502 research outputs found

    A Novel Feature-Selection Algorithm in IoT Networks for Intrusion Detection

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) and network-enabled smart devices are crucial to the digitally interconnected society of the present day. However, the increased reliance on IoT devices increases their susceptibility to malicious activities within network traffic, posing significant challenges to cybersecurity. As a result, both system administrators and end users are negatively affected by these malevolent behaviours. Intrusion-detection systems (IDSs) are commonly deployed as a cyber attack defence mechanism to mitigate such risks. IDS plays a crucial role in identifying and preventing cyber hazards within IoT networks. However, the development of an efficient and rapid IDS system for the detection of cyber attacks remains a challenging area of research. Moreover, IDS datasets contain multiple features, so the implementation of feature selection (FS) is required to design an effective and timely IDS. The FS procedure seeks to eliminate irrelevant and redundant features from large IDS datasets, thereby improving the intrusion-detection system’s overall performance. In this paper, we propose a hybrid wrapper-based feature-selection algorithm that is based on the concepts of the Cellular Automata (CA) engine and Tabu Search (TS)-based aspiration criteria. We used a Random Forest (RF) ensemble learning classifier to evaluate the fitness of the selected features. The proposed algorithm, CAT-S, was tested on the TON_IoT dataset. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm, CAT-S, enhances classification accuracy while simultaneously reducing the number of features and the false positive rate.publishedVersio

    AI Solutions for MDS: Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Misuse Detection and Localisation in Telecommunication Environments

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    This report considers the application of Articial Intelligence (AI) techniques to the problem of misuse detection and misuse localisation within telecommunications environments. A broad survey of techniques is provided, that covers inter alia rule based systems, model-based systems, case based reasoning, pattern matching, clustering and feature extraction, articial neural networks, genetic algorithms, arti cial immune systems, agent based systems, data mining and a variety of hybrid approaches. The report then considers the central issue of event correlation, that is at the heart of many misuse detection and localisation systems. The notion of being able to infer misuse by the correlation of individual temporally distributed events within a multiple data stream environment is explored, and a range of techniques, covering model based approaches, `programmed' AI and machine learning paradigms. It is found that, in general, correlation is best achieved via rule based approaches, but that these suffer from a number of drawbacks, such as the difculty of developing and maintaining an appropriate knowledge base, and the lack of ability to generalise from known misuses to new unseen misuses. Two distinct approaches are evident. One attempts to encode knowledge of known misuses, typically within rules, and use this to screen events. This approach cannot generally detect misuses for which it has not been programmed, i.e. it is prone to issuing false negatives. The other attempts to `learn' the features of event patterns that constitute normal behaviour, and, by observing patterns that do not match expected behaviour, detect when a misuse has occurred. This approach is prone to issuing false positives, i.e. inferring misuse from innocent patterns of behaviour that the system was not trained to recognise. Contemporary approaches are seen to favour hybridisation, often combining detection or localisation mechanisms for both abnormal and normal behaviour, the former to capture known cases of misuse, the latter to capture unknown cases. In some systems, these mechanisms even work together to update each other to increase detection rates and lower false positive rates. It is concluded that hybridisation offers the most promising future direction, but that a rule or state based component is likely to remain, being the most natural approach to the correlation of complex events. The challenge, then, is to mitigate the weaknesses of canonical programmed systems such that learning, generalisation and adaptation are more readily facilitated

    Artificial intelligence in the cyber domain: Offense and defense

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    Artificial intelligence techniques have grown rapidly in recent years, and their applications in practice can be seen in many fields, ranging from facial recognition to image analysis. In the cybersecurity domain, AI-based techniques can provide better cyber defense tools and help adversaries improve methods of attack. However, malicious actors are aware of the new prospects too and will probably attempt to use them for nefarious purposes. This survey paper aims at providing an overview of how artificial intelligence can be used in the context of cybersecurity in both offense and defense.Web of Science123art. no. 41

    Bioinspired Principles for Large-Scale Networked Sensor Systems: An Overview

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    Biology has often been used as a source of inspiration in computer science and engineering. Bioinspired principles have found their way into network node design and research due to the appealing analogies between biological systems and large networks of small sensors. This paper provides an overview of bioinspired principles and methods such as swarm intelligence, natural time synchronization, artificial immune system and intercellular information exchange applicable for sensor network design. Bioinspired principles and methods are discussed in the context of routing, clustering, time synchronization, optimal node deployment, localization and security and privacy

    Reliable Machine Learning Model for IIoT Botnet Detection

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    Due to the growing number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, network attacks like denial of service (DoS) and floods are rising for security and reliability issues. As a result of these attacks, IoT devices suffer from denial of service and network disruption. Researchers have implemented different techniques to identify attacks aimed at vulnerable Internet of Things (IoT) devices. In this study, we propose a novel features selection algorithm FGOA-kNN based on a hybrid filter and wrapper selection approaches to select the most relevant features. The novel approach integrated with clustering rank the features and then applies the Grasshopper algorithm (GOA) to minimize the top-ranked features. Moreover, a proposed algorithm, IHHO, selects and adapts the neural network’s hyper parameters to detect botnets efficiently. The proposed Harris Hawks algorithm is enhanced with three improvements to improve the global search process for optimal solutions. To tackle the problem of population diversity, a chaotic map function is utilized for initialization. The escape energy of hawks is updated with a new nonlinear formula to avoid the local minima and better balance between exploration and exploitation. Furthermore, the exploitation phase of HHO is enhanced using a new elite operator ROBL. The proposed model combines unsupervised, clustering, and supervised approaches to detect intrusion behaviors. The N-BaIoT dataset is utilized to validate the proposed model. Many recent techniques were used to assess and compare the proposed model’s performance. The result demonstrates that the proposed model is better than other variations at detecting multiclass botnet attacks