4 research outputs found

    Identification of Students' Online Learning Readiness (KBO) in the Post-Pandemic Period

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    ย  This study aims to identify online learning readiness (KBO) students of FKIP University of Mataram. This type of research is quantitative with a descriptive approach. The study used a KBO questionnaire instrument which was compiled with a scoring system. Analysis of the data used is the Pearson product moment correlation to see the correlation between KBO scores and academic abilities possessed by students. The results showed that students' online learning readiness (KBO) was at a score of less than 80, meaning that students' online learning readiness was still not very good. Meanwhile, according to the Pearson product moment correlation data analysis, it shows that the student correlation value from JIP is 0.815. For students from JMIPA it is 0.10. Meanwhile, students from JPBI and JIPS got a correlation value of 0.386 and 0.59. Based on these data, it can be concluded that JIP and JIPS students have a strong correlation between academic ability and students' KBO scores. While JMIPA and JPBI, students' academic ability and KBO scores have a low level of correlation.This study aims to identify online learning readiness (KBO) students of FKIP University of Mataram. This type of research is quantitative with a descriptive approach. The study used a KBO questionnaire instrument which was compiled with a scoring system. Analysis of the data used is the Pearson product moment correlation to see the correlation between KBO scores and academic abilities possessed by students. The results showed that students' online learning readiness (KBO) was at a score of less than 80, meaning that students' online learning readiness was still not very good. Meanwhile, according to the Pearson product moment correlation data analysis, it shows that the student correlation value from JIP is 0.815. For students from JMIPA it is 0.10. Meanwhile, students from JPBI and JIPS got a correlation value of 0.386 and 0.59. Based on these data, it can be concluded that JIP and JIPS students have a strong correlation between academic ability and students' KBO scores. While JMIPA and JPBI, students' academic ability and KBO scores have a low level of correlation

    Mobile device-based authentic learning in educational environments systematic review

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    The rapid growth of mobile technology has opened new opportunities for learners to engage in authentic learning activities. The aim of this systematic review is to provide a synthesis of research on mobile device-based authentic learning in educational environments. This review has analyzed 72 studies published between 2010 and 2019 (until mid-November) in terms of major research purposes, methodologies, research outcomes, subject matter domains, educational levels, educational contexts and geographical distributions. Three research questions guided the review process. The findings showed the major research purpose of a majority of the studies was about investigating the effects of mobile device-based authentic learning on students. Researchers have mostly used mixed-methods research to examine the learning phenomena with a majority of the studies reporting positive learning outcomes. The analysis showed that science and literacy are the most represented content areas, while most of the studies were carried out at the elementary school level. More research was conducted in informal contexts than any other contexts, and the most predominantly used mobile device type was tablet computers. The findings revealed that there is a disproportionate distribution of studies in the literature in terms of geographical contributions as studies tend to concentrate on specific countries or regions

    A Systematic Review of Learning Through Mobile Augmented Reality

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    In the beginning of 2000, researchers started to see the potential of using Augmented Reality (AR) in educational and foresaw that further research within the field. Since then, AR research have taken many different approaches. This is also true for AR in relation to pedagogical purposes. This study is to investigate what has been studied within the AR field related to mobile augmented reality. It attempts to make systematic review of how learning and pedagogical aspects have been approached in the articles. In recent years, mobile augmented reality has become increasingly interesting due to the mobile devices small form factors and their ability to let the students move around freely while learning. The aim of this study is to make a systematic review of pedagogical uses of mobile augmented reality. Based on a review of previous literature of mobile AR systems for pedagogical purposes, published between 2000-2017, make it possible to see in which direction mobile AR systems for education are heading and how future mobile AR systems should be designed to best fit the needs of future students so they can more effectively improve their learning

    A Systematic Review of Learning Through Mobile Augmented Reality

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