5 research outputs found

    An Analysis of ICMB 2006

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    This paper analyzes the 44 papers included in the proceedings of the 5th ICMB conference in Copenhagen 2006. The purpose of the paper was to investigate to what extent the conference fulfilled its objectives which was to compare previous expectations with present realities along the following four areas: (1) business models, (2) the influence of m-business on private and work life, (3) the impact of regulation, and (4) the re-composition of the value network. In the analysis we apply the well-known framework by Lyytinen and Yoo for studying nomadic computing. In addition to this we also classify the papers in relation to type of artifact investigated, application area, and research methodology. The analysis show that the main focus lay on the use and adoption of mobile services – over 60% of the papers address. Few papers address the impact of service on any level of analysis. Business model is a recurring topic in 17 of the papers. There is lack in theorizing of the artifact, e.g. many just study mobile devices, but do not describe what type they study

    A Systematic Approach to Explain the Delayed Deployment of Mobile Payments in Switzerland

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    Despite the predicted success of mobile payments, the market remains immature in most countries. This can be explained by a number of technical and business issues. Mobile technology environments are becoming more complex, uncertain, and disruptive. As such, the strategic assessment of technologies remains a challenging activity. In this paper we present a systematic approach to analyze the mobile payment industry. To decompose the problem we identified two potential disruptions which could occur in this market. As we cover both the technological and the organizational aspects, we provide a more complete picture of the status of mobile payments in Switzerland. Moreover, this approach intends to unveil the factors delaying the deployment of mobile payments in Switzerland

    Succesfaktorer og adfærdsmæssige konsekvenser

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    Som en funktion af den digitaliserede verden vi lever i og idéen om et kontantløst samfund, har vi i de seneste år oplevet hvordan fænomenet mobile betalinger er vokset. Arbejdet med at skabe elektroniske betalingssystemer til implementering i situationer hvor kontanter typisk har været anvendt, har stået på hen over de sidste 20-30 år, og mens mange forsøg har slået helt eller delvist fejl, har vi i Danmark siden 2013 kunne betale med den succesfulde mobilbetalings-app MobilePay. Formålet med denne afhandling er at bidrage med empirisk baseret viden om hvilke faktorer der har bidraget til udbredelsen af mobile betalinger i Danmark, samt at afdække nogle af de adfærdsmæssige konsekvenser af at vi nu kan overføre penge ved hjælp af mobile betalinger. Afhandlingen præsenterer således; en kortlægning af de historiske forhold der går forud for, samt de forhold der omgiver mobile betalinger i Danmark; en forklaring af hvordan to udbydere af mobile betalinger har arbejdet med undersøgelse, udvikling og markedsføring af deres løsninger; samt et eksplorativt studie af brugeroplevelser af mobile betalinger i brugthandel. I afhandlingens tredje del opsummeres de analytiske resultater i et forklarende narrativ, og efter afhandlingens konklusion præsenteres en række implikationer for forskning og erhvervsliv samt forslag til fremtidige studier