6 research outputs found

    Internode Distance-Based Redundancy Reliable Transport in Underwater Sensor Networks

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    Underwater communication is a very challenging topic. Protocols used in terrestrial sensor networks cannot be directly applied in the underwater world. High-bit error rate and large propagation delay make the design of transport protocols especially awkward. ARQ-based reliable transport schemes are not appropriate in underwater environments due to large propagation delay, low communication bandwidth, and high error probability. Thus, we focus on redundancy-based transport schemes in this paper. We first investigate three schemes that employ redundancy mechanisms at the bit and/or packet level to increase the reliability in a direct link scenario. Then, we show that the broadcast property of the underwater channel allows us to extend those schemes to a case with node cooperative communication. Based on our analysis, an adaptive redundancy transport protocol (ARRTP) for underwater sensor networks is proposed. We suggest an architecture for implementation. For two kinds of topologies, namely, regular and random, we show that ARRTP presents a better transmission success probability and energy efficiency tradeoff for single- and multihop transmissions. We also offer an integrated case study to show that ARRTP is not only supplying reliability but also has some positive effect in guiding the deployment of underwater sensor nodes

    A Study of Forward Error Correction Schemes for Reliable Transport in Underwater Sensor Networks

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    Underwater communications is a very challenging topic due to its singular channel characteristics. Most protocols used in terrestrial wireless communications can not be directly applied in the underwater world. A high bit error rate and low propagation delay make the design of reliable transport protocols especially awkward. In this paper, we first propose four schemes that combine forward error correction mechanisms at the bit and/or packet level to increase the reliability in a non-cooperative scenario. The broadcast property of the underwater environment allows us to extend them to a cooperative setting. Based on our analyses, we introduce ADELIN: an adaptive reliable transport protocol for underwater sensor networks. We suggest an architecture for implementation and compare our protocol to other schemes. We show that it succeeds in a better probability and energy tradeoff for both single- and multi-hop communications


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    Underwater wireless sensors networks find many applications in today's life. However underwater sensors are still relatively expensive. They suffer from short lifetime which is limited by batteries lifetime as it is difficult to recharge or even replace batteries in harsh aquatic medium. When the battery is depleted the sensor is of no use anymore. So designing energy efficient communication protocols is an important issue for underwater sensors networks. Underwater is characterized by variable channel conditions, whereas underwater sensors are mobile due to water currents leading to variable distances between sensors. This variability in channel conditions and distances between sensors leads to inefficiency in energy consumptions when using fixed type of error correction technique. In this thesis, a mathematical energy efficiency derivations for the two main error correction techniques (Automatic Repeat request (ARQ) and Forward Error Correction (FEC)) in underwater environment has been done. The results from those derivations show that one technique is more energy efficient than the other below specific distance, where as the other is more energy efficient after this distance. This specific distance is found to be unfixed and varies with the variation in channel conditions and packet size. So using fixed error correction technique for specific distance is not accurate. Simulation has been done which validate the mathematical derivations. Based on the above derivation results Adaptive Hybrid Error Correction (AHEC) technique which adaptively changes the error correction technique to the technique that gives the highest energy efficiency for the current channel conditions and distances has been proposed. The technique uses an adaptation algorithm which depends on a pre-calculated packet acceptance rate (PAR) ranges look-up table, current PAR, packet length and current error correction technique used. AHEC viii technique has been found to have better energy saving compared with the techniques that depend on pure ARQ or FEC only. This saving ranges from 10 to 70 % in energy saving in ARQ case , and 7 to 10 % in energy saving in FEC case depending on current channel conditions and distance .It has also been compared with the technique that uses variable power supply in adaptation (Adaptive Variable Power Supply (AVPS)) and it achieves between 20 to 60 % in energy saving depending on current channel conditions and distance. It has also been compared with Adaptive Redundancy Reliable Transport Protocol (ARRTP), and it achieves between 10 to 80 % in energy saving depending on the current channel conditions and distance. The adaptation algorithm which depends on PAR has also been applied in adaptation to the ARRTP which originally depends only on inter-node distance in adaptation. PAR take both of distance and channel conditions into consideration. This technique is called PAR-based ARRTP, and the results shows better adaptation than the basic ARRTP in variable channel conditions cases. AHEC technique has also been applied with the bounded distance routing protocol to minimize the effects of variable channel conditions. Bounded distance routing protocol design depends on choosing specific number of relays between sender and receiver that minimize the total energy consumptions. This specific number of relays varies with the variation in channel conditions. The results show a deviation in number of relays from 6 when fixed error correction technique is used to only 2 when AHEC technique is used with it

    Energy Efficiency in Communications and Networks

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    The topic of "Energy Efficiency in Communications and Networks" attracts growing attention due to economical and environmental reasons. The amount of power consumed by information and communication technologies (ICT) is rapidly increasing, as well as the energy bill of service providers. According to a number of studies, ICT alone is responsible for a percentage which varies from 2% to 10% of the world power consumption. Thus, driving rising cost and sustainability concerns about the energy footprint of the IT infrastructure. Energy-efficiency is an aspect that until recently was only considered for battery driven devices. Today we see energy-efficiency becoming a pervasive issue that will need to be considered in all technology areas from device technology to systems management. This book is seeking to provide a compilation of novel research contributions on hardware design, architectures, protocols and algorithms that will improve the energy efficiency of communication devices and networks and lead to a more energy proportional technology infrastructure