290 research outputs found

    Minimisation of Multiplicity Tree Automata

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    We consider the problem of minimising the number of states in a multiplicity tree automaton over the field of rational numbers. We give a minimisation algorithm that runs in polynomial time assuming unit-cost arithmetic. We also show that a polynomial bound in the standard Turing model would require a breakthrough in the complexity of polynomial identity testing by proving that the latter problem is logspace equivalent to the decision version of minimisation. The developed techniques also improve the state of the art in multiplicity word automata: we give an NC algorithm for minimising multiplicity word automata. Finally, we consider the minimal consistency problem: does there exist an automaton with nn states that is consistent with a given finite sample of weight-labelled words or trees? We show that this decision problem is complete for the existential theory of the rationals, both for words and for trees of a fixed alphabet rank.Comment: Paper to be published in Logical Methods in Computer Science. Minor editing changes from previous versio

    On minimizing deterministic tree automata

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    We present two algorithms for minimizing deterministic frontier-to-root tree automata (dfrtas) and compare them with their string counterparts. The presentation is incremental, starting out from definitions of minimality of automata and state equivalence, in the style of earlier algorithm taxonomies by the authors. The first algorithm is the classical one, initially presented by Brainerd in the 1960s and presented (sometimes imprecisely) in standard texts on tree language theory ever since. The second algorithm is completely new. This algorithm, essentially representing the generalization to ranked trees of the string algorithm presented by Watson and Daciuk, incrementally minimizes a dfrta. As a result, intermediate results of the algorithm can be used to reduce the initial automaton’s size. This makes the algorithm useful in situations where running time is restricted (for example, in real-time applications). We also briefly sketch how a concurrent specification of the algorithm in CSP can be obtained from an existing specification for the dfa case

    On minimizing deterministic tree automata

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    We present two algorithms for minimizing deterministic frontier-to-root tree automata (dfrtas) and compare them with their string counterparts. The presentation is incremental, starting out from definitions of minimality of automata and state equivalence, in the style of earlier algorithm taxonomies by the authors. The first algorithm is the classical one, initially presented by Brainerd in the 1960s and presented (sometimes imprecisely) in standard texts on tree language theory ever since. The second algorithm is completely new. This algorithm, essentially representing the generalization to ranked trees of the string algorithm presented by Watson and Daciuk, incrementally minimizes a dfrta. As a result, intermediate results of the algorithm can be used to reduce the initial automaton’s size. This makes the algorithm useful in situations where running time is restricted (for example, in real-time applications). We also briefly sketch how a concurrent specification of the algorithm in CSP can be obtained from an existing specification for the dfa case

    Efficient Implementation for Deterministic Finite Tree Automata Minimization

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    On the Complexity of the Equivalence Problem for Probabilistic Automata

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    Checking two probabilistic automata for equivalence has been shown to be a key problem for efficiently establishing various behavioural and anonymity properties of probabilistic systems. In recent experiments a randomised equivalence test based on polynomial identity testing outperformed deterministic algorithms. In this paper we show that polynomial identity testing yields efficient algorithms for various generalisations of the equivalence problem. First, we provide a randomized NC procedure that also outputs a counterexample trace in case of inequivalence. Second, we show how to check for equivalence two probabilistic automata with (cumulative) rewards. Our algorithm runs in deterministic polynomial time, if the number of reward counters is fixed. Finally we show that the equivalence problem for probabilistic visibly pushdown automata is logspace equivalent to the Arithmetic Circuit Identity Testing problem, which is to decide whether a polynomial represented by an arithmetic circuit is identically zero.Comment: technical report for a FoSSaCS'12 pape

    Analysing the Efficiency of Algorithms for Compiling Finite-State Morphologies

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    Äärellistilaiset morfologiat ovat tietokoneohjelmia, jotka mallintavat kielen sanojen rakennetta (morfologiaa) merkkijonopareja sisältävillä tietorakenteilla (äärellistilaisilla transduktoreilla). Äärellistilaisia morfologioita voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi hakuohjelmissa, jotka löytävät tekstistä kaikki annetun perusmuotoisen sanan esiintymät eri taivutusmuodoissaan. Äärellistilaiset morfologiat ovat myös hyödyllisiä, kun tekstistä tehdään tilastoja siitä kuinka usein kukin sana esiintyy ja missä taivutusmuodoissa. Äärellistilaisten morfologioiden rakentaminen on monimutkainen prosessi, johon kuuluu useita tehtäviä, joista yksi on transduktorin minimointi. Yleisiä minimointialgoritmeja ovat Brzozowskin (BRZ) ja Hopcroftin algoritmit (HOP). Kirjallisuudessa esiintyy väitteitä, joiden mukaan BRZ:n ja HOP:n välinen ero on merkityksettömän pieni morfologioita käännettäessä. Kuitenkaan BRZ:n suorituskykyä ei ole järjestelmällisesti testattu tai verrattu HOP:iin missään tutkimuksessa. Tässä diplomityössä käännettiin HFST-ohjelmistolla kaksi avoimen lähdekoodin morfologiaa, suomelle kirjoitettu OMorFi ja saksalle kirjoitettu Morphisto. HFST perustuu kahteen avoimen lähdekoodin transduktoriohjelmistopakettiin, SFST:hen ja OpenFst:hen, joista edellinen käyttää BRZ:ia ja jälkimmäinen HOP:ia minimointialgoritmina. BRZ osoittautui paljon hitaammaksi kuin HOP sekä suomen että saksan morfologioilla. BRZ:n hitaus oli ilmeistä transduktoreissa, jotka sisälsivät suuren mittakaavan syklisyyttä eli niissä oli siirtymiä, jotka johtivat lopputilojen läheisyydestä alkutilan läheisyyteen. Tällaisia transduktoreita esiintyy usein morfologioissa, joissa on yhdyssanamekanismi. Jos HOP:n ja BRZ:n välillä on valittava, edellinen on parempi vaihtoehto minimointi-algoritmiksi. BRZ on joskus nopeampi kuin HOP, mutta siinä tapauksessa algoritmien ero on melko pieni. Niissä tapauksissa joissa BRZ on hitaampi kuin HOP, ero on huomattavasti suurempi: BRZ on joskus jopa 50 kertaa hitaampi kuin HOP. BRZ on kuitenkin paljon helpompi toteuttaa, koska se perustuu kahteen perusoperaatioon, determinisointiin ja reversioon. Jos HOP:n toteuttaminen on liian vaativa tehtävä, avoimen lähdekoodin transduktorikirjaston kehittäjät voivat käyttää OpenFst:n minimointialgoritmia. Transduktorit voidaan muuntaa OpenFst:n muotoon, minimoida OpenFst:llä ja muuntaa takaisin alkuperäiseen muotoon. Tätä ratkaisua on tarkoitus käyttää myös HFST:n tulevissa versioissa.Finite-state morphologies (FSMs) are computer programs that model the structure of words in a language (morphology) with networks containing a number of string pairs (finite-state transducers). FSMs can be used e.g. to implement search programs that can find all forms of a word in a document if they are given only the base form. FSMs are also useful in compiling statistics on a text, i.e. finding out how often a word occurs and in which forms. Constructing FSMs is a complex process involving many tasks, one of which is transducer minimisation. Common minimisation algorithms include Brzozowski's (BRZ) and Hopcroft's algorithm (HOP). There have been claims in the literature that often the difference between BRZ and HOP is insignificant when compiling FSMs. However, no studies have been carried out where the performance of BRZ would have been systematically tested or compared with HOP. In this thesis, we compiled two open-source morphologies, OMorFi for Finnish and Morphisto for German, with the HFST software. HFST is based on two open-source transducer software packages, SFST and OpenFst, the former using BRZ and the latter HOP as a minimisation algorithm. BRZ turned out to be much slower than HOP both on Finnish and German morphologies. The slowness of BRZ was evident in transducers that contained large-scale cyclicity, i.e. had transitions leading from the nearness of the final states to the nearness of initial states. These kinds of transducers often occur in morphologies that have a compounding mechanism. If a choice must be made between HOP and BRZ, the previous is a better choice for a minimisation algorithm. BRZ is sometimes faster than HOP, but in that case their difference is quite small. In the cases where BRZ is slower than HOP, their difference is much bigger, BRZ sometimes being 50 times slower than HOP. Of course, BRZ is much easier to implement since it uses two basic operations, determinisation and reversion. If the implementation of HOP is considered too demanding a task, the developers of free-source transducer libraries can use OpenFst's minimisation algorithm. The transducers can be converted to OpenFst format, minimised with OpenFst and converted back to the original format. This solution will also be used in future versions of HFST

    Choice and chance:model-based testing of stochastic behaviour

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    Probability plays an important role in many computer applications. A vast number of algorithms, protocols and computation methods uses randomisation to achieve their goals. A crucial question then becomes whether such probabilistic systems work as intended. To investigate this, such systems are often subjected to a large number of well-designed test cases, that compare a observed behaviour to a requirements specification. Model-based testing is an innovative testing technique rooted in formal methods, that aims at automating this labour intense and often error-prone manual task. By providing faster and more thorough testing at lower cost, it has gained rapid popularity in industry and academia alike. However, classic model-based testing methods are insufficient when dealing with inherently stochastic systems. This thesis introduces a rigorous model-based testing framework, that is capable to automatically test such systems. The presented methods are capable of judging functional correctness, discrete probability choices, and hard and soft-real time constraints. The framework is constructed in a clear step-by-step approach. First, the model-based testing landscape is laid out, and related work is discussed. Next, we instantiate a model-based testing framework to highlight the purpose of individual theoretical components like, e.g., a conformance relation, test cases, and practical test generation algorithms. This framework is then conservatively extended by introducing discrete probability choices to the specification language. A last step further extends this probabilistic framework by adding hard and soft real time constraints. Classical functional correctness verdicts are thus extended with goodness of fit methods known from statistics. Proofs of the framework’s correctness are presented before its capabilities are exemplified by studying smaller scale case studies known from the literature. The framework reconciles non-deterministic and probabilistic choices in a fully-fledged way via the use of schedulers. Schedulers then become a subject worthy to study in their own rights. This is done in the second part of this thesis; we introduce a most natural equivalence relation based on schedulers for Markov automata, and compare its distinguishing power to notions of trace distributions and bisimulation relations. Lastly, the power of different scheduler classes of stochastic automata is investigated. We compare reachability probabilities of different schedulers by altering the information available to them. A hierarchy of scheduler classes is established, with the intent to reduce complexity of related problems by gaining near optimal results for smaller scheduler classes

    Data Minimisation in Communication Protocols: A Formal Analysis Framework and Application to Identity Management

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    With the growing amount of personal information exchanged over the Internet, privacy is becoming more and more a concern for users. One of the key principles in protecting privacy is data minimisation. This principle requires that only the minimum amount of information necessary to accomplish a certain goal is collected and processed. "Privacy-enhancing" communication protocols have been proposed to guarantee data minimisation in a wide range of applications. However, currently there is no satisfactory way to assess and compare the privacy they offer in a precise way: existing analyses are either too informal and high-level, or specific for one particular system. In this work, we propose a general formal framework to analyse and compare communication protocols with respect to privacy by data minimisation. Privacy requirements are formalised independent of a particular protocol in terms of the knowledge of (coalitions of) actors in a three-layer model of personal information. These requirements are then verified automatically for particular protocols by computing this knowledge from a description of their communication. We validate our framework in an identity management (IdM) case study. As IdM systems are used more and more to satisfy the increasing need for reliable on-line identification and authentication, privacy is becoming an increasingly critical issue. We use our framework to analyse and compare four identity management systems. Finally, we discuss the completeness and (re)usability of the proposed framework