4 research outputs found

    Gráfico de contorno preenchido: solução para a representação sintética de um conjunto de imagens de satélite.

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    Imagens de satélite podem ser obtidas sobre extensas áreas da superfície terrestre e têm grande utilidade no monitoramento do uso do solo. Uma região, definida por contornos geopolíticos, pode ser imageada diversas vezes por um mesmo sensor ao longo de um intervalo de tempo, como o ano civil, produzindo um enorme e rico volume de dados, mas cuja interpretação conjunta é complexa. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de apresentar uma forma de visualização de dados de sensoriamento remoto, relativamente simples, que permite reunir em um único gráfico de contorno preenchido (filled contour plot), informações de diversas imagens obtidas ao longo de um período de tempo sobre uma região. Para ilustrar a técnica proposta, dados do índice de vegetação EVI2 de quatro municípios do Estado de São Paulo, obtidos a partir de 23 imagens MODIS/Terra datadas de 2008, foram analisados. Os resultados permitem afirmar que é possível associar, de maneira lógica, o aspecto do gráfico e o uso predominante do solo, ao se considerar a fenologia e o manejo das principais atividades agrícolas dos municípios estudados. A principal vantagem do método gráfico apresentado é que ele permite resumir, em uma única figura, o comportamento espectral (nesse caso, o EVI2), em uma região geopolítica (município), durante um período de tempo(ano), representado por várias imagens (23). Assim, torna-se possível comparar conjuntos de imagens obtidas durante períodos de duração variada, entre regiões de tamanhos e formas diferentes, como os municípios, utilizando sempre um mesmo padrão gráfico de fácil visualização e interpretação

    ESG-CET Final Progress Title

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    Drawing to a close after five years of funding from DOE's ASCR and BER program offices, the SciDAC-2 project called the Earth System Grid (ESG) Center for Enabling Technologies has successfully established a new capability for serving data from distributed centers. The system enables users to access, analyze, and visualize data using a globally federated collection of networks, computers and software. The ESG software - now known as the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) - has attracted a broad developer base and has been widely adopted so that it is now being utilized in serving the most comprehensive multi-model climate data sets in the world. The system is used to support international climate model intercomparison activities as well as high profile U.S. DOE, NOAA, NASA, and NSF projects. It currently provides more than 25,000 users access to more than half a petabyte of climate data (from models and from observations) and has enabled over a 1,000 scientific publications

    Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) in a changing world : the case of S and W Iberian Bays

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    This thesis aimed to investigate, in two wide-open sheltered bays (Lisbon and Lagos) influenced by upwelling, how the meteorological and oceanographic (MetOc) setting may affect phytoplankton communities. Results of a 9-year time series data showed a high interannual variability of phytoplankton biomass, estimated as chlorophyll a (Chl-a). Nevertheless, the Chl-a sinusoidal model showed different temporal variability patterns in each bay: a uni-modal pattern with a short peak and low Chl-a concentrations in Lagos, and a weak bi-modal pattern with a long period of high Chl-a concentrations in Lisbon. Cross-correlation analyses performed for Chl-a and different MetOc variables indicated that PAR contributed most to Chl-a in winter/early-spring, while upwelling and SST were the main drivers in late-spring/summer. Analysis performed during 1-year showed significant spatial differences in phytoplankton assemblages between the bays. On a temporal scale, significant differences were observed on phytoplankton communities in both bays in the 4-meteorological seasons. However, results from a nearshore station studied in Lagos only indicated the occurrence of 3-biological seasons, with no significant differences between summer and autumn communities. This study suggests that Lagos region has a higher probability for the occurrence of HABs (in higher cell concentrations and persistence). The ecology of the benthic genus Ostreopsis was studied based on 7-years of water samples. Two species were identified reaching maximum cell densities in late-summer/early-autumn: Ostreopsis cf. ovata restricted to the south coast and Ostreopsis cf. siamensis present in both Portuguese coasts. Ostreopsis was much more abundant in Lagos (nearshore) and maxima concentrations were related to positive SST anomalies. High densities in the plankton were often recorded after a period of more than 2-weeks of low sea state, followed by short-time events of onshore wind and moderate waves. In Lisbon, O. cf. siamensis was seldom recorded in the plankton and no clear relationship could be established with the studied MetOc drivers. The recent records of Ostreopsis in this bay are interpreted as an early colonization stage of an invasion process. The present work highlights the relevance of the peculiarities of regional setting in determining phytoplankton dynamics in wide-open coastal bays influenced by upwelling, even at short latitudinal distance.Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (MAR2020-P02M01-1490P)Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (UIDB/04292/2020)Centro de Ciências do Mar da Universidade do Algarve (UID/Multi/04326/2020