192 research outputs found

    A Survey and Evaluation of Android-Based Malware Evasion Techniques and Detection Frameworks

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    Android platform security is an active area of research where malware detection techniques continuously evolve to identify novel malware and improve the timely and accurate detection of existing malware. Adversaries are constantly in charge of employing innovative techniques to avoid or prolong malware detection effectively. Past studies have shown that malware detection systems are susceptible to evasion attacks where adversaries can successfully bypass the existing security defenses and deliver the malware to the target system without being detected. The evolution of escape-resistant systems is an open research problem. This paper presents a detailed taxonomy and evaluation of Android-based malware evasion techniques deployed to circumvent malware detection. The study characterizes such evasion techniques into two broad categories, polymorphism and metamorphism, and analyses techniques used for stealth malware detection based on the malware’s unique characteristics. Furthermore, the article also presents a qualitative and systematic comparison of evasion detection frameworks and their detection methodologies for Android-based malware. Finally, the survey discusses open-ended questions and potential future directions for continued research in mobile malware detection

    BeCAPTCHA: Behavioral bot detection using touchscreen and mobile sensors benchmarked on HuMIdb

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    In this paper we study the suitability of a new generation of CAPTCHA methods based on smartphone interactions. The heterogeneous flow of data generated during the interaction with the smartphones can be used to model human behavior when interacting with the technology and improve bot detection algorithms. For this, we propose BeCAPTCHA, a CAPTCHA method based on the analysis of the touchscreen information obtained during a single drag and drop task in combination with the accelerometer data. The goal of BeCAPTCHA is to determine whether the drag and drop task was realized by a human or a bot. We evaluate the method by generating fake samples synthesized with Generative Adversarial Neural Networks and handcrafted methods. Our results suggest the potential of mobile sensors to characterize the human behavior and develop a new generation of CAPTCHAs. The experiments are evaluated with HuMIdb1 (Human Mobile Interaction database), a novel multimodal mobile database that comprises 14 mobile sensors acquired from 600 users. HuMIdb is freely available to the research communityThis work has been supported by projects: PRIMA, Spain (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019-860315), TRESPASS-ETN, Spain (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019-860813), BIBECA RTI2018-101248-B-I00 (MINECO/FEDER), and BioGuard, Spain (Ayudas FundaciĂłn BBVA a Equipos de InvestigaciĂłn CientĂ­fica 2017). Spanish Patent Application P20203006

    Android security: analysis and applications

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    The Android mobile system is home to millions of apps that offer a wide range of functionalities. Users rely on Android apps in various facets of daily life, including critical, e.g., medical, settings. Generally, users trust that apps perform their stated purpose safely and accurately. However, despite the platform’s efforts to maintain a safe environment, apps routinely manage to evade scrutiny. This dissertation analyzes Android app behavior and has revealed several weakness: lapses in device authentication schemes, deceptive practices such as apps covering their traces, as well as behavioral and descriptive inaccuracies in medical apps. Examining a large corpus of applications has revealed that suspicious behavior is often the result of lax oversight, and can occur without an explicit intent to harm users. Nevertheless, flawed app behavior is present, and is especially problematic in apps that perform critical tasks. Additionally, manufacturer’s and app developer’s claims often do not mirror actual functionalities, e.g., as we reveal in our study of LG’s Knock Code authentication scheme, and as evidenced by the removal of Google Play medical apps due to overstated functionality claims. This dissertation makes the following contributions: (1) quantifying the security of LG’s Knock Code authentication method, (2) defining deceptive practices of self-hiding app behavior found in popular apps, (3) verifying abuses of device administrator features, (4) characterizing the medical app landscape found on Google Play, (5) detailing the claimed behaviors and conditions of medical apps using ICD codes and app descriptions, (6) verifying errors in medical score calculator app implementations, and (7) discerning how medical apps should be regulated within the jurisdiction of regulatory frameworks based on their behavior and data acquired from users

    Program Analysis Based Approaches to Ensure Security and Safety of Emerging Software Platforms

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    Our smartphones, homes, hospitals, and automobiles are being enhanced with software that provide an unprecedentedly rich set of functionalities, which has created an enormous market for the development of software that run on almost every personal computing devices in a person's daily life, including security- and safety-critical ones. However, the software development support provided by the emerging platforms also raises security risks by allowing untrusted third-party code, which can potentially be buggy, vulnerable or even malicious to control user's device. Moreover, as the Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology is gaining vast adoptions by a wide range of industries, and is penetrating every aspects of people's life, safety risks brought by the open software development support of the emerging IoT platform (e.g., smart home) could bring more severe threat to the well-being of customers than what security vulnerabilities in mobile apps have done to a cell phone user. To address this challenge posed on the software security in emerging domains, my dissertation focuses on the flaws, vulnerabilities and malice in the software developed for platforms in these domains. Specifically, we demonstrate that systematic program analyses of software (1) Lead to an understanding of design and implementation flaws across different platforms that can be leveraged in miscellaneous attacks or causing safety problems; (2) Lead to the development of security mechanisms that limit the potential for these threats.We contribute static and dynamic program analysis techniques for three modern platforms in emerging domains -- smartphone, smart home, and autonomous vehicle. Our app analysis reveals various different vulnerabilities and design flaws on these platforms, and we propose (1) static analysis tool OPAnalyzer to automates the discovery of problems by searching for vulnerable code patterns; (2) dynamic testing tool AutoFuzzer to efficiently produce and capture domain specific issues that are previously undefined; and (3) propose new access control mechanism ContexIoT to strengthen the platform's immunity to the vulnerability and malice in third-party software. Concretely, we first study a vulnerability family caused by the open ports on mobile devices, which allows remote exploitation due to insufficient protection. We devise a tool called OPAnalyzer to perform the first systematic study of open port usage and their security implications on mobile platform, which effectively identify and characterize vulnerable open port usage at scale in popular Android apps. We further identify the lack of context-based access control as a main enabler for such attacks, and begin to seek for defense solution to strengthen the system security. We study the popular smart home platform, and find the existing access control mechanisms to be coarse-grand, insufficient, and undemanding. Taking lessons from previous permission systems, we propose the ContexIoT approach, a context-based permission system for IoT platform that supports third-party app development, which protects the user from vulnerability and malice in these apps through fine-grained identification of context. Finally, we design dynamic fuzzing tool, AutoFuzzer for the testing of self-driving functionalities, which demand very high code quality using improved testing practice combining the state-of-the-art fuzzing techniques with vehicular domain knowledge, and discover problems that lead to crashes in safety-critical software on emerging autonomous vehicle platform.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145845/1/jackjia_1.pd

    Lessons Learnt on Reproducibility in Machine Learning Based Android Malware Detection

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    A well-known curse of computer security research is that it often produces systems that, while technically sound, fail operationally. To overcome this curse, the community generally seeks to assess proposed systems under a variety of settings in order to make explicit every potential bias. In this respect, recently, research achievements on machine learning based malware detection are being considered for thorough evaluation by the community. Such an effort of comprehensive evaluation supposes first and foremost the possibility to perform an independent reproduction study in order to sharpen evaluations presented by approaches’ authors. The question Can published approaches actually be reproduced? thus becomes paramount despite the little interest such mundane and practical aspects seem to attract in the malware detection field. In this paper, we attempt a complete reproduction of five Android Malware Detectors from the literature and discuss to what extent they are “reproducible”. Notably, we provide insights on the implications around the guesswork that may be required to finalise a working implementation. Finally, we discuss how barriers to reproduction could be lifted, and how the malware detection field would benefit from stronger reproducibility standards—like many various fields already have

    Active authentication for mobile devices utilising behaviour profiling.

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    With nearly 6 billion subscribers around the world, mobile devices have become an indispensable component in modern society. The majority of these devices rely upon passwords and personal identification numbers as a form of user authentication, and the weakness of these point-of-entry techniques is widely documented. Active authentication is designed to overcome this problem by utilising biometric techniques to continuously assess user identity. This paper describes a feasibility study into a behaviour profiling technique that utilises historical application usage to verify mobile users in a continuous manner. By utilising a combination of a rule-based classifier, a dynamic profiling technique and a smoothing function, the best experimental result for a users overall application usage was an equal error rate of 9.8 %. Based upon this result, the paper proceeds to propose a novel behaviour profiling framework that enables a user’s identity to be verified through their application usage in a continuous and transparent manner. In order to balance the trade-off between security and usability, the framework is designed in a modular way that will not reject user access based upon a single application activity but a number of consecutive abnormal application usages. The proposed framework is then evaluated through simulation with results of 11.45 and 4.17 % for the false rejection rate and false acceptance rate, respectively. In comparison with point-of-entry-based approaches, behaviour profiling provides a significant improvement in both the security afforded to the device and user convenience

    Behaviour Profiling for Mobile Devices

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    With more than 5 billion users globally, mobile devices have become ubiquitous in our daily life. The modern mobile handheld device is capable of providing many multimedia services through a wide range of applications over multiple networks as well as on the handheld device itself. These services are predominantly driven by data, which is increasingly associated with sensitive information. Such a trend raises the security requirement for reliable and robust verification techniques of users.This thesis explores the end-user verification requirements of mobile devices and proposes a novel Behaviour Profiling security framework for mobile devices. The research starts with a critical review of existing mobile technologies, security threats and mechanisms, and highlights a broad range of weaknesses. Therefore, attention is given to biometric verification techniques which have the ability to offer better security. Despite a large number of biometric works carried out in the area of transparent authentication systems (TAS) and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), each have a set of weaknesses that fail to provide a comprehensive solution. They are either reliant upon a specific behaviour to enable the system to function or only capable of providing security for network based services. To this end, the behaviour profiling technique is identified as a potential candidate to provide high level security from both authentication and IDS aspects, operating in a continuous and transparent manner within the mobile host environment.This research examines the feasibility of a behaviour profiling technique through mobile users general applications usage, telephone, text message and multi-instance application usage with the best experimental results Equal Error Rates (EER) of 13.5%, 5.4%, 2.2% and 10% respectively. Based upon this information, a novel architecture of Behaviour Profiling on mobile devices is proposed. The framework is able to provide a robust, continuous and non-intrusive verification mechanism in standalone, TAS or IDS modes, regardless of device hardware configuration. The framework is able to utilise user behaviour to continuously evaluate the system security status of the device. With a high system security level, users are granted with instant access to sensitive services and data, while with lower system security levels, users are required to reassure their identity before accessing sensitive services.The core functions of the novel framework are validated through the implementation of a simulation system. A series of security scenarios are designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the novel framework to verify legitimate and imposter activities. By employing the smoothing function of three applications, verification time of 3 minutes and a time period of 60 minutes of the degradation function, the Behaviour Profiling framework achieved the best performance with False Rejection Rate (FRR) rates of 7.57%, 77% and 11.24% for the normal, protected and overall applications respectively and with False Acceptance Rate (FAR) rates of 3.42%, 15.29% and 4.09% for their counterparts

    Effective Identity Management on Mobile Devices Using Multi-Sensor Measurements

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    Due to the dramatic increase in popularity of mobile devices in the past decade, sensitive user information is stored and accessed on these devices every day. Securing sensitive data stored and accessed from mobile devices, makes user-identity management a problem of paramount importance. The tension between security and usability renders the task of user-identity verification on mobile devices challenging. Meanwhile, an appropriate identity management approach is missing since most existing technologies for user-identity verification are either one-shot user verification or only work in restricted controlled environments. To solve the aforementioned problems, we investigated and sought approaches from the sensor data generated by human-mobile interactions. The data are collected from the on-board sensors, including voice data from microphone, acceleration data from accelerometer, angular acceleration data from gyroscope, magnetic force data from magnetometer, and multi-touch gesture input data from touchscreen. We studied the feasibility of extracting biometric and behaviour features from the on-board sensor data and how to efficiently employ the features extracted to perform user-identity verification on the smartphone device. Based on the experimental results of the single-sensor modalities, we further investigated how to integrate them with hardware such as fingerprint and Trust Zone to practically fulfill a usable identity management system for both local application and remote services control. User studies and on-device testing sessions were held for privacy and usability evaluation.Computer Science, Department o
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