1,300 research outputs found

    Approaches and possible improvements in the area of multibody dynamics modeling

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    A wide ranging look is taken at issues involved in the dynamic modeling of complex, multibodied orbiting space systems. Capabilities and limitations of two major codes (DISCOS, TREETOPS) are assessed and possible extensions to the CONTOPS software are outlined. In addition, recommendations are made concerning the direction future development should take in order to achieve higher fidelity, more computationally efficient multibody software solutions

    Recursive linearization of multibody dynamics equations of motion

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    The equations of motion of a multibody system are nonlinear in nature, and thus pose a difficult problem in linear control design. One approach is to have a first-order approximation through the numerical perturbations at a given configuration, and to design a control law based on the linearized model. Here, a linearized model is generated analytically by following the footsteps of the recursive derivation of the equations of motion. The equations of motion are first written in a Newton-Euler form, which is systematic and easy to construct; then, they are transformed into a relative coordinate representation, which is more efficient in computation. A new computational method for linearization is obtained by applying a series of first-order analytical approximations to the recursive kinematic relationships. The method has proved to be computationally more efficient because of its recursive nature. It has also turned out to be more accurate because of the fact that analytical perturbation circumvents numerical differentiation and other associated numerical operations that may accumulate computational error, thus requiring only analytical operations of matrices and vectors. The power of the proposed linearization algorithm is demonstrated, in comparison to a numerical perturbation method, with a two-link manipulator and a seven degrees of freedom robotic manipulator. Its application to control design is also demonstrated

    Systematic generation of multibody equations of motion suitable for recursive and parallel manipulation

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    The formulation of a method known as the joint coordinate method for automatic generation of the equations of motion for multibody systems is summarized. For systems containing open or closed kinematic loops, the equations of motion can be reduced systematically to a minimum number of second order differential equations. The application of recursive and nonrecursive algorithms to this formulation, computational considerations and the feasibility of implementing this formulation on multiprocessor computers are discussed

    Concurrent processing simulation of the space station

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    The development of a new capability for the time-domain simulation of multibody dynamic systems and its application to the study of a large angle rotational maneuvers of the Space Station is described. The effort was divided into three sequential tasks, which required significant advancements of the state-of-the art to accomplish. These were: (1) the development of an explicit mathematical model via symbol manipulation of a flexible, multibody dynamic system; (2) the development of a methodology for balancing the computational load of an explicit mathematical model for concurrent processing; and (3) the implementation and successful simulation of the above on a prototype Custom Architectured Parallel Processing System (CAPPS) containing eight processors. The throughput rate achieved by the CAPPS operating at only 70 percent efficiency, was 3.9 times greater than that obtained sequentially by the IBM 3090 supercomputer simulating the same problem. More significantly, analysis of the results leads to the conclusion that the relative cost effectiveness of concurrent vs. sequential digital computation will grow substantially as the computational load is increased. This is a welcomed development in an era when very complex and cumbersome mathematical models of large space vehicles must be used as substitutes for full scale testing which has become impractical

    Multibody modeling and verification

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    A summary of a ten week project on flexible multibody modeling, verification and control is presented. Emphasis was on the need for experimental verification. A literature survey was conducted for gathering information on the existence of experimental work related to flexible multibody systems. The first portion of the assigned task encompassed the modeling aspects of flexible multibodies that can undergo large angular displacements. Research in the area of modeling aspects were also surveyed, with special attention given to the component mode approach. Resulting from this is a research plan on various modeling aspects to be investigated over the next year. The relationship between the large angular displacements, boundary conditions, mode selection, and system modes is of particular interest. The other portion of the assigned task was the generation of a test plan for experimental verification of analytical and/or computer analysis techniques used for flexible multibody systems. Based on current and expected frequency ranges of flexible multibody systems to be used in space applications, an initial test article was selected and designed. A preliminary TREETOPS computer analysis was run to ensure frequency content in the low frequency range, 0.1 to 50 Hz. The initial specifications of experimental measurement and instrumentation components were also generated. Resulting from this effort is the initial multi-phase plan for a Ground Test Facility of Flexible Multibody Systems for Modeling Verification and Control. The plan focusses on the Multibody Modeling and Verification (MMV) Laboratory. General requirements of the Unobtrusive Sensor and Effector (USE) and the Robot Enhancement (RE) laboratories were considered during the laboratory development

    Equations of motion of slung load systems with results for dual lift

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    General simulation equations are derived for the rigid body motion of slung load systems. These systems are viewed as consisting of several rigid bodies connected by straight-line cables or links. The suspension can be assumed to be elastic or inelastic, both cases being of interest in simulation and control studies. Equations for the general system are obtained via D'Alembert's principle and the introduction of generalized velocity coordinates. Three forms are obtained. Two of these generalize previous case-specific results for single helicopter systems with elastic or inelastic suspensions. The third is a new formulation for inelastic suspensions. It is derived from the elastic suspension equations by choosing the generalized coordinates so as to separate motion due to cable stretching from motion with invariant cable lengths. The result is computationally more efficient than the conventional formulation, and is readily integrated with the elastic suspension formulation and readily applied to the complex dual lift and multilift systems. Equations are derived for dual lift systems. Three proposed suspension arrangements can be integrated in a single equation set. The equations are given in terms of the natural vectors and matrices of three-dimensional rigid body mechanics and are tractable for both analysis and programming

    Control and dynamics of a flexible spacecraft during stationkeeping maneuvers

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    A case study of a spacecraft having flexible solar arrays is presented. A stationkeeping attitude control mode using both earth and rate gyro reference signals and a flexible vehicle dynamics modeling and implementation is discussed. The control system is designed to achieve both pointing accuracy and structural mode stability during stationkeeping maneuvers. Reduction of structural mode interactions over the entire mode duration is presented. The control mode using a discrete time observer structure is described to show the convergence of the spacecraft attitude transients during Delta-V thrusting maneuvers without preloading thrusting bias to the onboard control processor. The simulation performance using the three axis, body stabilized nonlinear dynamics is provided. The details of a five body dynamics model are discussed. The spacecraft is modeled as a central rigid body having cantilevered flexible antennas, a pair of flexible articulated solar arrays, and to gimballed momentum wheels. The vehicle is free to undergo unrestricted rotations and translations relative to inertial space. A direct implementation of the equations of motion is compared to an indirect implementation that uses a symbolic manipulation software to generate rigid body equations