57,382 research outputs found

    All multipartite Bell correlation inequalities for two dichotomic observables per site

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    We construct a set of 2^(2^n) independent Bell correlation inequalities for n-partite systems with two dichotomic observables each, which is complete in the sense that the inequalities are satisfied if and only if the correlations considered allow a local classical model. All these inequalities can be summarized in a single, albeit non-linear inequality. We show that quantum correlations satisfy this condition provided the state has positive partial transpose with respect to any grouping of the n systems into two subsystems. We also provide an efficient algorithm for finding the maximal quantum mechanical violation of each inequality, and show that the maximum is always attained for the generalized GHZ state.Comment: 11 pages, REVTe

    Aspects of generic entanglement

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    We study entanglement and other correlation properties of random states in high-dimensional bipartite systems. These correlations are quantified by parameters that are subject to the "concentration of measure" phenomenon, meaning that on a large-probability set these parameters are close to their expectation. For the entropy of entanglement, this has the counterintuitive consequence that there exist large subspaces in which all pure states are close to maximally entangled. This, in turn, implies the existence of mixed states with entanglement of formation near that of a maximally entangled state, but with negligible quantum mutual information and, therefore, negligible distillable entanglement, secret key, and common randomness. It also implies a very strong locking effect for the entanglement of formation: its value can jump from maximal to near zero by tracing over a number of qubits negligible compared to the size of total system. Furthermore, such properties are generic. Similar phenomena are observed for random multiparty states, leading us to speculate on the possibility that the theory of entanglement is much simplified when restricted to asymptotically generic states. Further consequences of our results include a complete derandomization of the protocol for universal superdense coding of quantum states.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Time scale for adiabaticity breakdown in driven many-body systems and orthogonality catastrophe

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    The adiabatic theorem is a fundamental result established in the early days of quantum mechanics, which states that a system can be kept arbitrarily close to the instantaneous ground state of its Hamiltonian if the latter varies in time slowly enough. The theorem has an impressive record of applications ranging from foundations of quantum field theory to computational recipes in molecular dynamics. In light of this success it is remarkable that a practicable quantitative understanding of what "slowly enough" means is limited to a modest set of systems mostly having a small Hilbert space. Here we show how this gap can be bridged for a broad natural class of physical systems, namely many-body systems where a small move in the parameter space induces an orthogonality catastrophe. In this class, the conditions for adiabaticity are derived from the scaling properties of the parameter dependent ground state without a reference to the excitation spectrum. This finding constitutes a major simplification of a complex problem, which otherwise requires solving non-autonomous time evolution in a large Hilbert space. We illustrate our general results by analyzing conditions for the transport quantization in a topological Thouless pump

    H\"older-type inequalities and their applications to concentration and correlation bounds

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    Let Yv,vV,Y_v, v\in V, be [0,1][0,1]-valued random variables having a dependency graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E). We show that E[vVYv]vV{E[Yvχbb]}bχb, \mathbb{E}\left[\prod_{v\in V} Y_{v} \right] \leq \prod_{v\in V} \left\{ \mathbb{E}\left[Y_v^{\frac{\chi_b}{b}}\right] \right\}^{\frac{b}{\chi_b}}, where χb\chi_b is the bb-fold chromatic number of GG. This inequality may be seen as a dependency-graph analogue of a generalised H\"older inequality, due to Helmut Finner. Additionally, we provide applications of H\"older-type inequalities to concentration and correlation bounds for sums of weakly dependent random variables.Comment: 15 page