11 research outputs found

    Expansion dataset COVID-19 chest X-ray using data augmentation and histogram equalization

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    The main important factor that plays vital role in success the deep learning is the deep training by many and many images, if neural networks are getting bigger and bigger but the training datasets are not, then it sounds like going to hit an accuracy wall. Briefly, this paper investigates the current state of the art of approaches used for a data augmentation for expansion the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) chest X-ray images using different data augmentation methods (transformation and enhancement) the dataset expansion helps to rise numbers of images from 138 to 5520, the increasing rate is 3,900%, this proposed model can be used to expand any type of image dataset, in addition, the dataset have used with convolutional neural network (CNN) model to make classification if detected infection with COVID-19 in X-ray, the results have gotten high training accuracy=99

    Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval with Opponent Class Adaptive Margin Loss

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    Broadspread use of medical imaging devices with digital storage has paved the way for curation of substantial data repositories. Fast access to image samples with similar appearance to suspected cases can help establish a consulting system for healthcare professionals, and improve diagnostic procedures while minimizing processing delays. However, manual querying of large data repositories is labor intensive. Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) offers an automated solution based on dense embedding vectors that represent image features to allow quantitative similarity assessments. Triplet learning has emerged as a powerful approach to recover embeddings in CBIR, albeit traditional loss functions ignore the dynamic relationship between opponent image classes. Here, we introduce a triplet-learning method for automated querying of medical image repositories based on a novel Opponent Class Adaptive Margin (OCAM) loss. OCAM uses a variable margin value that is updated continually during the course of training to maintain optimally discriminative representations. CBIR performance of OCAM is compared against state-of-the-art loss functions for representational learning on three public databases (gastrointestinal disease, skin lesion, lung disease). Comprehensive experiments in each application domain demonstrate the superior performance of OCAM against baselines.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Constant Sequence Extension for Fast Search Using Weighted Hamming Distance

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    Representing visual data using compact binary codes is attracting increasing attention as binary codes are used as direct indices into hash table(s) for fast non-exhaustive search. Recent methods show that ranking binary codes using weighted Hamming distance (WHD) rather than Hamming distance (HD) by generating query-adaptive weights for each bit can better retrieve query-related items. However, search using WHD is slower than that using HD. One main challenge is that the complexity of extending a monotone increasing sequence using WHD to probe buckets in hash table(s) for existing methods is at least proportional to the square of the sequence length, while that using HD is proportional to the sequence length. To overcome this challenge, we propose a novel fast non-exhaustive search method using WHD. The key idea is to design a constant sequence extension algorithm to perform each sequence extension in constant computational complexity and the total complexity is proportional to the sequence length, which is justified by theoretical analysis. Experimental results show that our method is faster than other WHD-based search methods. Also, compared with the HD-based non-exhaustive search method, our method has comparable efficiency but retrieves more query-related items for the dataset of up to one billion items

    Deep Lifelong Cross-modal Hashing

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    Hashing methods have made significant progress in cross-modal retrieval tasks with fast query speed and low storage cost. Among them, deep learning-based hashing achieves better performance on large-scale data due to its excellent extraction and representation ability for nonlinear heterogeneous features. However, there are still two main challenges in catastrophic forgetting when data with new categories arrive continuously, and time-consuming for non-continuous hashing retrieval to retrain for updating. To this end, we, in this paper, propose a novel deep lifelong cross-modal hashing to achieve lifelong hashing retrieval instead of re-training hash function repeatedly when new data arrive. Specifically, we design lifelong learning strategy to update hash functions by directly training the incremental data instead of retraining new hash functions using all the accumulated data, which significantly reduce training time. Then, we propose lifelong hashing loss to enable original hash codes participate in lifelong learning but remain invariant, and further preserve the similarity and dis-similarity among original and incremental hash codes to maintain performance. Additionally, considering distribution heterogeneity when new data arriving continuously, we introduce multi-label semantic similarity to supervise hash learning, and it has been proven that the similarity improves performance with detailed analysis. Experimental results on benchmark datasets show that the proposed methods achieves comparative performance comparing with recent state-of-the-art cross-modal hashing methods, and it yields substantial average increments over 20\% in retrieval accuracy and almost reduces over 80\% training time when new data arrives continuously

    Semantic-Aware Adversarial Training for Reliable Deep Hashing Retrieval

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    Deep hashing has been intensively studied and successfully applied in large-scale image retrieval systems due to its efficiency and effectiveness. Recent studies have recognized that the existence of adversarial examples poses a security threat to deep hashing models, that is, adversarial vulnerability. Notably, it is challenging to efficiently distill reliable semantic representatives for deep hashing to guide adversarial learning, and thereby it hinders the enhancement of adversarial robustness of deep hashing-based retrieval models. Moreover, current researches on adversarial training for deep hashing are hard to be formalized into a unified minimax structure. In this paper, we explore Semantic-Aware Adversarial Training (SAAT) for improving the adversarial robustness of deep hashing models. Specifically, we conceive a discriminative mainstay features learning (DMFL) scheme to construct semantic representatives for guiding adversarial learning in deep hashing. Particularly, our DMFL with the strict theoretical guarantee is adaptively optimized in a discriminative learning manner, where both discriminative and semantic properties are jointly considered. Moreover, adversarial examples are fabricated by maximizing the Hamming distance between the hash codes of adversarial samples and mainstay features, the efficacy of which is validated in the adversarial attack trials. Further, we, for the first time, formulate the formalized adversarial training of deep hashing into a unified minimax optimization under the guidance of the generated mainstay codes. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets show superb attack performance against the state-of-the-art algorithms, meanwhile, the proposed adversarial training can effectively eliminate adversarial perturbations for trustworthy deep hashing-based retrieval. Our code is available at https://github.com/xandery-geek/SAAT

    DeepLSH: Deep Locality-Sensitive Hash Learning for Fast and Efficient Near-Duplicate Crash Report Detection

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    Automatic crash bucketing is a crucial phase in the software development process for efficiently triaging bug reports. It generally consists in grouping similar reports through clustering techniques. However, with real-time streaming bug collection, systems are needed to quickly answer the question: What are the most similar bugs to a new one?, that is, efficiently find near-duplicates. It is thus natural to consider nearest neighbors search to tackle this problem and especially the well-known locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) to deal with large datasets due to its sublinear performance and theoretical guarantees on the similarity search accuracy. Surprisingly, LSH has not been considered in the crash bucketing literature. It is indeed not trivial to derive hash functions that satisfy the so-called locality-sensitive property for the most advanced crash bucketing metrics. Consequently, we study in this paper how to leverage LSH for this task. To be able to consider the most relevant metrics used in the literature, we introduce DeepLSH, a Siamese DNN architecture with an original loss function, that perfectly approximates the locality-sensitivity property even for Jaccard and Cosine metrics for which exact LSH solutions exist. We support this claim with a series of experiments on an original dataset, which we make available

    A Comprehensive Survey on Vector Database: Storage and Retrieval Technique, Challenge

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    A vector database is used to store high-dimensional data that cannot be characterized by traditional DBMS. Although there are not many articles describing existing or introducing new vector database architectures, the approximate nearest neighbor search problem behind vector databases has been studied for a long time, and considerable related algorithmic articles can be found in the literature. This article attempts to comprehensively review relevant algorithms to provide a general understanding of this booming research area. The basis of our framework categorises these studies by the approach of solving ANNS problem, respectively hash-based, tree-based, graph-based and quantization-based approaches. Then we present an overview of existing challenges for vector databases. Lastly, we sketch how vector databases can be combined with large language models and provide new possibilities

    A Probabilistic Code Balance Constraint with Compactness and Informativeness Enhancement for Deep Supervised Hashing

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    Building on deep representation learning, deep supervised hashing has achieved promising performance in tasks like similarity retrieval. However, conventional code balance constraints (i.e., bit balance and bit uncorrelation) imposed on avoiding overfitting and improving hash code quality are unsuitable for deep supervised hashing owing to their inefficiency and impracticality of simultaneously learning deep data representations and hash functions. To address this issue, we propose probabilistic code balance constraints on deep supervised hashing to force each hash code to conform to a discrete uniform distribution. Accordingly, a Wasserstein regularizer aligns the distribution of generated hash codes to a uniform distribution. Theoretical analyses reveal that the proposed constraints form a general deep hashing framework for both bit balance and bit uncorrelation and maximizing the mutual information between data input and their corresponding hash codes. Extensive empirical analyses on two benchmark datasets further demonstrate the enhancement of compactness and informativeness of hash codes for deep supervised hash to improve retrieval performance (code available at: https://github.com/mumuxi/dshwr).</jats:p