16,401 research outputs found

    Method for Aspect-Based Sentiment Annotation Using Rhetorical Analysis

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    This paper fills a gap in aspect-based sentiment analysis and aims to present a new method for preparing and analysing texts concerning opinion and generating user-friendly descriptive reports in natural language. We present a comprehensive set of techniques derived from Rhetorical Structure Theory and sentiment analysis to extract aspects from textual opinions and then build an abstractive summary of a set of opinions. Moreover, we propose aspect-aspect graphs to evaluate the importance of aspects and to filter out unimportant ones from the summary. Additionally, the paper presents a prototype solution of data flow with interesting and valuable results. The proposed method's results proved the high accuracy of aspect detection when applied to the gold standard dataset

    Adversarial Connective-exploiting Networks for Implicit Discourse Relation Classification

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    Implicit discourse relation classification is of great challenge due to the lack of connectives as strong linguistic cues, which motivates the use of annotated implicit connectives to improve the recognition. We propose a feature imitation framework in which an implicit relation network is driven to learn from another neural network with access to connectives, and thus encouraged to extract similarly salient features for accurate classification. We develop an adversarial model to enable an adaptive imitation scheme through competition between the implicit network and a rival feature discriminator. Our method effectively transfers discriminability of connectives to the implicit features, and achieves state-of-the-art performance on the PDTB benchmark.Comment: To appear in ACL201

    Rhetorical relations for information retrieval

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    Typically, every part in most coherent text has some plausible reason for its presence, some function that it performs to the overall semantics of the text. Rhetorical relations, e.g. contrast, cause, explanation, describe how the parts of a text are linked to each other. Knowledge about this socalled discourse structure has been applied successfully to several natural language processing tasks. This work studies the use of rhetorical relations for Information Retrieval (IR): Is there a correlation between certain rhetorical relations and retrieval performance? Can knowledge about a document's rhetorical relations be useful to IR? We present a language model modification that considers rhetorical relations when estimating the relevance of a document to a query. Empirical evaluation of different versions of our model on TREC settings shows that certain rhetorical relations can benefit retrieval effectiveness notably (> 10% in mean average precision over a state-of-the-art baseline)

    A Deep Sequential Model for Discourse Parsing on Multi-Party Dialogues

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    Discourse structures are beneficial for various NLP tasks such as dialogue understanding, question answering, sentiment analysis, and so on. This paper presents a deep sequential model for parsing discourse dependency structures of multi-party dialogues. The proposed model aims to construct a discourse dependency tree by predicting dependency relations and constructing the discourse structure jointly and alternately. It makes a sequential scan of the Elementary Discourse Units (EDUs) in a dialogue. For each EDU, the model decides to which previous EDU the current one should link and what the corresponding relation type is. The predicted link and relation type are then used to build the discourse structure incrementally with a structured encoder. During link prediction and relation classification, the model utilizes not only local information that represents the concerned EDUs, but also global information that encodes the EDU sequence and the discourse structure that is already built at the current step. Experiments show that the proposed model outperforms all the state-of-the-art baselines.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 201

    Joint Syntacto-Discourse Parsing and the Syntacto-Discourse Treebank

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    Discourse parsing has long been treated as a stand-alone problem independent from constituency or dependency parsing. Most attempts at this problem are pipelined rather than end-to-end, sophisticated, and not self-contained: they assume gold-standard text segmentations (Elementary Discourse Units), and use external parsers for syntactic features. In this paper we propose the first end-to-end discourse parser that jointly parses in both syntax and discourse levels, as well as the first syntacto-discourse treebank by integrating the Penn Treebank with the RST Treebank. Built upon our recent span-based constituency parser, this joint syntacto-discourse parser requires no preprocessing whatsoever (such as segmentation or feature extraction), achieves the state-of-the-art end-to-end discourse parsing accuracy.Comment: Accepted at EMNLP 201