3 research outputs found

    From M-ary Query to Bit Query: a new strategy for efficient large-scale RFID identification

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    The tag collision avoidance has been viewed as one of the most important research problems in RFID communications and bit tracking technology has been widely embedded in query tree (QT) based algorithms to tackle such challenge. Existing solutions show further opportunity to greatly improve the reading performance because collision queries and empty queries are not fully explored. In this paper, a bit query (BQ) strategy based Mary query tree protocol (BQMT) is presented, which can not only eliminate idle queries but also separate collided tags into many small subsets and make full use of the collided bits. To further optimize the reading performance, a modified dual prefixes matching (MDPM) mechanism is presented to allow multiple tags to respond in the same slot and thus significantly reduce the number of queries. Theoretical analysis and simulations are supplemented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed BQMT and MDPM, which outperform the existing QT-based algorithms. Also, the BQMT and MDPM can be combined to BQMDPM to improve the reading performance in system efficiency, total identification time, communication complexity and average energy cost

    Протокол запобігання колізій в мережі IoT з використанням безпілотних літальних апаратів

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    Мета роботи: вирішення проблеми колізій міток для щільних середовищ Інтернету Речей, за рахунок запропонованого протоколу запобігання колізій в мережі ІoT з використанням безпілотних літальних апаратів. В ході виконання даної роботи розроблено тривимірну модель системи радіочастотної ідентифікації на основі БПЛА, розроблено новий алгоритм боротьби із колізіями для Інтернету Речей, на основі якого запропоновано протокол протидії колізії множини тегів на базі БПЛА (протокол протидії колізії для множини міток). Проведено моделювання та виконано оцінку запропонованого протоколу.Goal: solving the problem of label collisions for dense environments of the Internet of Things, due to the proposed protocol to prevent collisions in the Internet of Things using unmanned aerial vehicles. In the course of this work, a three-dimensional model of the UAV-based radio frequency identification system was developed, and a new anti-collision algorithm for the Internet of Things was developed, based on the anti-collision protocol for multiple tags. The simulation and evaluation of the proposed protocol was performed

    A time- and energy-aware collision tree protocol for efficient large-scale RFID tag identification

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    Being able to provide a relatively easy and inexpensive way to collect data, portable readers have gained increasing popularity in wide-ranging RFID applications. In order tomaximize the reader's battery life, efficient tag identification protocols are of paramount importance in largescale passive radio frequency identification (RFID) systems. This paper proposes a time-and energy-aware protocol based onM-ary collision tree (MCT) for efficient RFID tag identification. Thanks to Manchester encoding, the proposed MCT protocol recursively divides colliding tags into M subsets with at least two nonempty ones according to the information of log(2)M colliding bits. Through the new MCT recognition process, MCT can effectively identify all the tags within its reading range. Theoretic analysis demonstrates that it takes the proposed MCT protocol fewer numbers of collision slots and message bits to identify all the tags, which reduces not only the identification time but also the energy cost. Simulation results are also presented to show that compared with other benchmark works, the proposed MCT protocol is able to reduce the average identification time and energy cost by at least 16.12% and 15.73%, respectively