3,161 research outputs found

    Search strategy formulation for systematic reviews: Issues, challenges and opportunities

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    Systematic literature reviews play a vital role in identifying the best available evidence for health and social care research, policy, and practice. The resources required to produce systematic reviews can be significant, and a key to the success of any review is the search strategy used to identify relevant literature. However, the methods used to construct search strategies can be complex, time consuming, resource intensive and error prone. In this review, we examine the state of the art in resolving complex structured information needs, focusing primarily on the healthcare context. We analyse the literature to identify key challenges and issues and explore appropriate solutions and workarounds. From this analysis we propose a way forward to facilitate trust and to aid explainability and transparency, reproducibility and replicability through a set of key design principles for tools to support the development of search strategies in systematic literature reviews

    CLEF 2017 technologically assisted reviews in empirical medicine overview

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    Systematic reviews are a widely used method to provide an overview over the current scientific consensus, by bringing together multiple studies in a reliable, transparent way. The large and growing number of published studies, and their increasing rate of publication, makes the task of identifying all relevant studies in an unbiased way both complex and time consuming to the extent that jeopardizes the validity of their findings and the ability to inform policy and practice in a timely manner. The CLEF 2017 e-Health Lab Task 2 focuses on the efficient and effective ranking of studies during the abstract and title screening phase of conducting Diagnostic Test Accuracy systematic reviews. We constructed a benchmark collection of fifty such reviews and the corresponding relevant and irrelevant articles found by the original Boolean query. Fourteen teams participated in the task, submitting 68 automatic and semi-automatic runs, using information retrieval and machine learning algorithms over a variety of text representations, in a batch and iterative manner. This paper reports both the methodology used to construct the benchmark collection, and the results of the evaluation

    Report on the Information Retrieval Festival (IRFest2017)

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    The Information Retrieval Festival took place in April 2017 in Glasgow. The focus of the workshop was to bring together IR researchers from the various Scottish universities and beyond in order to facilitate more awareness, increased interaction and reflection on the status of the field and its future. The program included an industry session, research talks, demos and posters as well as two keynotes. The first keynote was delivered by Prof. Jaana Kekalenien, who provided a historical, critical reflection of realism in Interactive Information Retrieval Experimentation, while the second keynote was delivered by Prof. Maarten de Rijke, who argued for more Artificial Intelligence usage in IR solutions and deployments. The workshop was followed by a "Tour de Scotland" where delegates were taken from Glasgow to Aberdeen for the European Conference in Information Retrieval (ECIR 2017

    A linguistic failure analysis of classification of medical publications: A study on stemming vs lemmatization

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    Technology-Assisted Review (TAR) systems are essential to minimize the effort of the user during the search and retrieval of relevant documents for a specific information need. In this paper, we present a failure analysis based on terminological and linguistic aspects of a TAR system for systematic medical reviews. In particular, we analyze the results of the worst performing topics in terms of recall using the dataset of the CLEF 2017 eHealth task on TAR in Empirical Medicine.I sistemi TAR (Technology-Assisted Review) sono fondamentali per ridurre al minimo lo sforzo dell’utente che intende ricercare e recuperare i documenti rilevanti per uno specifico bisogno informativo. In questo articolo, presentiamo una failure analysis basata su aspetti terminologici e linguistici di un sistema TAR per le revisioni sistematiche in campo medico. In particolare, analizziamo i topic per i quali abbiamo ottenuto dei risultati peggiori in termini di recall utilizzando il dataset di CLEF 2017 eHealth task on TAR in Empirical Medicine

    Zero-shot Generative Large Language Models for Systematic Review Screening Automation

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    Systematic reviews are crucial for evidence-based medicine as they comprehensively analyse published research findings on specific questions. Conducting such reviews is often resource- and time-intensive, especially in the screening phase, where abstracts of publications are assessed for inclusion in a review. This study investigates the effectiveness of using zero-shot large language models~(LLMs) for automatic screening. We evaluate the effectiveness of eight different LLMs and investigate a calibration technique that uses a predefined recall threshold to determine whether a publication should be included in a systematic review. Our comprehensive evaluation using five standard test collections shows that instruction fine-tuning plays an important role in screening, that calibration renders LLMs practical for achieving a targeted recall, and that combining both with an ensemble of zero-shot models saves significant screening time compared to state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: Accepted to ECIR2024 full paper (findings
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