5 research outputs found

    Building an Infrastructure Level Context Model in Ambient Assisted Living

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    Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) services provide intelligent and context aware assistance for elderly people in their home environment. This domain puts special requirements on context modeling that are not in the scope of current context modeling approaches. Such an approach has to support all phases of an AAL service, from its specification and development until its operation within the user’s smart home environment. In these phases different types of context models can be identified. We have developed a comprehensive context modeling approach for the development of AAL services. Part of it is the separation of context modeling into infrastructure, service adaptation and end user modeling specific aspects. In this paper we focus on the infrastructure, which includes the context sensors available in the smart home environment. Therein we present our context modeling approach starting from a conceptual context model. We also introduce a context management system based on a metamodel that supports its seamless transition into an operative context model without further implementation

    Building an Infrastructure Level Context Model in Ambient Assisted Living

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    Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) services provide intelligent and context aware assistance for elderly people in their home environment. This domain puts special requirements on context modeling that are not in the scope of current context modeling approaches. Such an approach has to support all phases of an AAL service, from its specification and development until its operation within the user’s smart home environment. In these phases different types of context models can be identified. We have developed a comprehensive context modeling approach for the development of AAL services. Part of it is the separation of context modeling into infrastructure, service adaptation and end user modeling specific aspects. In this paper we focus on the infrastructure, which includes the context sensors available in the smart home environment. Therein we present our context modeling approach starting from a conceptual context model. We also introduce a context management system based on a metamodel that supports its seamless transition into an operative context model without further implementation

    Night optimised care technology for users needing assisted lifestyles

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    There is growing interest in the development of ambient assisted living services to increase the quality of life of the increasing proportion of the older population. We report on the Night Optimised Care Technology for UseRs Needing Assisted Lifestyles project, which provides specialised night time support to people at early stages of dementia. This article explains the technical infrastructure, the intelligent software behind the decision-making driving the system, the software development process followed, the interfaces used to interact with the user, and the findings and lessons of our user-centred approach

    Night optimised care technology for users needing assisted lifestyles

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    There is growing interest in the development of ambient assisted living services to increase the quality of life of the increasing proportion of the older population. We report on the Night Optimised Care Technology for UseRs Needing Assisted Lifestyles project, which provides specialised night time support to people at early stages of dementia. This article explains the technical infrastructure, the intelligent software behind the decision-making driving the system, the software development process followed, the interfaces used to interact with the user, and the findings and lessons of our user-centred approach

    Saúde de proximidade

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoAtualmente é cada vez mais visível a presença dos Sistemas de Informação (SI) em todos os sectores que compõem as sociedades contemporâneas, contribuindo para a sua evolução e melhor funcionamento. As Tecnologias de Informação (TI), em conjunto com os SI têm cada vez maior impacto, e este é também cada vez mais direto, neste caso em concreto, tem um papel preponderante na evolução do sector da saúde, contribuindo para mudança na forma como se prestam serviços de saúde e consequentemente, estes têm vindo a sofrer alterações profundas no modelo de prestação de serviços. A evolução é visível e cada vez mais os serviços de saúde são mais eficazes e capazes de satisfazer as necessidades do sector. Esta investigação pretende abordar temáticas associadas à telemedicina, aos SI na saúde e à introdução do conceito de Ambient Assisted Living e também temas relacionados com a adoção de tecnologias. Apresentam-se alguns projetos que se inserem nestas temáticas e fala-se ainda das áreas envolventes onde este projeto se insere de forma a enquadrar e contextualizar as temáticas que se seguem na literatura. Como resultado espera-se um modelo de deployment que se baseia em modelos teóricos já existentes que, à luz desta investigação, são importantes, não só pela similaridade de características como também pela sua aplicabilidade. Tendo por referências estas primeiras linhas descritivas, esta investigação englobou várias etapas que incluem o conhecimento do projeto e dos seus intervenientes, compreensão de objetivos e metas, interação com o VitalCare e obtenção de informação sobre o mesmo. O caminho percorrido levou a que os resultados fossem baseados em simulações e hipóteses que compõem o modelo de deployment criado, sempre com a preocupação de ir de encontro à motivação da criação deste projeto.Today's becoming more visible the presence of the Information Systems in all sectors that comprises contemporary societies, contributing to its development and better functioning. Information Technology, together with Information Systems is having an increasing impact and this is also becoming more direct, in this specific case, in the evolution of the health sector. They both came to change the way we provide health care and therefore, they have been on profound changes in the model of service delivery. The trend is visible and increasingly health services are more effective and able to meet the needs of the sector. This research aims to address issues related to telemedicine, the Information Systems in health and the introduction of the concept of Assisted Living, and also issues related to technology adoption as this project, being innovative and targeted at older people, will have implications and difficulties about the technology adoption. Some projects are presented related with these themes, with which they can compare with VitalCare to better identify the components and functionalities, and still relate with the surrounding areas where this project is inserted in order to regulate and contextualize VitalCare in the literature. The deployment model is based on existing theoretical models that, in the light of this research are important, not only by similarity of features as well as its applicability. Following reference to these descriptive first lines, this research comprised several steps that include knowledge of the project and its stakeholders, understanding objectives and goals, interaction with VitalCare and achieving information about it. The path that led to results were based on simulations and assumptions that make up the deployment model created, always with the intent of meeting the motivation on the establishment of this project