58 research outputs found

    Non-contact smart sensing of physical activities during quarantine period using SDR technology

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    The global pandemic of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is dramatically changing the lives of humans and results in limitation of activities, especially physical activities, which lead to various health issues such as cardiovascular, diabetes, and gout. Physical activities are often viewed as a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it offers enormous health benefits; on the other hand, it can cause irreparable damage to health. Falls during physical activities are a significant cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries. Therefore, continuous monitoring of physical activities is crucial during the quarantine period to detect falls. Even though wearable sensors can detect and recognize human physical activities, in a pandemic crisis, it is not a realistic approach. Smart sensing with the support of smartphones and other wireless devices in a non-contact manner is a promising solution for continuously monitoring physical activities and assisting patients suffering from serious health issues. In this research, a non-contact smart sensing through the walls (TTW) platform is developed to monitor human physical activities during the quarantine period using software-defined radio (SDR) technology. The developed platform is intelligent, flexible, portable, and has multi-functional capabilities. The received orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals with fine-grained 64-subcarriers wireless channel state information (WCSI) are exploited for classifying different activities by applying machine learning algorithms. The fall activity is classified separately from standing, walking, running, and bending with an accuracy of 99.7% by using a fine tree algorithm. This preliminary smart sensing opens new research directions to detect COVID-19 symptoms and monitor non-communicable and communicable diseases

    A systematic review of non-contact sensing for developing a platform to contain COVID-19

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    The rapid spread of the novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19, and its resulting situation has garnered much effort to contain the virus through scientific research. The tragedy has not yet fully run its course, but it is already clear that the crisis is thoroughly global, and science is at the forefront in the fight against the virus. This includes medical professionals trying to cure the sick at risk to their own health; public health management tracking the virus and guardedly calling on such measures as social distancing to curb its spread; and researchers now engaged in the development of diagnostics, monitoring methods, treatments and vaccines. Recent advances in non-contact sensing to improve health care is the motivation of this study in order to contribute to the containment of the COVID-19 outbreak. The objective of this study is to articulate an innovative solution for early diagnosis of COVID-19 symptoms such as abnormal breathing rate, coughing and other vital health problems. To obtain an effective and feasible solution from existing platforms, this study identifies the existing methods used for human activity and health monitoring in a non-contact manner. This systematic review presents the data collection technology, data preprocessing, data preparation, features extraction, classification algorithms and performance achieved by the various non-contact sensing platforms. This study proposes a non-contact sensing platform for the early diagnosis of COVID-19 symptoms and monitoring of the human activities and health during the isolation or quarantine period. Finally, we highlight challenges in developing non-contact sensing platforms to effectively control the COVID-19 situation

    Design of software defined radio based testbed for smart healthcare

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    Human Activity Recognition (HAR) help to sense the environment of a human being with an objective to serve a diverse range of human-centric applications in health care, smart-homes and the military. The prevailing detection techniques use ambient sensors, cameras and wearable devices that primarily require strenuous deployment overheads and raise privacy concern as well. Monitoring human activities of daily living is a possible way of describing the functional and health status of a human. Therefore, human activity recognition (HAR) is one of genuine components in personalized life-care and healthcare systems, especially for the elderly and disabled. Recent advances in wireless technologies have demonstrated that a person’s activity can modulate the wireless signal, and enable the transfer of information from a human to an RF transceiver, even when the person does not carry a transmitter. The aim of this PhD project is to design a novel, non-invasive, easily deployable, flexible and scalable test-bed for detecting human daily activities that can help to assess the general physical health of a person based on Software Defined Radios (SDRs). The proposed system also allows us to modify the power level of transceiver model, change the operating frequency, use self-design antennas and change the number of subcarriers in real-time. The results obtained using USRP based wireless sensing for activities of daily living are highly accurate as compared to off-the-shelf wireless devices each time when activities and experiments are performed. This system leverage on the channel state information (CSI) to record the minute movement caused by breathing over orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) in multiple sub-carriers. The proposed system combines subject count and activities performed in different classes together, resulting in simultaneous identification of occupancy count and activities performed. Different machine learning algorithms namely K-Nearest Neighbour, Decision Tree, Discriminant Analysis, and Naıve Bayes are used to evaluate the overall performance of the test-bed and achieved a high accuracy. The K-nearest neighbour outperformed all classifiers, providing an accuracy of 89.73% for activity detection and 91.01% for breathing monitoring. A deep learning convolutional neural network is engineered and trained on the CSI data to differentiate multi-subject activities. The proposed system can potentially fulfill the needs of future in-home health activity monitoring and is a viable alternative for monitoring public health and well being

    Vital Sign Monitoring in Dynamic Environment via mmWave Radar and Camera Fusion

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    Contact-free vital sign monitoring, which uses wireless signals for recognizing human vital signs (i.e, breath and heartbeat), is an attractive solution to health and security. However, the subject's body movement and the change in actual environments can result in inaccurate frequency estimation of heartbeat and respiratory. In this paper, we propose a robust mmWave radar and camera fusion system for monitoring vital signs, which can perform consistently well in dynamic scenarios, e.g., when some people move around the subject to be tracked, or a subject waves his/her arms and marches on the spot. Three major processing modules are developed in the system, to enable robust sensing. Firstly, we utilize a camera to assist a mmWave radar to accurately localize the subjects of interest. Secondly, we exploit the calculated subject position to form transmitting and receiving beamformers, which can improve the reflected power from the targets and weaken the impact of dynamic interference. Thirdly, we propose a weighted multi-channel Variational Mode Decomposition (WMC-VMD) algorithm to separate the weak vital sign signals from the dynamic ones due to subject's body movement. Experimental results show that, the 90th{^{th}} percentile errors in respiration rate (RR) and heartbeat rate (HR) are less than 0.5 RPM (respirations per minute) and 6 BPM (beats per minute), respectively

    Sensing the care:Advancing unobtrusive sensing solutions to support informal caregivers of older adults with cognitive impairment

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    Older adults (65 years and above) make up a growing proportion of the world's population which is anticipated to increase further in the coming decades. As individuals age, they often become more vulnerable to cognitive impairments, necessitating a diverse array of care and support services from their caregivers to uphold their quality of life. However, the scarcity of professional caregivers and care facilities, compounded by the preference of many older adults to remain in their own homes, places a significant burden on informal caregivers, adversely affecting their physical, mental, and social well-being. To assist informal caregivers, numerous sensing solutions have been developed. However, many of these solutions are not optimally suited for older adult care, particularly in cases of cognitive impairments. In that regard, the overarching aim of this thesis was to develop and evaluate the Unobtrusive Sensing Solution (USS) for in-home monitoring of older adults with cognitive impairment (OwCI) who live alone in their own houses to ease the support of their informal caregivers. In the 'Explore and Scope' part, a scoping review was conducted to identify available unobtrusive sensing technology that can be implemented in older adult care. Subsequently, in the 'Develop and Test' part, Wi-Fi CSI technology was utilized to collect a dataset illustrating physical agitation activities (Wi-Gitation). However, upon evaluation of the Wi-Gitation dataset, a challenge of generalization across different domains (or environments) was identified. To address this, the Inter-data Selected Sequential Transfer Learning framework was proposed and implemented. Lastly, in the 'Design to Communicate' part, the thesis focused on identifying the needs and requirements of informal caregivers of OwCI towards USSs. These needs and requirements were gathered through interviews and surveys, informing the development of a Lo-Fi prototype for an interaction platform. Overall, the results obtained in this thesis not only enhance the development of Wi-Fi CSI (specifically for OwCI care) but also provide valuable insights into the informational and design requirements of informal caregivers, thereby promoting the context-aware development of USSs

    Multi-function RF for Situational Awareness

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    Radio frequency (RF) communications are an integral part of many situational awareness applications. Sensing data need to be processed in a timely manner, making it imperative to have a robust and reliable RF link for information dissemination. Moreover, there is an increasing need for exploiting RF communication signals directly for sensing, leading to the notion of multi-function RF. In the first part of this dissertation, we investigate the development of a robust Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) communication system suitable for airborne platforms.Three majors challenges in realizing MIMO capacity gain in airborne environment are addressed: 1) antenna blockage due largely to the orientation of the antenna array; 2) the presence of unknown interference inherent to the intended application; 3) the lack of channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter. Built on the Diagonal Bell-Labs Layered Space-Time (D-BLAST) MIMO architecture, the system integrates three key design approaches: spatial spreading to counter antenna blockage; temporal spreading to mitigate signal to interference and noise ratio degradation due to intended or unintended interference; and a simple low rate feedback scheme to enable real time adaptation in the absence of full transmitter CSI. Extensive experiment studies using a fully functioning 4×44\times 4 MIMO system validate the developed system. In the second part, ambient RF signals are exploited to extract situational awareness information directly. Using WiFi signals as an example, we demonstrate that the CSI obtained at the receiver contains rich information about the propagation environment. Two distinct learning systems are developed for occupancy detection using passive WiFi sensing. The first one is based on deep learning where a parallel convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture is designed to extract useful information from both magnitude and phase of the CSI. Pre-processing steps are carefully designed to preserve human motion induced channel variation while insulating against other impairments and post-processing is applied after CNN to infer presence information for instantaneous motion outputs. To alleviate the need of tedious training efforts involved in deep learning based system, a novel learning problem with contaminated sampling is formulated. This leads to a second learning system: a two-stage solution for motion detection using support vector machines (SVM). A one-class SVM model is first evaluated whose training data are from human free environment only. Decontamination of human presence data using the one-class SVM is done prior to motion detection through a two-class support vector classifier. Extensive experiments using commercial off-the-shelf WiFi devices are conducted for both systems. The results demonstrate that the learning based RF sensing provides a viable and promising alternative for occupancy detection as they are much more sensitive to human motion than passive infrared sensors which are widely deployed in commercial and residential buildings

    Interwoven Waves:Enhancing the Scalability and Robustness of Wi-Fi Channel State Information for Human Activity Recognition

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    This PhD dissertation investigates the future of unobtrusive radio wave-based sensing, specifically focusing on Wi-Fi sensing in realistic healthcare scenarios. Wi-Fi sensing leverages the analysis of multi-path reflections of radio waves to monitor human activities and physiological states, providing a scalable solution without intruding on daily life.Wi-Fi-based sensing, particularly through channel state information, fits well in healthcare due to its ubiquitous presence and unobtrusiveness. As our society ages and populations grow, continuous health monitoring becomes increasingly critical. Existing solutions like wearable devices, audiovisual technologies, and expensive infrastructure modifications each have limitations, such as forgetting to wear devices, privacy invasions, and high costs. Channel state information-based sensing offers a promising alternative, enabling remote monitoring without the need for additional infrastructure changes.Nevertheless, implementing channel state information-based sensing in already congested Wi-Fi bands could present challenges in the future. Current solutions often exacerbate congestion by adding random noise, which can degrade network performance. These solutions also tend to address niche problems in idealistic settings, making it difficult to justify their use in everyday environments due to potential impacts on network latency and overall user experience.To realise the potential of Wi-Fi sensing, future solutions must integrate seamlessly with wireless communication networks, ensuring that sensing and communication processes coexist and collaborate effectively. This dissertation categorises the relationship between sensing and communication into three models: parasitic, opportunistic, and mutualistic. In the parasitic model, sensing operates independently of the wireless infrastructure, potentially adding noise and congestion. The opportunistic model leverages existing traffic flows, avoiding adverse effects on communication. The mutualistic model aims for a balance, enhancing both sensing and communication without compromising either function.The primary research objective is to enhance the robustness and scalability of channel state information-based sensing for human activity recognition, facilitating seamless integration into home environments with minimal impact on existing infrastructure. Overall, this dissertation provides an exploration of the challenges and solutions for unobtrusive Wi-Fi sensing in healthcare, paving the way for future advancements in the field

    Innovation in Energy Systems

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    It has been a little over a century since the inception of interconnected networks and little has changed in the way that they are operated. Demand-supply balance methods, protection schemes, business models for electric power companies, and future development considerations have remained the same until very recently. Distributed generators, storage devices, and electric vehicles have become widespread and disrupted century-old bulk generation - bulk transmission operation. Distribution networks are no longer passive networks and now contribute to power generation. Old billing and energy trading schemes cannot accommodate this change and need revision. Furthermore, bidirectional power flow is an unprecedented phenomenon in distribution networks and traditional protection schemes require a thorough fix for proper operation. This book aims to cover new technologies, methods, and approaches developed to meet the needs of this changing field

    Smart Model Assessment Resilient Tool (SMART) A tool for assessing truly smart cities

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    The smart cities discourse is a contemporary expression of urban matters, covering a wide area of scientific approaches. A general perception in smartness focuses on the technological developments that refer to city management and operations, often supported by corporations that act as service providers to cities and to individuals, as customers. This thesis, which views smartness through the liveability lens, re-examines the role of the smart city, providing evidence to assess the processes adopted in becoming smart. This thesis argues that current terminologies for ‘smart’ do not clearly define what ‘smart’ needs to contain if cities are to become more sustainable, resilient and liveable; that is, if ‘smart’ is to realise its full value. Notably the smart cities literature reveals that smartness can be perceived differently by different stakeholders, and sometimes with a strong focus on the economic pillar of sustainability. For this reason, it is argued that liveability should be a central feature of smartness if smartness is to realise its full potential in providing benefits to the population of a smart city. The term ‘truly smart’ is used herein to include considerations of people and the planet alongside economic and system efficiency and effectiveness. Consequently, it is argued that cities should adopt initiatives according to what is truly smart, that is assessed according to their liveability value. This thesis describes the development of the Smart Model Assessment Resilient Tool (SMART) to assess whether cities are taking actions (i.e. adopting initiatives) that will move them towards ‘true smartness’. It was found that CityLIFE, developed within the multidisciplinary EPSRC-funded research project ‘Liveable Cities’, is the most appropriate tool for an assessment of liveability in cities and this is accordingly included as part of the SMART to assess the liveability potential of the smart city initiatives. SMART is trialled in four case studies (Birmingham, London, Copenhagen, and Singapore) and, in the case of the two UK cities (Birmingham and London), the results are compared against qualitative research involving local smart city experts to understand better their local needs and priorities. This process included in a SMART analysis can be deployed via group discussions to support decision making in cities, and more generally enable city decision-makers to assess current smart cities policies and initiatives and prioritise proposed initiatives. This will help to ensure that cities become more liveable, enhancing city living for the individual and supporting planetary well-being in cities now and in the future
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