11,110 research outputs found

    Representation Independent Analytics Over Structured Data

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    Database analytics algorithms leverage quantifiable structural properties of the data to predict interesting concepts and relationships. The same information, however, can be represented using many different structures and the structural properties observed over particular representations do not necessarily hold for alternative structures. Thus, there is no guarantee that current database analytics algorithms will still provide the correct insights, no matter what structures are chosen to organize the database. Because these algorithms tend to be highly effective over some choices of structure, such as that of the databases used to validate them, but not so effective with others, database analytics has largely remained the province of experts who can find the desired forms for these algorithms. We argue that in order to make database analytics usable, we should use or develop algorithms that are effective over a wide range of choices of structural organizations. We introduce the notion of representation independence, study its fundamental properties for a wide range of data analytics algorithms, and empirically analyze the amount of representation independence of some popular database analytics algorithms. Our results indicate that most algorithms are not generally representation independent and find the characteristics of more representation independent heuristics under certain representational shifts

    Business Process Retrieval Based on Behavioral Semantics

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    This paper develops a framework for retrieving business processes considering search requirements based on behavioral semantics properties; it presents a framework called "BeMantics" for retrieving business processes based on structural, linguistics, and behavioral semantics properties. The relevance of the framework is evaluated retrieving business processes from a repository, and collecting a set of relevant business processes manually issued by human judges. The "BeMantics" framework scored high precision values (0.717) but low recall values (0.558), which implies that even when the framework avoided false negatives, it prone to false positives. The highest pre- cision value was scored in the linguistic criterion showing that using semantic inference in the tasks comparison allowed to reduce around 23.6 % the number of false positives. Using semantic inference to compare tasks of business processes can improve the precision; but if the ontologies are from narrow and specific domains, they limit the semantic expressiveness obtained with ontologies from more general domains. Regarding the perform- ance, it can be improved by using a filter phase which indexes business processes taking into account behavioral semantics propertie

    Keyword Search on RDF Graphs - A Query Graph Assembly Approach

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    Keyword search provides ordinary users an easy-to-use interface for querying RDF data. Given the input keywords, in this paper, we study how to assemble a query graph that is to represent user's query intention accurately and efficiently. Based on the input keywords, we first obtain the elementary query graph building blocks, such as entity/class vertices and predicate edges. Then, we formally define the query graph assembly (QGA) problem. Unfortunately, we prove theoretically that QGA is a NP-complete problem. In order to solve that, we design some heuristic lower bounds and propose a bipartite graph matching-based best-first search algorithm. The algorithm's time complexity is O(k2ll3l)O(k^{2l} \cdot l^{3l}), where ll is the number of the keywords and kk is a tunable parameter, i.e., the maximum number of candidate entity/class vertices and predicate edges allowed to match each keyword. Although QGA is intractable, both ll and kk are small in practice. Furthermore, the algorithm's time complexity does not depend on the RDF graph size, which guarantees the good scalability of our system in large RDF graphs. Experiments on DBpedia and Freebase confirm the superiority of our system on both effectiveness and efficiency

    Integration of Biological Sources: Exploring the Case of Protein Homology

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    Data integration is a key issue in the domain of bioin- formatics, which deals with huge amounts of heteroge- neous biological data that grows and changes rapidly. This paper serves as an introduction in the field of bioinformatics and the biological concepts it deals with, and an exploration of the integration problems a bioinformatics scientist faces. We examine ProGMap, an integrated protein homology system used by bioin- formatics scientists at Wageningen University, and several use cases related to protein homology. A key issue we identify is the huge manual effort required to unify source databases into a single resource. Un- certain databases are able to contain several possi- ble worlds, and it has been proposed that they can be used to significantly reduce initial integration efforts. We propose several directions for future work where uncertain databases can be applied to bioinformatics, with the goal of furthering the cause of bioinformatics integration