2,625 research outputs found

    Simple yet stable bearing-only navigation

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    This article describes a simple monocular navigation system for a mobile robot based on the map-and-replay technique. The presented method is robust and easy to implement and does not require sensor calibration or structured environment, and its computational complexity is independent of the environment size. The method can navigate a robot while sensing only one landmark at a time, making it more robust than other monocular approaches. The aforementioned properties of the method allow even low-cost robots to effectively act in large outdoor and indoor environments with natural landmarks only. The basic idea is to utilize a monocular vision to correct only the robot's heading, leaving distance measurements to the odometry. The heading correction itself can suppress the odometric error and prevent the overall position error from diverging. The influence of a map-based heading estimation and odometric errors on the overall position uncertainty is examined. A claim is stated that for closed polygonal trajectories, the position error of this type of navigation does not diverge. The claim is defended mathematically and experimentally. The method has been experimentally tested in a set of indoor and outdoor experiments, during which the average position errors have been lower than 0.3 m for paths more than 1 km long

    Computing Petaflops over Terabytes of Data: The Case of Genome-Wide Association Studies

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    In many scientific and engineering applications, one has to solve not one but a sequence of instances of the same problem. Often times, the problems in the sequence are linked in a way that allows intermediate results to be reused. A characteristic example for this class of applications is given by the Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS), a widely spread tool in computational biology. GWAS entails the solution of up to trillions (101210^{12}) of correlated generalized least-squares problems, posing a daunting challenge: the performance of petaflops (101510^{15} floating-point operations) over terabytes of data. In this paper, we design an algorithm for performing GWAS on multi-core architectures. This is accomplished in three steps. First, we show how to exploit the relation among successive problems, thus reducing the overall computational complexity. Then, through an analysis of the required data transfers, we identify how to eliminate any overhead due to input/output operations. Finally, we study how to decompose computation into tasks to be distributed among the available cores, to attain high performance and scalability. With our algorithm, a GWAS that currently requires the use of a supercomputer may now be performed in matter of hours on a single multi-core node. The discussion centers around the methodology to develop the algorithm rather than the specific application. We believe the paper contributes valuable guidelines of general applicability for computational scientists on how to develop and optimize numerical algorithms

    A distributed-memory package for dense Hierarchically Semi-Separable matrix computations using randomization

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    We present a distributed-memory library for computations with dense structured matrices. A matrix is considered structured if its off-diagonal blocks can be approximated by a rank-deficient matrix with low numerical rank. Here, we use Hierarchically Semi-Separable representations (HSS). Such matrices appear in many applications, e.g., finite element methods, boundary element methods, etc. Exploiting this structure allows for fast solution of linear systems and/or fast computation of matrix-vector products, which are the two main building blocks of matrix computations. The compression algorithm that we use, that computes the HSS form of an input dense matrix, relies on randomized sampling with a novel adaptive sampling mechanism. We discuss the parallelization of this algorithm and also present the parallelization of structured matrix-vector product, structured factorization and solution routines. The efficiency of the approach is demonstrated on large problems from different academic and industrial applications, on up to 8,000 cores. This work is part of a more global effort, the STRUMPACK (STRUctured Matrices PACKage) software package for computations with sparse and dense structured matrices. Hence, although useful on their own right, the routines also represent a step in the direction of a distributed-memory sparse solver

    Joint Regression and Ranking for Image Enhancement

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    Research on automated image enhancement has gained momentum in recent years, partially due to the need for easy-to-use tools for enhancing pictures captured by ubiquitous cameras on mobile devices. Many of the existing leading methods employ machine-learning-based techniques, by which some enhancement parameters for a given image are found by relating the image to the training images with known enhancement parameters. While knowing the structure of the parameter space can facilitate search for the optimal solution, none of the existing methods has explicitly modeled and learned that structure. This paper presents an end-to-end, novel joint regression and ranking approach to model the interaction between desired enhancement parameters and images to be processed, employing a Gaussian process (GP). GP allows searching for ideal parameters using only the image features. The model naturally leads to a ranking technique for comparing images in the induced feature space. Comparative evaluation using the ground-truth based on the MIT-Adobe FiveK dataset plus subjective tests on an additional data-set were used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Comment: WACV 201

    Artificial Noise-Aided Biobjective Transmitter Optimization for Service Integration in Multi-User MIMO Gaussian Broadcast Channel

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    This paper considers an artificial noise (AN)-aided transmit design for multi-user MIMO systems with integrated services. Specifically, two sorts of service messages are combined and served simultaneously: one multicast message intended for all receivers and one confidential message intended for only one receiver and required to be perfectly secure from other unauthorized receivers. Our interest lies in the joint design of input covariances of the multicast message, confidential message and artificial noise (AN), such that the achievable secrecy rate and multicast rate are simultaneously maximized. This problem is identified as a secrecy rate region maximization (SRRM) problem in the context of physical-layer service integration. Since this bi-objective optimization problem is inherently complex to solve, we put forward two different scalarization methods to convert it into a scalar optimization problem. First, we propose to prefix the multicast rate as a constant, and accordingly, the primal biobjective problem is converted into a secrecy rate maximization (SRM) problem with quality of multicast service (QoMS) constraint. By varying the constant, we can obtain different Pareto optimal points. The resulting SRM problem can be iteratively solved via a provably convergent difference-of-concave (DC) algorithm. In the second method, we aim to maximize the weighted sum of the secrecy rate and the multicast rate. Through varying the weighted vector, one can also obtain different Pareto optimal points. We show that this weighted sum rate maximization (WSRM) problem can be recast into a primal decomposable form, which is amenable to alternating optimization (AO). Then we compare these two scalarization methods in terms of their overall performance and computational complexity via theoretical analysis as well as numerical simulation, based on which new insights can be drawn.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure
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