5 research outputs found

    ALBERT-Based Personalized Educational Recommender System: Enhancing Students’ Learning Outcomes in Online Learning

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    Online learners must navigate vast educational resources to find materials that meet their needs. This study introduces an ALBERT-based personalized educational recommender system to improve student learning. ALBERT (A Lite BERT), an optimized variant of the BERT algorithm, captures contextualized word representations and understands the semantic meaning of learning resources, student profiles, and interactions. This study evaluates the ALBERT-based recommender system’s personalized learning recommendations. To assess learning outcomes, a diverse group of students from different educational domains is evaluated. Before and after the recommender system, academic performance, knowledge retention, and engagement are assessed. User satisfaction surveys assess recommendation quality, relevance, and user experience. The recommender system uses ALBERT’s model optimization to improve recommendation accuracy, learner engagement, and personalized learning. The evaluation shows the ALBERT-based personalized recommender system improves online learning outcomes. System-generated recommendations boost student engagement, knowledge retention, and academic performance. User satisfaction surveys show that the ALBERT-based system meets learners’ needs by providing relevant and high-quality recommendations. This research shows how advanced deep learning algorithms like ALBERT can improve personalized online learning. ALBERT’s optimized training and inference speeds up the recommender system’s scalability. This empowers learners to access tailored and high-quality educational resources, maximizing their learning outcomes and potential in online learning

    Learning Resource Recommendation Method based on Fuzzy Logic

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    Sistema para auxílio no planejamento acadêmico de alunos através de visualizações e recomendações

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    Desenvolvimento de um sistema para auxílio no planejamento acadêmico através da visualização dos dados de progresso no curso e recomendação de disciplinas para os alunos do Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Inicialmente, foram realizadas pesquisas com professores orientadores acadêmicos e alunos, com o intuito de encontrar funcionalidades importantes para serem implementadas no sistema e entender quais características devem ser consideradas no momento da escolha da grade de disciplinas a serem cursadas. Em seguida, foram obtidos os dados dos alunos junto ao SIGA (Sistema Integrado de Gestão Acadêmico), para serem utilizados no sistema, com o consentimento da coordenação do curso. Estudando os dados e analisando o resultado das pesquisas, foi proposto um sistema de recomendação de disciplinas, aplicando os conceitos aprendidos durante a disciplina de Recuperação de Informação e com funcionalidades úteis para ambos, alunos e professores orienta- dores. No sistema, é possível acompanhar o progresso dos alunos, ver ranqueamento de disciplinas e receber recomendação de grades ao início do período. Por fim, o sistema foi apresentado e testado com alguns alunos e professores com a finalidade de obter avaliações e insumos para melhorias no futuro

    An educational recommender system based on argumentation theory

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    You are free to use the manuscript version of your article for internal, educational or other purposes of your own institution, company or funding agency[EN] Recommender Systems aim to provide users with search results close to their needs, making predictions of their preferences. In virtual learning environments, Educational Recommender Systems deliver learning objects according to the student's characteristics, preferences and learning needs. A learning object is an educational content unit, which once found and retrieved may assist students in their learning process. In previous work, authors have designed and evaluated several recommendation techniques for delivering the most appropriate learning object for each specific student. Also, they have combined these techniques by using hybridization methods, improving the performance of isolated techniques. However, traditional hybridization methods fail when the learning objects delivered by each recommendation technique are very different from those selected by the other techniques (there is no agreement about the best learning object to recommend). In this paper, we present a new recommendation method based on argumentation theory that is able to combine content-based, collaborative and knowledge-based recommendation techniques, or to act as a new recommendation technique. This method provides the students with those objects for which the system is able to generate more arguments to justify their suitability. It has been implemented and tested in the Federation of Learning Objects Repositories of Colombia, getting promising results.This work was partially developed with the aid of the doctoral grant offered to Paula A. Rodriguez by 'Programa Nacional de Formacion de Investigadores - COLCIENCIAS', Colombia and partially funded by the COLCIENCIAS project 1119-569-34172 from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. It was also supported by the by the projects TIN2015-65515-C4-1-R and TIN2014-55206-R of the Spanish government and by the grant program for the recruitment of doctors for the Spanish system of science and technology (PAID-10-14) of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Rodríguez, P.; Heras, S.; Palanca Cámara, J.; Poveda, JM.; Duque, N.; Julian Inglada, VJ. (2017). An educational recommender system based on argumentation theory. AI Communications. 30(1):19-36. https://doi.org/10.3233/AIC-170724S1936301Briguez, C. E., Budán, M. C. D., Deagustini, C. A. D., Maguitman, A. G., Capobianco, M., & Simari, G. R. (2014). Argument-based mixed recommenders and their application to movie suggestion. Expert Systems with Applications, 41(14), 6467-6482. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2014.03.046BRIGUEZ, C. 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