25 research outputs found

    Adversarially Trained Autoencoders for Parallel-Data-Free Voice Conversion

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    We present a method for converting the voices between a set of speakers. Our method is based on training multiple autoencoder paths, where there is a single speaker-independent encoder and multiple speaker-dependent decoders. The autoencoders are trained with an addition of an adversarial loss which is provided by an auxiliary classifier in order to guide the output of the encoder to be speaker independent. The training of the model is unsupervised in the sense that it does not require collecting the same utterances from the speakers nor does it require time aligning over phonemes. Due to the use of a single encoder, our method can generalize to converting the voice of out-of-training speakers to speakers in the training dataset. We present subjective tests corroborating the performance of our method

    MIDI-VAE: Modeling Dynamics and Instrumentation of Music with Applications to Style Transfer

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    We introduce MIDI-VAE, a neural network model based on Variational Autoencoders that is capable of handling polyphonic music with multiple instrument tracks, as well as modeling the dynamics of music by incorporating note durations and velocities. We show that MIDI-VAE can perform style transfer on symbolic music by automatically changing pitches, dynamics and instruments of a music piece from, e.g., a Classical to a Jazz style. We evaluate the efficacy of the style transfer by training separate style validation classifiers. Our model can also interpolate between short pieces of music, produce medleys and create mixtures of entire songs. The interpolations smoothly change pitches, dynamics and instrumentation to create a harmonic bridge between two music pieces. To the best of our knowledge, this work represents the first successful attempt at applying neural style transfer to complete musical compositions.Comment: Paper accepted at the 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2018, Paris, Franc