149,706 research outputs found

    Hopf characterization of two-dimensional Floquet topological insulators

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    We present a topological characterization of time-periodically driven two-band models in 2+1 dimensions as Hopf insulators. The intrinsic periodicity of the Floquet system with respect to both time and the underlying two-dimensional momentum space constitutes a map from a three dimensional torus to the Bloch sphere. As a result, we find that the driven system can be understood by appealing to a Hopf map that is directly constructed from the micromotion of the drive. Previously found winding numbers are shown to correspond to Hopf invariants, which are associated with linking numbers describing the topology of knots in three dimensions. Moreover, after being cast as a Hopf insulator, not only the Chern numbers, but also the winding numbers of the Floquet topological insulator become accessible in experiments as linking numbers. We exploit this description to propose a feasible scheme for measuring the complete set of their Floquet topological invariants in optical lattices.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures + 2 pages, 1 figure supplementar

    Shaped Pupil Lyot Coronagraphs: High-Contrast Solutions for Restricted Focal Planes

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    Coronagraphs of the apodized pupil and shaped pupil varieties use the Fraunhofer diffraction properties of amplitude masks to create regions of high contrast in the vicinity of a target star. Here we present a hybrid coronagraph architecture in which a binary, hard-edged shaped pupil mask replaces the gray, smooth apodizer of the apodized pupil Lyot coronagraph (APLC). For any contrast and bandwidth goal in this configuration, as long as the prescribed region of contrast is restricted to a finite area in the image, a shaped pupil is the apodizer with the highest transmission. We relate the starlight cancellation mechanism to that of the conventional APLC. We introduce a new class of solutions in which the amplitude profile of the Lyot stop, instead of being fixed as a padded replica of the telescope aperture, is jointly optimized with the apodizer. Finally, we describe shaped pupil Lyot coronagraph (SPLC) designs for the baseline architecture of the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope-Astrophysics Focused Telescope Assets (WFIRST-AFTA) coronagraph. These SPLCs help to enable two scientific objectives of the WFIRST-AFTA mission: (1) broadband spectroscopy to characterize exoplanet atmospheres in reflected starlight and (2) debris disk imaging.Comment: 41 pages, 15 figures; published in the JATIS special section on WFIRST-AFTA coronagraph

    Exploring the Interplay between Virology and Molecular Crystallography

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    Polyhedra with icosahedral symmetry and vertices labelled by rational indices of points of a six-dimensional lattice left invariant by the icosahedral group allow a morphological characterization of icosahedral viruses which includes the Caspar–Klug classification as a special case. Scaling transformations relating the indexed polyhedron enclosing the surface with the one delimiting the central cavity lead to models of viral capsids observed in nature. Similar scaling relations can be obtained from projected images in three dimensions of higher-dimensional crystallographic point groups having the icosahedral group as a subgroup. This crystallographic approach can be extended to axial-symmetric clusters of coat proteins around icosahedral axes of the capsid. One then gets enclosing forms with vertices at points of lattices left invariant by the corresponding point group and having additional crystallographic properties also observed in natural crystals, but not explained by the known crystallographic laws

    Some intriguing properties of Tukey's half-space depth

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    For multivariate data, Tukey's half-space depth is one of the most popular depth functions available in the literature. It is conceptually simple and satisfies several desirable properties of depth functions. The Tukey median, the multivariate median associated with the half-space depth, is also a well-known measure of center for multivariate data with several interesting properties. In this article, we derive and investigate some interesting properties of half-space depth and its associated multivariate median. These properties, some of which are counterintuitive, have important statistical consequences in multivariate analysis. We also investigate a natural extension of Tukey's half-space depth and the related median for probability distributions on any Banach space (which may be finite- or infinite-dimensional) and prove some results that demonstrate anomalous behavior of half-space depth in infinite-dimensional spaces.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/10-BEJ322 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    A construction of a skewaffine structure in Laguerre geometry

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    J. Andre constructed a skewaffine structure as a group space of a normally transitive group. In the paper this construction was used to describe such an external structure associated with a point of Laguerre plane. Necessary conditions for ensure that the external structure is a skewaffine plane are given.Comment: 10

    Data depth and floating body

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    Little known relations of the renown concept of the halfspace depth for multivariate data with notions from convex and affine geometry are discussed. Halfspace depth may be regarded as a measure of symmetry for random vectors. As such, the depth stands as a generalization of a measure of symmetry for convex sets, well studied in geometry. Under a mild assumption, the upper level sets of the halfspace depth coincide with the convex floating bodies used in the definition of the affine surface area for convex bodies in Euclidean spaces. These connections enable us to partially resolve some persistent open problems regarding theoretical properties of the depth

    Asymptotic Symmetries, Holography and Topological Hair

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    Asymptotic symmetries of AdS4_4 quantum gravity and gauge theory are derived by coupling the dual CFT3_3 to Chern-Simons gauge theory and 3D gravity in a "probe" large-level limit. The infinite-dimensional symmetries are shown to arise when one is restricted to boundary subspaces with effectively two-dimensional geometry. A canonical example of such a restriction occurs within the 4D subregion described by a Wheeler-DeWitt wavefunctional of AdS4_4 quantum gravity. An AdS4_4 analog of Minkowski "super-rotation" asymptotic symmetry is probed by 3D Einstein gravity, yielding CFT2_2 structure, via AdS3_3 foliation of AdS4_4 and the AdS3_3/CFT2_2 correspondence. The maximal asymptotic symmetry is however probed by 3D conformal gravity. Both 3D gravities have Chern-Simons formulation, manifesting their topological character. Chern-Simons structure is also shown to be emergent in the Poincare patch of AdS4_4, as soft/boundary limits of 4D gauge theory, rather than "put in by hand", with a finite effective Chern-Simons level. Several of the considerations of asymptotic symmetry structure are found to be simpler for AdS4_4 than for Mink4_4, such as non-zero 4D particle masses, 4D non-perturbative "hard" effects, and consistency with unitarity. The last of these, in particular, is greatly simplified, because in some set-ups the time dimension is explicitly shared by each level of description: Lorentzian AdS4_4, CFT3_3 and CFT2_2. The CFT2_2 structure clarifies the sense in which the infinite asymptotic charges constitute a useful form of "hair" for black holes and other complex 4D states. An AdS4_4 (holographic) "shadow" analog of Minkowski "memory" effects is derived. Lessons from AdS4_4 provide hints for better understanding Minkowski asymptotic symmetries, the 3D structure of its soft limits, and Minkowski holography.Comment: typos corrected, references added, discussions of boundary conditions corrected and clarifie