5 research outputs found

    Aspects of k-k-Routing in Meshes and OTIS Networks

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    Aspects of k-k Routing in Meshes and OTIS-Networks Abstract Efficient data transport in parallel computers build on sparse interconnection networks is crucial for their performance. A basic transport problem in such a computer is the k-k routing problem. In this thesis, aspects of the k-k routing problem on r-dimensional meshes and OTIS-G networks are discussed. The first oblivious routing algorithms for these networks are presented that solve the k-k routing problem in an asymptotically optimal running time and a constant buffer size. Furthermore, other aspects of the k-k routing problem for OTIS-G networks are analysed. In particular, lower bounds for the problem based on the diameter and bisection width of OTIS-G networks are given, and the k-k sorting problem on the OTIS-Mesh is considered. Based on OTIS-G networks, a new class of networks, called Extended OTIS-G networks, is introduced, which have smaller diameters than OTIS-G networks.Für die Leistungfähigkeit von Parallelrechnern, die über ein Verbindungsnetzwerk kommunizieren, ist ein effizienter Datentransport entscheidend. Ein grundlegendes Transportproblem in einem solchen Rechner ist das k-k Routing Problem. In dieser Arbeit werden Aspekte dieses Problems in r-dimensionalen Gittern und OTIS-G Netzwerken untersucht. Es wird der erste vergessliche (oblivious) Routing Algorithmus vorgestellt, der das k-k Routing Problem in diesen Netzwerken in einer asymptotisch optimalen Laufzeit bei konstanter Puffergröße löst. Für OTIS-G Netzwerke werden untere Laufzeitschranken für das untersuchte Problem angegeben, die auf dem Durchmesser und der Bisektionsweite der Netzwerke basieren. Weiterhin wird ein Algorithmus vorgestellt, der das k-k Sorting Problem mit einer Laufzeit löst, die nahe an der Bisektions- und Durchmesserschranke liegt. Basierend auf den OTIS-G Netzwerken, wird eine neue Klasse von Netzwerken eingeführt, die sogenannten Extended OTIS-G Netzwerke, die sich durch einen kleineren Durchmesser von OTIS-G Netzwerken unterscheiden

    35th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2018, February 28-March 3, 2018, Caen, France

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    Probabilistic methods for distributed information dissemination

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 457-484).The ever-increasing growth of modern networks comes with a paradigm shift in network operation. Networks can no longer be abstracted as deterministic, centrally controlled systems with static topologies but need to be understood as highly distributed, dynamic systems with inherent unreliabilities. This makes many communication, coordination and computation tasks challenging and in many scenarios communication becomes a crucial bottleneck. In this thesis, we develop new algorithms and techniques to address these challenges. In particular we concentrate on broadcast and information dissemination tasks and introduce novel ideas on how randomization can lead to powerful, simple and practical communication primitives suitable for these modern networks. In this endeavor we combine and further develop tools from different disciplines trying to simultaneously addresses the distributed, information theoretic and algorithmic aspects of network communication. The two main probabilistic techniques developed to disseminate information in a network are gossip and random linear network coding. Gossip is an alternative to classical flooding approaches: Instead of nodes repeatedly forwarding information to all their neighbors, gossiping nodes forward information only to a small number of (random) neighbors. We show that, when done right, gossip disperses information almost as quickly as flooding, albeit with a drastically reduced communication overhead. Random linear network coding (RLNC) applies when a large amount of information or many messages are to be disseminated. Instead of routing messages through intermediate nodes, that is, following a classical store-and-forward approach, RLNC mixes messages together by forwarding random linear combinations of messages. The simplicity and topology-obliviousness of this approach makes RLNC particularly interesting for the distributed settings considered in this thesis. Unfortunately the performance of RLNC was not well understood even for the simplest such settings. We introduce a simple yet powerful analysis technique that allows us to prove optimal performance guarantees for all settings considered in the literature and many more that were not analyzable so far. Specifically, we give many new results for RLNC gossip algorithms, RLNC algorithms for dynamic networks, and RLNC with correlated data. We also provide a novel highly efficient distributed implementation of RLNC that achieves these performance guarantees while buffering only a minimal amount of information at intermediate nodes. We then apply our techniques to improve communication primitives in multi-hop radio networks. While radio networks inherently support broadcast communications, e.g., from one node to all surrounding nodes, interference of simultaneous transmissions makes multihop broadcast communication an interesting challenge. We show that, again, randomization holds the key for obtaining simple, efficient and distributed information dissemination protocols. In particular, using random back-off strategies to coordinate access to the shared medium leads to optimal gossip-like communications and applying RLNC achieves the first throughput-optimal multi-message communication primitives. Lastly we apply our probabilistic approach for analyzing simple, distributed propagation protocols in a broader context by studying algorithms for the Lovász Local Lemma. These algorithms find solutions to certain local constraint satisfaction problems by randomly fixing and propagating violations locally. Our two main results show that, firstly, there are also efficient deterministic propagation strategies achieving the same and, secondly, using the random fixing strategy has the advantage of producing not just an arbitrary solution but an approximately uniformly random one. Both results lead to simple, constructions for a many locally consistent structures of interest that were not known to be efficiently constructable before.by Bernhard Haeupler.Ph.D