6 research outputs found

    Efficient implementation of linear programming decoding

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    While linear programming (LP) decoding provides more flexibility for finite-length performance analysis than iterative message-passing (IMP) decoding, it is computationally more complex to implement in its original form, due to both the large size of the relaxed LP problem, and the inefficiency of using general-purpose LP solvers. This paper explores ideas for fast LP decoding of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. We first prove, by modifying the previously reported Adaptive LP decoding scheme to allow removal of unnecessary constraints, that LP decoding can be performed by solving a number of LP problems that contain at most one linear constraint derived from each of the parity-check constraints. By exploiting this property, we study a sparse interior-point implementation for solving this sequence of linear programs. Since the most complex part of each iteration of the interior-point algorithm is the solution of a (usually ill-conditioned) system of linear equations for finding the step direction, we propose a preconditioning algorithm to facilitate iterative solution of such systems. The proposed preconditioning algorithm is similar to the encoding procedure of LDPC codes, and we demonstrate its effectiveness via both analytical methods and computer simulation results.Comment: 44 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Dec. 200

    LDRD final report on massively-parallel linear programming : the parPCx system.

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    Numerical Optimisation Problems in Finance

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    This thesis consists of four projects regarding numerical optimisation and financial derivative pricing. The first project deals with the calibration of the Heston stochastic volatility model. A method using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm with the analytical gradient is developed. It is so far the fastest Heston model calibrator and meets the speed requirement of practical trading. In the second project, a triply-nested iterative method for the implementation of interior-point methods for linear programs is proposed. It is the first time that an interior-point method entirely based on iterative solvers succeeds in solving a fairly large number of linear programming instances from benchmark libraries under the standard stopping criteria. The third project extends the Black-Scholes valuation to a complex volatility parameter and presents its singularities at zero and infinity. Fractals that describe the chaotic nature of the Newton-Raphson calculation of the implied volatility are shown for different moneyness values. Among other things, these fractals visualise dramatically the effect of an existing modification for improving the stability and convergence of the search. The project studies scientifically an interesting problem widespread in the financial industry, while revealing artistic values stemming from mathematics. The fourth project investigates the consistency of a class of stochastic volatility models under spot rate inversion, and hence their suitability in the foreign exchange market. The general formula of the model parameters for the inversion rate is given, which provides basis for further investigation. The result is further extended to the affine stochastic volatility model. The Heston model, among the other members in the stochastic volatility family, is the only one that we found to be consistent under the spot inversion. The conclusion on the Heston model verifies the arbitrage opportunity in the variance swap

    Numerical solution of saddle point problems

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    A study of preconditioners for network interior point methods

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    ABSTRACT. We study and compare preconditioners available for network interior point methods. We derive upper bounds for the condition number of the preconditioned matrices used in the solution of systems of linear equations defining the algorithm search directions. The preconditioners are tested using PDNET, a state-of-the-art interior point code for the minimum cost network flow problem. A computational comparison using a set of standard problems improves the understanding of the effectiveness of preconditioners in network interior point methods. 1