257 research outputs found

    Bayesian Inference with Combined Dynamic and Sparsity Models: Application in 3D Electrophysiological Imaging

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    Data-driven inference is widely encountered in various scientific domains to convert the observed measurements into information that cannot be directly observed about a system. Despite the quickly-developing sensor and imaging technologies, in many domains, data collection remains an expensive endeavor due to financial and physical constraints. To overcome the limits in data and to reduce the demand on expensive data collection, it is important to incorporate prior information in order to place the data-driven inference in a domain-relevant context and to improve its accuracy. Two sources of assumptions have been used successfully in many inverse problem applications. One is the temporal dynamics of the system (dynamic structure). The other is the low-dimensional structure of a system (sparsity structure). In existing work, these two structures have often been explored separately, while in most high-dimensional dynamic system they are commonly co-existing and contain complementary information. In this work, our main focus is to build a robustness inference framework to combine dynamic and sparsity constraints. The driving application in this work is a biomedical inverse problem of electrophysiological (EP) imaging, which noninvasively and quantitatively reconstruct transmural action potentials from body-surface voltage data with the goal to improve cardiac disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. The general framework can be extended to a variety of applications that deal with the inference of high-dimensional dynamic systems

    On Learning and Generalization to Solve Inverse Problem of Electrophysiological Imaging

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    In this dissertation, we are interested in solving a linear inverse problem: inverse electrophysiological (EP) imaging, where our objective is to computationally reconstruct personalized cardiac electrical signals based on body surface electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. EP imaging has shown promise in the diagnosis and treatment planning of cardiac dysfunctions such as atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, ischemia, infarction and ventricular arrhythmia. Towards this goal, we frame it as a problem of learning a function from the domain of measurements to signals. Depending upon the assumptions, we present two classes of solutions: 1) Bayesian inference in a probabilistic graphical model, 2) Learning from samples using deep networks. In both of these approaches, we emphasize on learning the inverse function with good generalization ability, which becomes a main theme of the dissertation. In a Bayesian framework, we argue that this translates to appropriately integrating different sources of knowledge into a common probabilistic graphical model framework and using it for patient specific signal estimation through Bayesian inference. In learning from samples setting, this translates to designing a deep network with good generalization ability, where good generalization refers to the ability to reconstruct inverse EP signals in a distribution of interest (which could very well be outside the sample distribution used during training). By drawing ideas from different areas like functional analysis (e.g. Fenchel duality), variational inference (e.g. Variational Bayes) and deep generative modeling (e.g. variational autoencoder), we show how we can incorporate different prior knowledge in a principled manner in a probabilistic graphical model framework to obtain a good inverse solution with generalization ability. Similarly, to improve generalization of deep networks learning from samples, we use ideas from information theory (e.g. information bottleneck), learning theory (e.g. analytical learning theory), adversarial training, complexity theory and functional analysis (e.g. RKHS). We test our algorithms on synthetic data and real data of the patients who had undergone through catheter ablation in clinics and show that our approach yields significant improvement over existing methods. Towards the end of the dissertation, we investigate general questions on generalization and stabilization of adversarial training of deep networks and try to understand the role of smoothness and function space complexity in answering those questions. We conclude by identifying limitations of the proposed methods, areas of further improvement and open questions that are specific to inverse electrophysiological imaging as well as broader, encompassing theory of learning and generalization

    Prog Biophys Mol Biol

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    Patient-specific modeling of ventricular electrophysiology requires an interpolated reconstruction of the 3-dimensional (3D) geometry of the patient ventricles from the low-resolution (Lo-res) clinical images. The goal of this study was to implement a processing pipeline for obtaining the interpolated reconstruction, and thoroughly evaluate the efficacy of this pipeline in comparison with alternative methods. The pipeline implemented here involves contouring the epi- and endocardial boundaries in Lo-res images, interpolating the contours using the variational implicit functions method, and merging the interpolation results to obtain the ventricular reconstruction. Five alternative interpolation methods, namely linear, cubic spline, spherical harmonics, cylindrical harmonics, and shape-based interpolation were implemented for comparison. In the thorough evaluation of the processing pipeline, Hi-res magnetic resonance (MR), computed tomography (CT), and diffusion tensor (DT) MR images from numerous hearts were used. Reconstructions obtained from the Hi-res images were compared with the reconstructions computed by each of the interpolation methods from a sparse sample of the Hi-res contours, which mimicked Lo-res clinical images. Qualitative and quantitative comparison of these ventricular geometry reconstructions showed that the variational implicit functions approach performed better than others. Additionally, the outcomes of electrophysiological simulations (sinus rhythm activation maps and pseudo-ECGs) conducted using models based on the various reconstructions were compared. These electrophysiological simulations demonstrated that our implementation of the variational implicit functions-based method had the best accuracy.DP1 HL123271/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United StatesDP1HL123271/DP/NCCDPHP CDC HHS/United StatesR01 HL103428/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United StatesR01-HL103428/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States2015-08-19T00:00:00Z25148771PMC425386

    Towards enabling cardiac digital twins of myocardial infarction using deep computational models for inverse inference

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    Cardiac digital twins (CDTs) have the potential to offer individualized evaluation of cardiac function in a non-invasive manner, making them a promising approach for personalized diagnosis and treatment planning of myocardial infarction (MI). The inference of accurate myocardial tissue properties is crucial in creating a reliable CDT of MI. In this work, we investigate the feasibility of inferring myocardial tissue properties from the electrocardiogram (ECG) within a CDT platform. The platform integrates multi-modal data, such as cardiac MRI and ECG, to enhance the accuracy and reliability of the inferred tissue properties. We perform a sensitivity analysis based on computer simulations, systematically exploring the effects of infarct location, size, degree of transmurality, and electrical activity alteration on the simulated QRS complex of ECG, to establish the limits of the approach. We subsequently present a novel deep computational model, comprising a dual-branch variational autoencoder and an inference model, to infer infarct location and distribution from the simulated QRS. The proposed model achieves mean Dice scores of 0.457 ± 0.317 and 0.302 ± 0.273 for the inference of left ventricle scars and border zone, respectively. The sensitivity analysis enhances our understanding of the complex relationship between infarct characteristics and electrophysiological features. The in silico experimental results show that the model can effectively capture the relationship for the inverse inference, with promising potential for clinical application in the future. The code is available at https: //github.com/lileitech/MI_inverse_inference

    Bayesian Active Learning for Personalization and Uncertainty Quantification in Cardiac Electrophysiological Model

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    Cardiacvascular disease is the top death causing disease worldwide. In recent years, high-fidelity personalized models of the heart have shown an increasing capability to supplement clinical cardiology for improved patient-specific diagnosis, prediction, and treatment planning. In addition, they have shown promise to improve scientific understanding of a variety of disease mechanisms. However, model personalization by estimating the patient-specific tissue properties that are in the form of parameters of a physiological model is challenging. This is because tissue properties, in general, cannot be directly measured and they need to be estimated from measurements that are indirectly related to them through a physiological model. Moreover, these unknown tissue properties are heterogeneous and spatially varying throughout the heart volume presenting a difficulty of high-dimensional (HD) estimation from indirect and limited measurement data. The challenge in model personalization, therefore, summarizes to solving an ill-posed inverse problem where the unknown parameters are HD and the forward model is complex with a non-linear and computationally expensive physiological model. In this dissertation, we address the above challenge with following contributions. First, to address the concern of a complex forward model, we propose the surrogate modeling of the complex target function containing the forward model – an objective function in deterministic estimation or a posterior probability density function in probabilistic estimation – by actively selecting a set of training samples and a Bayesian update of the prior over the target function. The efficient and accurate surrogate of the expensive target function obtained in this manner is then utilized to accelerate either deterministic or probabilistic parameter estimation. Next, within the framework of Bayesian active learning we enable active surrogate learning over a HD parameter space with two novel approaches: 1) a multi-scale optimization that can adaptively allocate higher resolution to heterogeneous tissue regions and lower resolution to homogeneous tissue regions; and 2) a generative model from low-dimensional (LD) latent code to HD tissue properties. Both of these approaches are independently developed and tested within a parameter optimization framework. Furthermore, we devise a novel method that utilizes the surrogate pdf learned on an estimated LD parameter space to improve the proposal distribution of Metropolis Hastings for an accelerated sampling of the exact posterior pdf. We evaluate the presented methods on estimating local tissue excitability of a cardiac electrophysiological model in both synthetic data experiments and real data experiments. Results demonstrate that the presented methods are able to improve the accuracy and efficiency in patient-specific model parameter estimation in comparison to the existing approaches used for model personalization

    Bayesian multi-modal model comparison: a case study on the generators of the spike and the wave in generalized spike–wave complexes

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    We present a novel approach to assess the networks involved in the generation of spontaneous pathological brain activity based on multi-modal imaging data. We propose to use probabilistic fMRI-constrained EEG source reconstruction as a complement to EEG-correlated fMRI analysis to disambiguate between networks that co-occur at the fMRI time resolution. The method is based on Bayesian model comparison, where the different models correspond to different combinations of fMRI-activated (or deactivated) cortical clusters. By computing the model evidence (or marginal likelihood) of each and every candidate source space partition, we can infer the most probable set of fMRI regions that has generated a given EEG scalp data window. We illustrate the method using EEG-correlated fMRI data acquired in a patient with ictal generalized spike–wave (GSW) discharges, to examine whether different networks are involved in the generation of the spike and the wave components, respectively. To this effect, we compared a family of 128 EEG source models, based on the combinations of seven regions haemodynamically involved (deactivated) during a prolonged ictal GSW discharge, namely: bilateral precuneus, bilateral medial frontal gyrus, bilateral middle temporal gyrus, and right cuneus. Bayesian model comparison has revealed the most likely model associated with the spike component to consist of a prefrontal region and bilateral temporal–parietal regions and the most likely model associated with the wave component to comprise the same temporal–parietal regions only. The result supports the hypothesis of different neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the generation of the spike versus wave components of GSW discharges
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