3 research outputs found

    Model of Multilayer Knowledge Diffusion for Competence Development in an Organization

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    Growing role of intellectual capital within organizations is affecting new strategies related to knowledge management and competence development. Among different aspects related to this field, knowledge diffusion has become one of interesting areas from both practitioner and researchers perspective. Several models were proposed with main goal to simulate diffusion and to explain the nature of these processes. Existing models are focused on knowledge diffusion and they assume diffusion within a single layer using knowledge representation. From the organizational perspective connecting several types of knowledge and modelling changes of competence can bring additional value. In the article we extended existing approaches by using multilayer diffusion model and focused on analysis of competence development process. The proposed model describes competence development process in a new way through horizontal and vertical knowledge diffusion in multilayer network. In the network, agents collaborate and interchange various kind of knowledge through different layers and this mutual activities affect the competences in a positive or negative way. Taking under consideration workers cognitive and social abilities and the previous level of competence the new competence level can be estimated. The model is developed to support competence management in different organizations

    Model of Multilayer Knowledge Diffusion for Competence Development in an Organization

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    Growing role of intellectual capital within organizations is affecting new strategies related to knowledge management and competence development. Among different aspects related to this field, knowledge diffusion has become one of the interesting areas from both practitioner and researcher’s perspectives. Several models were proposed with main goal of simulating diffusion and explaining the nature of these processes. Existing models are focused on knowledge diffusion and they assume diffusion within a single layer using knowledge representation. From the organizational perspective connecting several types of knowledge and modelling changes of competence can bring additional value. In this paper we extended existing approaches by using multilayer diffusion model and focused on analysis of competence development process. The proposed model describes competence development process in a new way through horizontal and vertical knowledge diffusion in multilayer network. In the network, agents collaborate and interchange various kinds of knowledge through different layers and these mutual activities affect the competencies in a positive or negative way. Taking into consideration worker’s cognitive and social abilities and the previous level of competence the new competence level can be estimated. The model is developed to support competence management in different organizations

    Fatores críticos de sucesso à manutenção de comunidades de prática e suas dimensões de análise

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2012Esta pesquisa almejou identificar os fatores críticos de sucesso (FCS) à manutenção das Comunidades de Prática que estabelecem relação com as dimensões de análise das Comunidades. Para tanto, realizou-se uma busca sistemática da literatura em que emergiram 112 FCS à manutenção das CoPs. Concomitante, identificaram-se na literatura algumas dimensões de análise para Comunidades, tais como: individual, organizacional, liderança, comunidade, cognitiva, tecnológica e econômica. Em virtude das características de alguns dos fatores revelados, e pela ausência de dimensões que os contemplassem, outras três dimensões foram propostas: a relações de poder, a cultural e a operacional. Após o levantamento dos FCS e das dimensões, alocaram-se os fatores às dimensões que melhor lhes representavam, além de respeitar a indicação dos autores quando assim o fizeram, resultando em quadros de referência por dimensão e seus respectivos FCS. Em seguida, foi possível verificar que alguns fatores transitavam entre duas dimensões de análise, o que se denominou de interseção de dimensões diversas. Por fim, chegou-se aos 28 fatores críticos de sucesso à manutenção das CoPs e suas dimensões de análise, circunstância que possibilitou a criação de um quadro-síntese com tais informações. Respeitando a caracterização da pesquisa quanto aos fins, indica-se que o primeiro resultado é de origem aplicada, porquanto possui como base de motivação a resolução de problemas concretos referente à gestão das CoPs, qual seja: a identificação dos fatores críticos de sucesso à manutenção das CoPs, e suas vinculações às dimensões de análise. O segundo repousa no campo da contribuição teórica, visto que pode auxiliar como ponto de partida para investigações futuras sobre a temática.Abstract : This research sought to identify the critical success factors (CSFs) for the maintenance of Communities of Practice that establish relationship with the Communities# dimensions of analysis. Therefore, it was carried out a systematic search of literature where 112 CSFs emerged for the maintenance of CoPs. Concomitantly, it was identified in the literature some analysis dimensions for Communities such as: individual, organizational, leadership, community, cognitive, technological and economic. Because of the characteristics of some of the factors revealed, and due to the absence of dimensions that behold them, three other dimensions were proposed: the power relations, as well as the cultural and the operational. After surveying the CSFs and dimensions, the factors were allocated to the dimensions that best represented them, besides respecting the suggestion of the authors when they did so, resulting in charts of reference by dimension and respective CSFs. Then it was possible to find that some factors were transiting between two dimensions of analysis, which was so called intersection of varied dimensions. Finally, it was reached 28 critical success factors for the maintenance of CoPs and their analysis dimensions, a circumstance that enabled the creation of a summary table with such information. Having regard to the characterization as to the purposes, it is indicated that the first result is of applied origin, since it has as a basis of motivation the resolution of specific problems regarding the management of CoPs, namely, the identification of critical success factors for the maintaining of CoPs, and their linkages to the analysis dimensions. The second result lies in the field of theoretical contribution, since it can help as a starting point for future research on the topic