3 research outputs found

    NDN content store and caching policies: performance evaluation

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    Among various factors contributing to performance of named data networking (NDN), the organization of caching is a key factor and has benefited from intense studies by the networking research community. The performed studies aimed at (1) finding the best strategy to adopt for content caching; (2) specifying the best location, and number of content stores (CS) in the network; and (3) defining the best cache replacement policy. Accessing and comparing the performance of the proposed solutions is as essential as the development of the proposals themselves. The present work aims at evaluating and comparing the behavior of four caching policies (i.e., random, least recently used (LRU), least frequently used (LFU), and first in first out (FIFO)) applied to NDN. Several network scenarios are used for simulation (2 topologies, varying the percentage of nodes of the content stores (5–100), 1 and 10 producers, 32 and 41 consumers). Five metrics are considered for the performance evaluation: cache hit ratio (CHR), network traffic, retrieval delay, interest re-transmissions, and the number of upstream hops. The content request follows the Zipf–Mandelbrot distribution (with skewness factor α=1.1 and α=0.75). LFU presents better performance in all considered metrics, except on the NDN testbed, with 41 consumers, 1 producer and a content request rate of 100 packets/s. For the level of content store from 50% to 100%, LRU presents a notably higher performance. Although the network behavior is similar for both skewness factors, when α=0.75, the CHR is significantly reduced, as expected.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020

    A Survey of Social Network Analysis Techniques and their Applications to Socially Aware Networking

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    Socially aware networking is an emerging research field that aims to improve the current networking technologies and realize novel network services by applying social network analysis (SNA) techniques. Conducting socially aware networking studies requires knowledge of both SNA and communication networking, but it is not easy for communication networking researchers who are unfamiliar with SNA to obtain comprehensive knowledge of SNA due to its interdisciplinary nature. This paper therefore aims to fill the knowledge gap for networking researchers who are interested in socially aware networking but are not familiar with SNA. This paper surveys three types of important SNA techniques for socially aware networking: identification of influential nodes, link prediction, and community detection. Then, this paper introduces how SNA techniques are used in socially aware networking and discusses research trends in socially aware networking