13 research outputs found

    Exponential rate of convergence to equilibrium for a model describing fiber lay-down processes

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    This paper is devoted to the adaptation of the method developed in [4,3] to a Fokker-Planck equation for fiber lay-down which has been studied in [1,5]. Exponential convergence towards a unique stationary state is proved in a norm which is equivalent to a weighted L2L^2 norm. The method is based on a micro / macro decomposition which is well adapted to the diffusion limit regime.Comment: 8 page

    Exponential decay to equilibrium for a fibre lay-down process on a moving conveyor belt

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    We show existence and uniqueness of a stationary state for a kinetic Fokker-Planck equation modelling the fibre lay-down process in the production of non-woven textiles. Following a micro-macro decomposition, we use hypocoercivity techniques to show exponential convergence to equilibrium with an explicit rate assuming the conveyor belt moves slow enough. This work is an extension of (Dolbeault et al., 2013), where the authors consider the case of a stationary conveyor belt. Adding the movement of the belt, the global Gibbs state is not known explicitly. We thus derive a more general hypocoercivity estimate from which existence, uniqueness and exponential convergence can be derived. To treat the same class of potentials as in (Dolbeault et al., 2013), we make use of an additional weight function following the Lyapunov functional approach in (Kolb et al., 2013)

    Single to double mill small noise transition via semi-Lagrangian finite volume methods

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    We show that double mills are more stable than single mills under stochastic perturbations in swarming dynamic models with basic attraction-repulsion mechanisms. In order to analyse this fact accurately, we will present a numerical technique for solving kinetic mean field equations for swarming dynamics. Numerical solutions of these equations for different sets of parameters will be presented and compared to microscopic and macroscopic results. As a consequence, we numerically observe a phase transition diagram in terms of the stochastic noise going from single to double mill for small stochasticity fading gradually to disordered states when the noise strength gets larger. This bifurcation diagram at the inhomogeneous kinetic level is shown by carefully computing the distribution function in velocity space

    Geometric Langevin equations on submanifolds and applications to the stochastic melt-spinning process of nonwovens and biology

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    In this article we develop geometric versions of the classical Langevin equation on regular submanifolds in euclidean space in an easy, natural way and combine them with a bunch of applications. The equations are formulated as Stratonovich stochastic differential equations on manifolds. The first version of the geometric Langevin equation has already been detected before by Leli\`evre, Rousset and Stoltz with a different derivation. We propose an additional extension of the models, the geometric Langevin equations with velocity of constant absolute value. The latters are seemingly new and provide a galaxy of new, beautiful and powerful mathematical models. Up to the authors best knowledge there are not many mathematical papers available dealing with geometric Langevin processes. We connect the first version of the geometric Langevin equation via proving that its generator coincides with the generalized Langevin operator proposed by Soloveitchik, Jorgensen and Kolokoltsov. All our studies are strongly motivated by industrial applications in modeling the fiber lay-down dynamics in the production process of nonwovens. We light up the geometry occuring in these models and show up the connection with the spherical velocity version of the geometric Langevin process. Moreover, as a main point, we construct new smooth industrial relevant three-dimensional fiber lay-down models involving the spherical Langevin process. Finally, relations to a class of self-propelled interacting particle systems with roosting force are presented and further applications of the geometric Langevin equations are given