1,324 research outputs found

    Learning to Convolve: A Generalized Weight-Tying Approach

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    Recent work (Cohen & Welling, 2016) has shown that generalizations of convolutions, based on group theory, provide powerful inductive biases for learning. In these generalizations, filters are not only translated but can also be rotated, flipped, etc. However, coming up with exact models of how to rotate a 3 x 3 filter on a square pixel-grid is difficult. In this paper, we learn how to transform filters for use in the group convolution, focussing on roto-translation. For this, we learn a filter basis and all rotated versions of that filter basis. Filters are then encoded by a set of rotation invariant coefficients. To rotate a filter, we switch the basis. We demonstrate we can produce feature maps with low sensitivity to input rotations, while achieving high performance on MNIST and CIFAR-10.Comment: Accepted to ICML 201

    Interpretable Transformations with Encoder-Decoder Networks

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    Deep feature spaces have the capacity to encode complex transformations of their input data. However, understanding the relative feature-space relationship between two transformed encoded images is difficult. For instance, what is the relative feature space relationship between two rotated images? What is decoded when we interpolate in feature space? Ideally, we want to disentangle confounding factors, such as pose, appearance, and illumination, from object identity. Disentangling these is difficult because they interact in very nonlinear ways. We propose a simple method to construct a deep feature space, with explicitly disentangled representations of several known transformations. A person or algorithm can then manipulate the disentangled representation, for example, to re-render an image with explicit control over parameterized degrees of freedom. The feature space is constructed using a transforming encoder-decoder network with a custom feature transform layer, acting on the hidden representations. We demonstrate the advantages of explicit disentangling on a variety of datasets and transformations, and as an aid for traditional tasks, such as classification.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 201

    Sampling Theorems for Unsupervised Learning in Linear Inverse Problems

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    Solving a linear inverse problem requires knowledge about the underlying signal model. In many applications, this model is a priori unknown and has to be learned from data. However, it is impossible to learn the model using observations obtained via a single incomplete measurement operator, as there is no information outside the range of the inverse operator, resulting in a chicken-and-egg problem: to learn the model we need reconstructed signals, but to reconstruct the signals we need to know the model. Two ways to overcome this limitation are using multiple measurement operators or assuming that the signal model is invariant to a certain group action. In this paper, we present necessary and sufficient sampling conditions for learning the signal model from partial measurements which only depend on the dimension of the model, and the number of operators or properties of the group action that the model is invariant to. As our results are agnostic of the learning algorithm, they shed light into the fundamental limitations of learning from incomplete data and have implications in a wide range set of practical algorithms, such as dictionary learning, matrix completion and deep neural networks.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2201.1215

    Sensing Theorems for Unsupervised Learning in Linear Inverse Problems

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    International audienceSolving an ill-posed linear inverse problem requires knowledge about the underlying signal model. In many applications, this model is a priori unknown and has to be learned from data. However, it is impossible to learn the model using observations obtained via a single incomplete measurement operator, as there is no information about the signal model in the nullspace of the operator, resulting in a chicken-and-egg problem: to learn the model we need reconstructed signals, but to reconstruct the signals we need to know the model. Two ways to overcome this limitation are using multiple measurement operators or assuming that the signal model is invariant to a certain group action. In this paper, we present necessary and sufficient sensing conditions for learning the signal model from measurement data alone which only depend on the dimension of the model and the number of operators or properties of the group action that the model is invariant to. As our results are agnostic of the learning algorithm, they shed light into the fundamental limitations of learning from incomplete data and have implications in a wide range set of practical algorithms, such as dictionary learning, matrix completion and deep neural networks

    Homomorphism AutoEncoder — Learning Group Structured Representations from Observed Transitions

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    How can agents learn internal models that veridically represent interactions with the real world is a largely open question. As machine learning is moving towards representations containing not just observational but also interventional knowledge, we study this problem using tools from representation learning and group theory. We propose methods enabling an agent acting upon the world to learn internal representations of sensory information that are consistent with actions that modify it. We use an autoencoder equipped with a group representation acting on its latent space, trained using an equivariance-derived loss in order to enforce a suitable homomorphism property on the group representation. In contrast to existing work, our approach does not require prior knowledge of the group and does not restrict the set of actions the agent can perform. We motivate our method theoretically, and show empirically that it can learn a group representation of the actions, thereby capturing the structure of the set of transformations applied to the environment. We further show that this allows agents to predict the effect of sequences of future actions with improved accuracy

    I2I: Image to Icosahedral Projection for SO(3)\mathrm{SO}(3) Object Reasoning from Single-View Images

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    Reasoning about 3D objects based on 2D images is challenging due to large variations in appearance caused by viewing the object from different orientations. Ideally, our model would be invariant or equivariant to changes in object pose. Unfortunately, this is typically not possible with 2D image input because we do not have an a priori model of how the image would change under out-of-plane object rotations. The only SO(3)\mathrm{SO}(3)-equivariant models that currently exist require point cloud input rather than 2D images. In this paper, we propose a novel model architecture based on icosahedral group convolution that reasons in SO(3)\mathrm{SO(3)} by projecting the input image onto an icosahedron. As a result of this projection, the model is approximately equivariant to rotation in SO(3)\mathrm{SO}(3). We apply this model to an object pose estimation task and find that it outperforms reasonable baselines

    MDP Homomorphic Networks: Group Symmetries in Reinforcement Learning

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    This paper introduces MDP homomorphic networks for deep reinforcement learning. MDP homomorphic networks are neural networks that are equivariant under symmetries in the joint state-action space of an MDP. Current approaches to deep reinforcement learning do not usually exploit knowledge about such structure. By building this prior knowledge into policy and value networks using an equivariance constraint, we can reduce the size of the solution space. We specifically focus on group-structured symmetries (invertible transformations). Additionally, we introduce an easy method for constructing equivariant network layers numerically, so the system designer need not solve the constraints by hand, as is typically done. We construct MDP homomorphic MLPs and CNNs that are equivariant under either a group of reflections or rotations. We show that such networks converge faster than unstructured baselines on CartPole, a grid world and Pong

    Bispectral Neural Networks

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    We present a neural network architecture, Bispectral Neural Networks (BNNs) for learning representations that are invariant to the actions of compact commutative groups on the space over which a signal is defined. The model incorporates the ansatz of the bispectrum, an analytically defined group invariant that is complete -- that is, it preserves all signal structure while removing only the variation due to group actions. Here, we demonstrate that BNNs are able to simultaneously learn groups, their irreducible representations, and corresponding complete invariant maps purely from the symmetries implicit in data. Further, we demonstrate that the completeness property endows these networks with strong adversarial robustness. This work establishes Bispectral Neural Networks as a powerful computational primitive for robust invariant representation learning
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