379 research outputs found

    Lightweight Architectures for Reliable and Fault Detection Simon and Speck Cryptographic Algorithms on FPGA

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    The widespread use of sensitive and constrained applications necessitates lightweight (lowpower and low-area) algorithms developed for constrained nano-devices. However, nearly all of such algorithms are optimized for platform-based performance and may not be useful for diverse and flexible applications. The National Security Agency (NSA) has proposed two relatively-recent families of lightweight ciphers, i.e., Simon and Speck, designed as efficient ciphers on both hardware and software platforms. This paper proposes concurrent error detection schemes to provide reliable architectures for these two families of lightweight block ciphers. The research work on analyzing the reliability of these algorithms and providing fault diagnosis approaches has not been undertaken to date to the best of our knowledge. The main aim of the proposed reliable architectures is to provide high error coverage while maintaining acceptable area and power consumption overheads. To achieve this, we propose a variant of recomputing with encoded operands. These low-complexity schemes are suited for lowresource applications such as sensitive, constrained implantable and wearable medical devices. We perform fault simulations for the proposed architectures by developing a fault model framework. The architectures are simulated and analyzed on recent field-programmable grate array (FPGA) platforms, and it is shown that the proposed schemes provide high error coverage. The proposed low-complexity concurrent error detection schemes are a step forward towards more reliable architectures for Simon and Speck algorithms in lightweight, secure applications

    VLSI implementation of AES algorithm

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    In the present era of information processing through computers and access of private information over the internet like bank account information even the transaction of money, business deal through video conferencing, encryption of the messages in various forms has become inevitable. There are mainly two types of encryption algorithms, private key (also called symmetric key having single key for encryption and decryption) and public key (separate key for encryption and decryption). In the present work, hardware optimization for AES architecture has been done in different stages. The hardware comparison results show that as AES architecture has critical path delay of 9.78 ns when conventional s-box is used, whereas it has critical path delay of 8.17 ns using proposed s-box architecture. The total clock cycles required to encrypt 128 bits of data using proposed AES architecture are 86 and therefore, throughput of the AES design in Spartan-6 of Xilinx FPGA is approximately 182.2 Mbits/s. To achieve the very high speed, full custom design of s-box in composite field has been done for the proposed s-box architecture in Cadence Virtuoso. The novel XOR gate is proposed for use in s-box design which is efficient in terms of delay and power along with high noise margin. The implementation has been done in 180 nm UMC technology. Total dynamic power in the proposed XOR gate is 0.63 µW as compared to 5.27 µW in the existing design of XOR. The designed s-box using proposed XOR occupies a total area of 27348 µm2. The s-box chip consumes 22.6 µW dynamic power and has 8.2 ns delay after post layout simulation has been performed

    Efficient Error detection Architectures for Low-Energy Block Ciphers with the Case Study of Midori Benchmarked on FPGA

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    Achieving secure, high performance implementations for constrained applications such as implantable and wearable medical devices is a priority in efficient block ciphers. However, security of these algorithms is not guaranteed in presence of malicious and natural faults. Recently, a new lightweight block cipher, Midori, has been proposed which optimizes the energy consumption besides having low latency and hardware complexity. This algorithm is proposed in two energy-efficient varients, i.e., Midori64 and Midori128, with block sizes equal to 64 and 128 bits. In this thesis, fault diagnosis schemes for variants of Midori are proposed. To the best of the our knowledge, there has been no fault diagnosis scheme presented in the literature for Midori to date. The fault diagnosis schemes are provided for the nonlinear S-box layer and for the round structures with both 64-bit and 128-bit Midori symmetric key ciphers. The proposed schemes are benchmarked on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and their error coverage is assessed with fault-injection simulations. These proposed error detection architectures make the implementations of this new low-energy lightweight block cipher more reliable

    Reliable Hardware Architectures for Cyrtographic Block Ciphers LED and HIGHT

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    Cryptographic architectures provide different security properties to sensitive usage models. However, unless reliability of architectures is guaranteed, such security properties can be undermined through natural or malicious faults. In this thesis, two underlying block ciphers which can be used in authenticated encryption algorithms are considered, i.e., LED and HIGHT block ciphers. The former is of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) type and has been considered areaefficient, while the latter constitutes a Feistel network structure and is suitable for low-complexity and low-power embedded security applications. In this thesis, we propose efficient error detection architectures including variants of recomputing with encoded operands and signature-based schemes to detect both transient and permanent faults. Authenticated encryption is applied in cryptography to provide confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity simultaneously to the message sent in a communication channel. In this thesis, we show that the proposed schemes are applicable to the case study of Simple Lightweight CFB (SILC) for providing authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD). The error simulations are performed using Xilinx ISE tool and the results are benchmarked for the Xilinx FPGA family Virtex- 7 to assess the reliability capability and efficiency of the proposed architectures

    Design and analysis of an FPGA-based, multi-processor HW-SW system for SCC applications

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    The last 30 years have seen an increase in the complexity of embedded systems from a collection of simple circuits to systems consisting of multiple processors managing a wide variety of devices. This ever increasing complexity frequently requires that high assurance, fail-safe and secure design techniques be applied to protect against possible failures and breaches. To facilitate the implementation of these embedded systems in an efficient way, the FPGA industry recently created new families of devices. New features added to these devices include anti-tamper monitoring, bit stream encryption, and optimized routing architectures for physical and functional logic partition isolation. These devices have high capacities and are capable of implementing processors using their reprogrammable logic structures. This allows for an unprecedented level of hardware and software interaction within a single FPGA chip. High assurance and fail-safe systems can now be implemented within the reconfigurable hardware fabric of an FPGA, enabling these systems to maintain flexibility and achieve high performance while providing a high level of data security. The objective of this thesis was to design and analyze an FPGA-based system containing two isolated, softcore Nios processors that share data through two crypto-engines. FPGA-based single-chip cryptographic (SCC) techniques were employed to ensure proper component isolation when the design is placed on a device supporting the appropriate security primitives. Each crypto-engine is an implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), operating in Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) for both encryption and authentication. The features of the microprocessors and architectures of the AES crypto-engines were varied with the goal of determining combinations which best target high performance, minimal hardware usage, or a combination of the two

    Self-Partial and Dynamic Reconfiguration Implementation for AES using FPGA

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    This paper addresses efficient hardware/software implementation approaches for the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm and describes the design and performance testing algorithm for embedded system. Also, with the spread of reconfigurable hardware such as FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array) embedded cryptographic hardware became cost-effective. Nevertheless, it is worthy to note that nowadays, even hardwired cryptographic algorithms are not so safe. From another side, the self-reconfiguring platform is reported that enables an FPGA to dynamically reconfigure itself under the control of an embedded microprocessor. Hardware acceleration significantly increases the performance of embedded systems built on programmable logic. Allowing a FPGA-based MicroBlaze processor to self-select the coprocessors uses can help reduce area requirements and increase a system's versatility. The architecture proposed in this paper is an optimal hardware implementation algorithm and takes dynamic partially reconfigurable of FPGA. This implementation is good solution to preserve confidentiality and accessibility to the information in the numeric communication

    Education and Research Integration of Emerging Multidisciplinary Medical Devices Security

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    Traditional embedded systems such as secure smart cards and nano-sensor networks have been utilized in various usage models. Nevertheless, emerging secure deeply-embedded systems, e.g., implantable and wearable medical devices, have comparably larger “attack surface”. Specifically, with respect to medical devices, a security breach can be life-threatening (for which adopting traditional solutions might not be practical due to tight constraints of these often-battery-powered systems), and unlike traditional embedded systems, it is not only a matter of financial loss. Unfortunately, although emerging cryptographic engineering research mechanisms for such deeply-embedded systems have started solving this critical, vital problem, university education (at both graduate and undergraduate level) lags comparably. One of the pivotal reasons for such a lag is the multi-disciplinary nature of the emerging security bottlenecks. Based on the aforementioned motivation, in this work, at Rochester Institute of Technology, we present an effective research and education integration strategy to overcome this issue in one of the most critical deeply-embedded systems, i.e., medical devices. Moreover, we present the results of two years of implementation of the presented strategy at graduate-level through fault analysis attacks, a variant of side-channel attacks. We note that the authors also supervise an undergraduate student and the outcome of the presented work has been assessed for that student as well; however, the emphasis is on graduate-level integration. The results of the presented work show the success of the presented methodology while pinpointing the challenges encountered compared to traditional embedded system security research/teaching integration of medical devices security. We would like to emphasize that our integration approaches are general and scalable to other critical infrastructures as well

    Multidisciplinary Approaches and Challenges in Integrating Emerging Medical Devices Security Research and Education

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    Traditional embedded systems such as secure smart cards and nano-sensor networks have been utilized in various usage models. Nevertheless, emerging secure deeply-embedded systems, e.g., implantable and wearable medical devices, have comparably larger “attack surface”. Specifically, with respect to medical devices, a security breach can be life-threatening (for which adopting traditional solutions might not be practical due to tight constraints of these often-battery-powered systems), and unlike traditional embedded systems, it is not only a matter of financial loss. Unfortunately, although emerging cryptographic engineering research mechanisms for such deeply-embedded systems have started solving this critical, vital problem, university education (at both graduate and undergraduate level) lags comparably. One of the pivotal reasons for such a lag is the multi-disciplinary nature of the emerging security bottlenecks. Based on the aforementioned motivation, in this work, at Rochester Institute of Technology, we present an effective research and education integration strategy to overcome this issue in one of the most critical deeply-embedded systems, i.e., medical devices. Moreover, we present the results of two years of implementation of the presented strategy at graduate-level through fault analysis attacks, a variant of side-channel attacks. We note that the authors also supervise an undergraduate student and the outcome of the presented work has been assessed for that student as well; however, the emphasis is on graduate-level integration. The results of the presented work show the success of the presented methodology while pinpointing the challenges encountered compared to traditional embedded system security research/teaching integration of medical devices security. We would like to emphasize that our integration approaches are general and scalable to other critical infrastructures as well

    Hardware Implementations for Symmetric Key Cryptosystems

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    The utilization of global communications network for supporting new electronic applications is growing. Many applications provided over the global communications network involve exchange of security-sensitive information between different entities. Often, communicating entities are located at different locations around the globe. This demands deployment of certain mechanisms for providing secure communications channels between these entities. For this purpose, cryptographic algorithms are used by many of today\u27s electronic applications to maintain security. Cryptographic algorithms provide set of primitives for achieving different security goals such as: confidentiality, data integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation. In general, two main categories of cryptographic algorithms can be used to accomplish any of these security goals, namely, asymmetric key algorithms and symmetric key algorithms. The security of asymmetric key algorithms is based on the hardness of the underlying computational problems, which usually require large overhead of space and time complexities. On the other hand, the security of symmetric key algorithms is based on non-linear transformations and permutations, which provide efficient implementations compared to the asymmetric key ones. Therefore, it is common to use asymmetric key algorithms for key exchange, while symmetric key counterparts are deployed in securing the communications sessions. This thesis focuses on finding efficient hardware implementations for symmetric key cryptosystems targeting mobile communications and resource constrained applications. First, efficient lightweight hardware implementations of two members of the Welch-Gong (WG) family of stream ciphers, the WG(29,11)\left(29,11\right) and WG-1616, are considered for the mobile communications domain. Optimizations in the WG(29,11)\left(29,11\right) stream cipher are considered when the GF(229)GF\left(2^{29}\right) elements are represented in either the Optimal normal basis type-II (ONB-II) or the Polynomial basis (PB). For WG-1616, optimizations are considered only for PB representations of the GF(216)GF\left(2^{16}\right) elements. In this regard, optimizations for both ciphers are accomplished mainly at the arithmetic level through reducing the number of field multipliers, based on novel trace properties. In addition, other optimization techniques such as serialization and pipelining, are also considered. After this, the thesis explores efficient hardware implementations for digit-level multiplication over binary extension fields GF(2m)GF\left(2^{m}\right). Efficient digit-level GF(2m)GF\left(2^{m}\right) multiplications are advantageous for ultra-lightweight implementations, not only in symmetric key algorithms, but also in asymmetric key algorithms. The thesis introduces new architectures for digit-level GF(2m)GF\left(2^{m}\right) multipliers considering the Gaussian normal basis (GNB) and PB representations of the field elements. The new digit-level GF(2m)GF\left(2^{m}\right) single multipliers do not require loading of the two input field elements in advance to computations. This feature results in high throughput fast multiplication in resource constrained applications with limited capacity of input data-paths. The new digit-level GF(2m)GF\left(2^{m}\right) single multipliers are considered for both the GNB and PB. In addition, for the GNB representation, new architectures for digit-level GF(2m)GF\left(2^{m}\right) hybrid-double and hybrid-triple multipliers are introduced. The new digit-level GF(2m)GF\left(2^{m}\right) hybrid-double and hybrid-triple GNB multipliers, respectively, accomplish the multiplication of three and four field elements using the latency required for multiplying two field elements. Furthermore, a new hardware architecture for the eight-ary exponentiation scheme is proposed by utilizing the new digit-level GF(2m)GF\left(2^{m}\right) hybrid-triple GNB multipliers

    Algorithms and Architectures for Secure Embedded Multimedia Systems

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    Embedded multimedia systems provide real-time video support for applications in entertainment (mobile phones, internet video websites), defense (video-surveillance and tracking) and public-domain (tele-medicine, remote and distant learning, traffic monitoring and management). With the widespread deployment of such real-time embedded systems, there has been an increasing concern over the security and authentication of concerned multimedia data. While several (software) algorithms and hardware architectures have been proposed in the research literature to support multimedia security, these fail to address embedded applications whose performance specifications have tighter constraints on computational power and available hardware resources. The goals of this dissertation research are two fold: 1. To develop novel algorithms for joint video compression and encryption. The proposed algorithms reduce the computational requirements of multimedia encryption algorithms. We propose an approach that uses the compression parameters instead of compressed bitstream for video encryption. 2. Hardware acceleration of proposed algorithms over reconfigurable computing platforms such as FPGA and over VLSI circuits. We use signal processing knowledge to make the algorithms suitable for hardware optimizations and try to reduce the critical path of circuits using hardware-specific optimizations. The proposed algorithms ensures a considerable level of security for low-power embedded systems such as portable video players and surveillance cameras. These schemes have zero or little compression losses and preserve the desired properties of compressed bitstream in encrypted bitstream to ensure secure and scalable transmission of videos over heterogeneous networks. They also support indexing, search and retrieval in secure multimedia digital libraries. This property is crucial not only for police and armed forces to retrieve information about a suspect from a large video database of surveillance feeds, but extremely helpful for data centers (such as those used by youtube, aol and metacafe) in reducing the computation cost in search and retrieval of desired videos