21 research outputs found

    Overcoming Load Imbalance for Irregular Sparse Matrices

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    Performance Analysis and Optimization of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on Modern Multi- and Many-Core Processors

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    This paper presents a low-overhead optimizer for the ubiquitous sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) kernel. Architectural diversity among different processors together with structural diversity among different sparse matrices lead to bottleneck diversity. This justifies an SpMV optimizer that is both matrix- and architecture-adaptive through runtime specialization. To this direction, we present an approach that first identifies the performance bottlenecks of SpMV for a given sparse matrix on the target platform either through profiling or by matrix property inspection, and then selects suitable optimizations to tackle those bottlenecks. Our optimization pool is based on the widely used Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) sparse matrix storage format and has low preprocessing overheads, making our overall approach practical even in cases where fast decision making and optimization setup is required. We evaluate our optimizer on three x86-based computing platforms and demonstrate that it is able to distinguish and appropriately optimize SpMV for the majority of matrices in a representative test suite, leading to significant speedups over the CSR and Inspector-Executor CSR SpMV kernels available in the latest release of the Intel MKL library.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, ICPP 201

    CSR5: An Efficient Storage Format for Cross-Platform Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication

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    Sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) is a fundamental building block for numerous applications. In this paper, we propose CSR5 (Compressed Sparse Row 5), a new storage format, which offers high-throughput SpMV on various platforms including CPUs, GPUs and Xeon Phi. First, the CSR5 format is insensitive to the sparsity structure of the input matrix. Thus the single format can support an SpMV algorithm that is efficient both for regular matrices and for irregular matrices. Furthermore, we show that the overhead of the format conversion from the CSR to the CSR5 can be as low as the cost of a few SpMV operations. We compare the CSR5-based SpMV algorithm with 11 state-of-the-art formats and algorithms on four mainstream processors using 14 regular and 10 irregular matrices as a benchmark suite. For the 14 regular matrices in the suite, we achieve comparable or better performance over the previous work. For the 10 irregular matrices, the CSR5 obtains average performance improvement of 17.6\%, 28.5\%, 173.0\% and 293.3\% (up to 213.3\%, 153.6\%, 405.1\% and 943.3\%) over the best existing work on dual-socket Intel CPUs, an nVidia GPU, an AMD GPU and an Intel Xeon Phi, respectively. For real-world applications such as a solver with only tens of iterations, the CSR5 format can be more practical because of its low-overhead for format conversion. The source code of this work is downloadable at https://github.com/bhSPARSE/Benchmark_SpMV_using_CSR5Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, In Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS '15

    Copernicus: Characterizing the Performance Implications of Compression Formats Used in Sparse Workloads

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    Sparse matrices are the key ingredients of several application domains, from scientific computation to machine learning. The primary challenge with sparse matrices has been efficiently storing and transferring data, for which many sparse formats have been proposed to significantly eliminate zero entries. Such formats, essentially designed to optimize memory footprint, may not be as successful in performing faster processing. In other words, although they allow faster data transfer and improve memory bandwidth utilization -- the classic challenge of sparse problems -- their decompression mechanism can potentially create a computation bottleneck. Not only is this challenge not resolved, but also it becomes more serious with the advent of domain-specific architectures (DSAs), as they intend to more aggressively improve performance. The performance implications of using various formats along with DSAs, however, has not been extensively studied by prior work. To fill this gap of knowledge, we characterize the impact of using seven frequently used sparse formats on performance, based on a DSA for sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV), implemented on an FPGA using high-level synthesis (HLS) tools, a growing and popular method for developing DSAs. Seeking a fair comparison, we tailor and optimize the HLS implementation of decompression for each format. We thoroughly explore diverse metrics, including decompression overhead, latency, balance ratio, throughput, memory bandwidth utilization, resource utilization, and power consumption, on a variety of real-world and synthetic sparse workloads.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, 2 table