148 research outputs found

    Improve a secure blind watermarking technique for digital video

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    In recent years, digital watermark video has become increasingly popular in a range of industries, but because it is widely available on the Internet, it is simple to make unlawful copies and tamper with digital video. Watermarking digital video has become more popular as a method of detecting changes and preventing illegal duplication. This paper presents a video copyright protection system that is secure, blind, and robust. Two approaches that are resistant to diverse attacks are proposed in this research. The initial step is to encrypt a hybrid watermark (Message, Image) using two different encryption techniques (RSA and AES).The second is a steganography technique based on LSB-based robust watermarking, which embeds an encrypted secret bit Message and Image in key frames of an MP4 video file by utilizing the mean of the grayscale images that differ and take the most significant differences between the two images. The intensity of the histogram will become more consistent across all pixels as the encryption quality improves. For keyframe watermarking in the spatial domain, the proposed methods can maintain the watermarked information while achieving high imperceptibility and a Peak Single to Noise Ratio [PSNR] equivalent to more than 50 db, where quality measures (MSE, PSNR, and correlation coefficient) that calculate the levels of distortion caused by embedding a watermark in digital video produce good results

    Application of Stochastic Diffusion for Hiding High Fidelity Encrypted Images

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    Cryptography coupled with information hiding has received increased attention in recent years and has become a major research theme because of the importance of protecting encrypted information in any Electronic Data Interchange system in a way that is both discrete and covert. One of the essential limitations in any cryptography system is that the encrypted data provides an indication on its importance which arouses suspicion and makes it vulnerable to attack. Information hiding of Steganography provides a potential solution to this issue by making the data imperceptible, the security of the hidden information being a threat only if its existence is detected through Steganalysis. This paper focuses on a study methods for hiding encrypted information, specifically, methods that encrypt data before embedding in host data where the ‘data’ is in the form of a full colour digital image. Such methods provide a greater level of data security especially when the information is to be submitted over the Internet, for example, since a potential attacker needs to first detect, then extract and then decrypt the embedded data in order to recover the original information. After providing an extensive survey of the current methods available, we present a new method of encrypting and then hiding full colour images in three full colour host images with out loss of fidelity following data extraction and decryption. The application of this technique, which is based on a technique called ‘Stochastic Diffusion’ are wide ranging and include covert image information interchange, digital image authentication, video authentication, copyright protection and digital rights management of image data in general

    Information Hiding in Images Using Steganography Techniques

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    Innovation of technology and having fast Internet make information to distribute over the world easily and economically. This is made people to worry about their privacy and works. Steganography is a technique that prevents unauthorized users to have access to the important data. The steganography and digital watermarking provide methods that users can hide and mix their information within other information that make them difficult to recognize by attackers. In this paper, we review some techniques of steganography and digital watermarking in both spatial and frequency domains. Also we explain types of host documents and we focused on types of images

    InvVis: Large-Scale Data Embedding for Invertible Visualization

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    We present InvVis, a new approach for invertible visualization, which is reconstructing or further modifying a visualization from an image. InvVis allows the embedding of a significant amount of data, such as chart data, chart information, source code, etc., into visualization images. The encoded image is perceptually indistinguishable from the original one. We propose a new method to efficiently express chart data in the form of images, enabling large-capacity data embedding. We also outline a model based on the invertible neural network to achieve high-quality data concealing and revealing. We explore and implement a variety of application scenarios of InvVis. Additionally, we conduct a series of evaluation experiments to assess our method from multiple perspectives, including data embedding quality, data restoration accuracy, data encoding capacity, etc. The result of our experiments demonstrates the great potential of InvVis in invertible visualization.Comment: IEEE VIS 202

    Proceedings of the 15th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, 5-6 December 2017, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia

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    Conference Foreword This is the sixth year that the Australian Digital Forensics Conference has been held under the banner of the Security Research Institute, which is in part due to the success of the security conference program at ECU. As with previous years, the conference continues to see a quality papers with a number from local and international authors. 8 papers were submitted and following a double blind peer review process, 5 were accepted for final presentation and publication. Conferences such as these are simply not possible without willing volunteers who follow through with the commitment they have initially made, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the conference committee for their tireless efforts in this regard. These efforts have included but not been limited to the reviewing and editing of the conference papers, and helping with the planning, organisation and execution of the conference. Particular thanks go to those international reviewers who took the time to review papers for the conference, irrespective of the fact that they are unable to attend this year. To our sponsors and supporters a vote of thanks for both the financial and moral support provided to the conference. Finally, to the student volunteers and staff of the ECU Security Research Institute, your efforts as always are appreciated and invaluable. Yours sincerely, Conference ChairProfessor Craig ValliDirector, Security Research Institute Congress Organising Committee Congress Chair: Professor Craig Valli Committee Members: Professor Gary Kessler – Embry Riddle University, Florida, USA Professor Glenn Dardick – Embry Riddle University, Florida, USA Professor Ali Babar – University of Adelaide, Australia Dr Jason Smith – CERT Australia, Australia Associate Professor Mike Johnstone – Edith Cowan University, Australia Professor Joseph A. Cannataci – University of Malta, Malta Professor Nathan Clarke – University of Plymouth, Plymouth UK Professor Steven Furnell – University of Plymouth, Plymouth UK Professor Bill Hutchinson – Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia Professor Andrew Jones – Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE Professor Iain Sutherland – Glamorgan University, Wales, UK Professor Matthew Warren – Deakin University, Melbourne Australia Congress Coordinator: Ms Emma Burk

    Entropy Based Robust Watermarking Algorithm

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    Tänu aina kasvavale multimeedia andmeedastus mahtudele Internetis, on esile kerkinud mured turvalisusest ja piraatlusest. Digitaalse meedia paljundamise ja muutmise maht on loonud vajaduse digitaalse meedia vesimärgistamise järgi. Selles töös on tutvustatud vastupidavaid vesimärkide lisamise algoritme, mis lisavad vesimärgid madala entroopiaga pildi osadesse. Välja pakutud algoritmides jagatakse algne pilt blokkidesse ning arvutatakse iga bloki entroopia. Kõikide blokkide keskmine entroopia väärtus valitakse künniseks, mille järgi otsustatakse, millistesse blokkidesse vesimärk lisada. Kõik blokid, mille entroopia on väiksem kui künnis, viiakse signaali sageduse kujule kasutades Discrete Wavelet Transform algoritmi. Madala sagedusega sagedusvahemikule rakendatakse Chirp Z-Transform algoritmi ja saadud tulemusele LU-dekompositsiooni või QR-dekompositsiooni. Singular Value Decomposition meetodi rakendamisel diagonaalmaatriksile, mis saadi eelmisest sammust, saadakse iga bloki vastav väärtus. Vesimärk lisatakse pildile, liites iga bloki arvutatud väärtusele vesimärgi Singular Value Decomposition meetodi tulemused. Kirjeldatud algoritme testiti ning võrreldi teiste tavapärast ning uudsete vesimärkide lisamise tehnoloogiatega. Kvantitatiivsed ja kvalitatiivsed eksperimendid näitavad, et välja pakutud meetodid on tajumatud ning vastupidavad signaali töötlemise rünnakutele.With growth of digital media distributed over the Internet, concerns about security and piracy have emerged. The amount of digital media reproduction and tampering has brought a need for content watermarking. In this work, multiple robust watermarking algorithms are introduced. They embed watermark image into singular values of host image’s blocks with low entropy values. In proposed algorithms, host image is divided into blocks, and the entropy of each block is calculated. The average of all entropies indicates the chosen threshold value for selecting the blocks in which watermark image should be embedded. All blocks with entropy lower than the calculated threshold are decomposed into frequency subbands using discrete wavelet transform (DWT). Subsequently chirp z-transform (CZT) is applied to the low-frequency subband followed by an appropriate matrix decomposition such as lower and upper decomposition (LUD) or orthogonal-triangular decomposition (QR decomposition). By applying singular value decomposition (SVD) to diagonal matrices obtained by the aforementioned matrix decompositions, the singular values of each block are calculated. Watermark image is embedded by adding singular values of the watermark image to singular values of the low entropy blocks. Proposed algorithms are tested on many host and watermark images, and they are compared with conventional and other state-of-the-art watermarking techniques. The quantitative and qualitative experimental results are indicating that the proposed algorithms are imperceptible and robust against many signal processing attacks

    Machine learning based digital image forensics and steganalysis

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    The security and trustworthiness of digital images have become crucial issues due to the simplicity of malicious processing. Therefore, the research on image steganalysis (determining if a given image has secret information hidden inside) and image forensics (determining the origin and authenticity of a given image and revealing the processing history the image has gone through) has become crucial to the digital society. In this dissertation, the steganalysis and forensics of digital images are treated as pattern classification problems so as to make advanced machine learning (ML) methods applicable. Three topics are covered: (1) architectural design of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for steganalysis, (2) statistical feature extraction for camera model classification, and (3) real-world tampering detection and localization. For covert communications, steganography is used to embed secret messages into images by altering pixel values slightly. Since advanced steganography alters the pixel values in the image regions that are hard to be detected, the traditional ML-based steganalytic methods heavily relied on sophisticated manual feature design have been pushed to the limit. To overcome this difficulty, in-depth studies are conducted and reported in this dissertation so as to move the success achieved by the CNNs in computer vision to steganalysis. The outcomes achieved and reported in this dissertation are: (1) a proposed CNN architecture incorporating the domain knowledge of steganography and steganalysis, and (2) ensemble methods of the CNNs for steganalysis. The proposed CNN is currently one of the best classifiers against steganography. Camera model classification from images aims at assigning a given image to its source capturing camera model based on the statistics of image pixel values. For this, two types of statistical features are designed to capture the traces left by in-camera image processing algorithms. The first is Markov transition probabilities modeling block-DCT coefficients for JPEG images; the second is based on histograms of local binary patterns obtained in both the spatial and wavelet domains. The designed features serve as the input to train support vector machines, which have the best classification performance at the time the features are proposed. The last part of this dissertation documents the solutions delivered by the author’s team to The First Image Forensics Challenge organized by the Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. In the competition, all the fake images involved were doctored by popular image-editing software to simulate the real-world scenario of tampering detection (determine if a given image has been tampered or not) and localization (determine which pixels have been tampered). In Phase-1 of the Challenge, advanced steganalysis features were successfully migrated to tampering detection. In Phase-2 of the Challenge, an efficient copy-move detector equipped with PatchMatch as a fast approximate nearest neighbor searching method were developed to identify duplicated regions within images. With these tools, the author’s team won the runner-up prizes in both the two phases of the Challenge