2 research outputs found

    A symbolic-numeric approach for parametrizing ruled surfaces

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    This paper presents symbolic algorithms to determine whether a given surface (implicitly or parametrically defined) is a rational ruled surface and find a proper parametrization of the ruled surface. However, in practical applications, one has to deal with numerical objects that are given approximately, probably because they proceed from an exact data that has been perturbed under some previous measuring process or manipulation. For these numerical objects, the authors adapt the symbolic algorithms presented by means of the use of numerical techniques. The authors develop numeric algorithms that allow to determine ruled surfaces "close" to an input (not necessarily ruled) surface, and the distance between the input and the output surface is computed.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y UniversidadesNational Natural Science Foundation of Chin

    A survey of the representations of rational ruled surfaces

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    The rational ruled surface is a typical modeling surface in computer aided geometric design. A rational ruled surface may have different representations with respective advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, the authors revisit the representations of ruled surfaces including the parametric form, algebraic form, homogenous form and Pl¨ucker form. Moreover, the transformations between these representations are proposed such as parametrization for an algebraic form, implicitization for a parametric form, proper reparametrization of an improper one and standardized reparametrization for a general parametrization. Based on these transformation algorithms, one can give a complete interchange graph for the different representations of a rational ruled surface. For rational surfaces given in algebraic form or parametric form not in the standard form of ruled surfaces, the characterization methods are recalled to identify the ruled surfaces from them.Agencia Estatal de Investigació