14 research outputs found

    PYRO-NN: Python Reconstruction Operators in Neural Networks

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    Purpose: Recently, several attempts were conducted to transfer deep learning to medical image reconstruction. An increasingly number of publications follow the concept of embedding the CT reconstruction as a known operator into a neural network. However, most of the approaches presented lack an efficient CT reconstruction framework fully integrated into deep learning environments. As a result, many approaches are forced to use workarounds for mathematically unambiguously solvable problems. Methods: PYRO-NN is a generalized framework to embed known operators into the prevalent deep learning framework Tensorflow. The current status includes state-of-the-art parallel-, fan- and cone-beam projectors and back-projectors accelerated with CUDA provided as Tensorflow layers. On top, the framework provides a high level Python API to conduct FBP and iterative reconstruction experiments with data from real CT systems. Results: The framework provides all necessary algorithms and tools to design end-to-end neural network pipelines with integrated CT reconstruction algorithms. The high level Python API allows a simple use of the layers as known from Tensorflow. To demonstrate the capabilities of the layers, the framework comes with three baseline experiments showing a cone-beam short scan FDK reconstruction, a CT reconstruction filter learning setup, and a TV regularized iterative reconstruction. All algorithms and tools are referenced to a scientific publication and are compared to existing non deep learning reconstruction frameworks. The framework is available as open-source software at \url{https://github.com/csyben/PYRO-NN}. Conclusions: PYRO-NN comes with the prevalent deep learning framework Tensorflow and allows to setup end-to-end trainable neural networks in the medical image reconstruction context. We believe that the framework will be a step towards reproducible researchComment: V1: Submitted to Medical Physics, 11 pages, 7 figure

    A Partially Learned Algorithm for Joint Photoacoustic Reconstruction and Segmentation

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    In an inhomogeneously illuminated photoacoustic image, important information like vascular geometry is not readily available when only the initial pressure is reconstructed. To obtain the desired information, algorithms for image segmentation are often applied as a post-processing step. In this work, we propose to jointly acquire the photoacoustic reconstruction and segmentation, by modifying a recently developed partially learned algorithm based on a convolutional neural network. We investigate the stability of the algorithm against changes in initial pressures and photoacoustic system settings. These insights are used to develop an algorithm that is robust to input and system settings. Our approach can easily be applied to other imaging modalities and can be modified to perform other high-level tasks different from segmentation. The method is validated on challenging synthetic and experimental photoacoustic tomography data in limited angle and limited view scenarios. It is computationally less expensive than classical iterative methods and enables higher quality reconstructions and segmentations than state-of-the-art learned and non-learned methods.Comment: "copyright 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.

    Neural networks-based regularization for large-scale medical image reconstruction

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    In this paper we present a generalized Deep Learning-based approach for solving ill-posed large-scale inverse problems occuring in medical image reconstruction. Recently, Deep Learning methods using iterative neural networks (NNs) and cascaded NNs have been reported to achieve state-of-the-art results with respect to various quantitative quality measures as PSNR, NRMSE and SSIM across different imaging modalities. However, the fact that these approaches employ the application of the forward and adjoint operators repeatedly in the network architecture requires the network to process the whole images or volumes at once, which for some applications is computationally infeasible. In this work, we follow a different reconstruction strategy by strictly separating the application of the NN, the regularization of the solution and the consistency with the measured data. The regularization is given in the form of an image prior obtained by the output of a previously trained NN which is used in a Tikhonov regularization framework. By doing so, more complex and sophisticated network architectures can be used for the removal of the artefacts or noise than it is usually the case in iterative NNs. Due to the large scale of the considered problems and the resulting computational complexity of the employed networks, the priors are obtained by processing the images or volumes as patches or slices. We evaluated the method for the cases of 3D cone-beam low dose CT and undersampled 2D radial cine MRI and compared it to a total variation-minimization-based reconstruction algorithm as well as to a method with regularization based on learned overcomplete dictionaries. The proposed method outperformed all the reported methods with respect to all chosen quantitative measures and further accelerates the regularization step in the reconstruction by several orders of magnitude