2 research outputs found

    RESTful Web Services Development with a Model-Driven Engineering Approach

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    A RESTful web service implementation requires following the constrains inherent to Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style, which, being a non-trivial task, often leads to solutions that do not fulfill those requirements properly. Model-driven techniques have been proposed to improve the development of complex applications. In model-driven software development, software is not implemented manually based on informal descriptions, but partial or completely generated from formal models derived from metamodels. A model driven approach, materialized in a domain specific language that integrates the OpenAPI specification, an emerging standard for describing REST services, allows developers to use a design first approach in the web service development process, focusing in the definition of resources and their relationships, leaving the repetitive code production process to the automation provided by model-driven engineering techniques. This also allows to shift the creative coding process to the resolution of the complex business rules, instead of the tiresome and error-prone create, read, update, and delete operations. The code generation process covers the web service flow, from the establishment and exposure of the endpoints to the definition of database tables.A implementação de serviços web RESTful requer que as restrições inerentes ao estilo arquitetónico “Representational State Transfer” (REST) sejam cumpridas, o que, sendo usualmente uma tarefa não trivial, geralmente leva a soluções que não atendem a esses requisitos adequadamente. Técnicas orientadas a modelos têm sido propostas para melhorar o desenvolvimento de aplicações complexas. No desenvolvimento de software orientado a modelos, o software não é implementado manualmente com base em descrições informais, mas parcial ou completamente gerado a partir de modelos formais derivados de meta-modelos. Uma abordagem orientada a modelos, materializada através de uma linguagem específica do domínio que integra a especificação OpenAPI, um padrão emergente para descrever serviços REST, permite aos desenvolvedores usar uma primeira abordagem de design no processo de desenvolvimento de serviços da Web, concentrando-se na definição dos recursos e das suas relações, deixando o processo de produção de código repetitivo para a automação fornecida por técnicas de engenharia orientadas a modelos. Isso também permite focar o processo de codificação criativo na resolução e implementação das regras de negócios mais complexas, em vez de nas operações mais repetitivas e propensas a erros: criação, leitura, atualização e remoção de dados. O processo de geração de código abrange o fluxo do serviço web desde o estabelecimento e exposição dos caminhos para os serviços disponíveis até à definição de tabelas de base de dados

    Knowledge-base and techniques for effective service-oriented programming & management of hybrid processes

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    Recent advances in Web 2.0, SOA, crowd-sourcing, social and collaboration technologies, as well as cloud-computing, have truly transformed the Internet into a global development and deployment platform. As a result, developers have been presented with ubiquitous access to countless Web-services, resources and tools. However, while enabling tremendous automation and reuse opportunities, new productivity challenges have also emerged: The exploitation of services and resources nonetheless requires skilled programmers and a development-centric approach; it is thus inevitably susceptible to the same repetitive, error-prone and time consuming integration work each time a developer integrates a new API. Business Process Management on the other hand were proposed to support service-based integration. It provided the benefit of automation and modelling, which appealed to non-technical domain-experts. The problem however: it proves too rigid for unstructured processes. Thus, without this level of support, building new application either requires extensive manual programming or resorting to homebrew solutions. Alternatively, with the proliferation of SaaS, various such tools could be used for independent portions of the overall process - although this either presupposes conforming to the in-built process, or results in "shadow processes" via use of e-mail or the like, in order to exchange information and share decisions. There has therefore been an inevitable gap in technological support between structured and unstructured processes. To address these challenges, this thesis deals with transitioning process-support from structured to unstructured. We have been motivated to harness the foundational capabilities of BPM for its application to unstructured processes. We propose to achieve this by: First, addressing the productivity challenges of Web-services integration - simplifying this process - whilst encouraging an incremental curation and collective reuse approach. We then extend this to propose an innovative Hybrid-Process Management Platform that holistically combines structured, semi-structured and unstructured activities, based on a unified task-model that encapsulates a spectrum of process specificity. We have thus aimed to bridge the current lacking technology gap. The approach presented has been exposed as service-based libraries and tools. Whereby, we have devised several use-case scenarios and conducted user-studies in order to evaluate the overall effectiveness of our proposed work