification. While for the classification part, the existing techniques are more mature, for feature extraction and encoding there is still a significant room for improvement. In addition to these main steps, the framework contains some pre/post processing techniques, such as feature dimensionality reduction, feature decorrelation (for instance using Principal Component Analysis - PCA) and normalization, which can influence considerably the performance of the pipeline. One of the bottlenecks of the video classification pipeline is represented by the feature extraction step, where most of the approaches are extremely computationally demanding, what makes them not suitable for real-time applications. In this thesis, we tackle this issue, propose different speed-ups to improve the computational cost and introduce a new descriptor that can capture motion information from a video without the need of computing optical flow (which is very expensive to compute). Another important component for video classification is represented by the feature encoding step, which builds the final video representation that serves as input to a classifier. During the PhD, we proposed several improvements over the standard approaches for feature encoding. We also propose a new feature encoding approach for deep feature encoding. To summarize, the main contributions of this thesis are as follows3: (1) We propose several speed-ups for descriptor extraction, providing a version for the standard video descriptors that can run in real-time. We also investigate the trade-off between accuracy and computational efficiency; (2) We provide a new descriptor for extracting information from a video, which is very efficient to compute, being able to extract motion information without the need of extracting the optical flow; (3) We investigate different improvements over the standard encoding approaches for boosting the performance of the video classification pipeline.;(4) We propose a new feature encoding approach specifically designed for encoding local deep features, providing a more robust video representation

    Saliency-Informed Spatio-Temporal Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors and Fisher Vector for Visual Action Recognition

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    Feature encoding has been extensively studied for the task of visual action recognition (VAR). The recently proposed super vector-based encoding methods, such as the Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors (VLAD) and the Fisher Vector (FV), have significantly improved the recognition performance. Despite of the success, they still struggle with the superfluous information that presents during the training stage, which makes the methods computationally expensive when applied to a large number of extracted features. In order to address such challenge, this paper proposes a Saliency-Informed Spatio-Temporal VLAD (SST-VLAD) approach which selects the extracted features corresponding to small amount of videos in the data set by considering both the spatial and temporal video-wise saliency scores; and the same extension principle has also been applied to the FV approach. The experimental results indicate that the proposed feature encoding scheme consistently outperforms the existing ones with significantly lower computational cost

    A robust and efficient video representation for action recognition

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    This paper introduces a state-of-the-art video representation and applies it to efficient action recognition and detection. We first propose to improve the popular dense trajectory features by explicit camera motion estimation. More specifically, we extract feature point matches between frames using SURF descriptors and dense optical flow. The matches are used to estimate a homography with RANSAC. To improve the robustness of homography estimation, a human detector is employed to remove outlier matches from the human body as human motion is not constrained by the camera. Trajectories consistent with the homography are considered as due to camera motion, and thus removed. We also use the homography to cancel out camera motion from the optical flow. This results in significant improvement on motion-based HOF and MBH descriptors. We further explore the recent Fisher vector as an alternative feature encoding approach to the standard bag-of-words histogram, and consider different ways to include spatial layout information in these encodings. We present a large and varied set of evaluations, considering (i) classification of short basic actions on six datasets, (ii) localization of such actions in feature-length movies, and (iii) large-scale recognition of complex events. We find that our improved trajectory features significantly outperform previous dense trajectories, and that Fisher vectors are superior to bag-of-words encodings for video recognition tasks. In all three tasks, we show substantial improvements over the state-of-the-art results
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