2,588 research outputs found

    Issues, concerns, and initial implementation results for space based telerobotic control

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    Telerobotic control for space based assembly and servicing tasks presents many problems in system design. Traditional force reflection teleoperation schemes are not well suited to this application, and the approaches to compliance control via computer algorithms have yet to see significant testing and comparison. These observations are discussed in detail, as well as the concerns they raise for imminent design and testing of space robotic systems. As an example of the detailed technical work yet to be done before such systems can be specified, a particular approach to providing manipulator compliance is examined experimentally and through modeling and analysis. This yields some initial insight into the limitations and design trade-offs for this class of manipulator control schemes. Implications of this investigation for space based telerobots are discussed in detail

    Manipulator Performance Measures - A Comprehensive Literature Survey

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    Due to copyright restrictions of the publisher this item is embargoed and access to the file is restricted until a year after the publishing date.The final publication is available at www.springerlink.comPerformance measures are quintessential to the design, synthesis, study and application of robotic manipulators. Numerous performance measures have been defined to study the performance and behavior of manipulators since the early days of robotics; some more widely accepted than others, but their real significance and limitations have not always been well understood. The aim of this survey is to review the definition, classification, scope, and limitations of some of the widely used performance measures. This work provides an extensive bibliography that can be of help to researchers interested in studying and evaluating the performance and behavior of robotic manipulators. Finally, a few recommendations are proposed based on the review so that the most commonly noticed limitations can be avoided when new performance measures are proposed.http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10846-014-0024-y

    Cooperative impedance control with time-varying stiffness

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    The focus of much automation research has been to design controllers and robots that safely interact with the environment. One approach is to use impedance control to specify a relationship between a robot\u27s motion and force and control a grasped object\u27s apparent stiffness, damping, and inertia. Conventional impedance control practices have focused on position-based manipulators - which are inherently non-compliant - using constant, task-dependent impedances. In the event of large trajectory tracking errors, this implementation method generates large interaction forces that can damage the workcell. Additionally, these position-based devices require dedicated force/torque sensors to measure and apply forces. In this paper, we present an alternative impedance controller implemented on cooperating torque-based manipulators. Through the use of time-varying impedance parameters, this controller limits the interaction forces to ensure harmless manipulation. Successful completion of transport and insertion tasks demonstrated the effectiveness of the controller

    Intuitive Telemanipulation of Hyper-Redundant Snake Robots within Locomotion and Reorientation using Task-Priority Inverse Kinematics

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    Snake robots offer considerable potential for endoscopic interventions due to their ability to follow curvilinear paths. Telemanipulation is an open problem due to hyper-redundancy, as input devices only allow a specification of six degrees of freedom. Our work addresses this by presenting a unified telemanipulation strategy which enables follow-the-leader locomotion and reorientation keeping the shape change as small as possible. The basis for this is a novel shape-fitting approach for solving the inverse kinematics in only a few milliseconds. Shape fitting is performed by maximizing the similarity of two curves using Fréchet distance while simultaneously specifying the position and orientation of the end effector. Telemanipulation performance is investigated in a study in which 14 participants controlled a simulated snake robot to locomote into the target area. In a final validation, pivot reorientation within the target area is addressed.© 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

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    Concurrent Engineering of Robot Manipulators

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