210 research outputs found

    Vehicle-Rear: A New Dataset to Explore Feature Fusion for Vehicle Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    This work addresses the problem of vehicle identification through non-overlapping cameras. As our main contribution, we introduce a novel dataset for vehicle identification, called Vehicle-Rear, that contains more than three hours of high-resolution videos, with accurate information about the make, model, color and year of nearly 3,000 vehicles, in addition to the position and identification of their license plates. To explore our dataset we design a two-stream CNN that simultaneously uses two of the most distinctive and persistent features available: the vehicle's appearance and its license plate. This is an attempt to tackle a major problem: false alarms caused by vehicles with similar designs or by very close license plate identifiers. In the first network stream, shape similarities are identified by a Siamese CNN that uses a pair of low-resolution vehicle patches recorded by two different cameras. In the second stream, we use a CNN for OCR to extract textual information, confidence scores, and string similarities from a pair of high-resolution license plate patches. Then, features from both streams are merged by a sequence of fully connected layers for decision. In our experiments, we compared the two-stream network against several well-known CNN architectures using single or multiple vehicle features. The architectures, trained models, and dataset are publicly available at https://github.com/icarofua/vehicle-rear

    Re-Identification in Urban Scenarios: A Review of Tools and Methods

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    With the widespread use of surveillance image cameras and enhanced awareness of public security, objects, and persons Re-Identification (ReID), the task of recognizing objects in non-overlapping camera networks has attracted particular attention in computer vision and pattern recognition communities. Given an image or video of an object-of-interest (query), object identification aims to identify the object from images or video feed taken from different cameras. After many years of great effort, object ReID remains a notably challenging task. The main reason is that an object's appearance may dramatically change across camera views due to significant variations in illumination, poses or viewpoints, or even cluttered backgrounds. With the advent of Deep Neural Networks (DNN), there have been many proposals for different network architectures achieving high-performance levels. With the aim of identifying the most promising methods for ReID for future robust implementations, a review study is presented, mainly focusing on the person and multi-object ReID and auxiliary methods for image enhancement. Such methods are crucial for robust object ReID, while highlighting limitations of the identified methods. This is a very active field, evidenced by the dates of the publications found. However, most works use data from very different datasets and genres, which presents an obstacle to wide generalized DNN model training and usage. Although the model's performance has achieved satisfactory results on particular datasets, a particular trend was observed in the use of 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), attention mechanisms to capture object-relevant features, and generative adversarial training to overcome data limitations. However, there is still room for improvement, namely in using images from urban scenarios among anonymized images to comply with public privacy legislation. The main challenges that remain in the ReID field, and prospects for future research directions towards ReID in dense urban scenarios, are also discussed

    A Comprehensive Survey on Deep-Learning-based Vehicle Re-Identification: Models, Data Sets and Challenges

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    Vehicle re-identification (ReID) endeavors to associate vehicle images collected from a distributed network of cameras spanning diverse traffic environments. This task assumes paramount importance within the spectrum of vehicle-centric technologies, playing a pivotal role in deploying Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and advancing smart city initiatives. Rapid advancements in deep learning have significantly propelled the evolution of vehicle ReID technologies in recent years. Consequently, undertaking a comprehensive survey of methodologies centered on deep learning for vehicle re-identification has become imperative and inescapable. This paper extensively explores deep learning techniques applied to vehicle ReID. It outlines the categorization of these methods, encompassing supervised and unsupervised approaches, delves into existing research within these categories, introduces datasets and evaluation criteria, and delineates forthcoming challenges and potential research directions. This comprehensive assessment examines the landscape of deep learning in vehicle ReID and establishes a foundation and starting point for future works. It aims to serve as a complete reference by highlighting challenges and emerging trends, fostering advancements and applications in vehicle ReID utilizing deep learning models

    Few-Shot Deep Adversarial Learning for Video-based Person Re-identification

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    Video-based person re-identification (re-ID) refers to matching people across camera views from arbitrary unaligned video footages. Existing methods rely on supervision signals to optimise a projected space under which the distances between inter/intra-videos are maximised/minimised. However, this demands exhaustively labelling people across camera views, rendering them unable to be scaled in large networked cameras. Also, it is noticed that learning effective video representations with view invariance is not explicitly addressed for which features exhibit different distributions otherwise. Thus, matching videos for person re-ID demands flexible models to capture the dynamics in time-series observations and learn view-invariant representations with access to limited labeled training samples. In this paper, we propose a novel few-shot deep learning approach to video-based person re-ID, to learn comparable representations that are discriminative and view-invariant. The proposed method is developed on the variational recurrent neural networks (VRNNs) and trained adversarially to produce latent variables with temporal dependencies that are highly discriminative yet view-invariant in matching persons. Through extensive experiments conducted on three benchmark datasets, we empirically show the capability of our method in creating view-invariant temporal features and state-of-the-art performance achieved by our method.Comment: Appearing at IEEE Transactions on Image Processin