3 research outputs found

    Estimating Complexity of Programs in Python Language

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    In this paper, a complexity metric for Python language is formulated. Since Python is an object oriented language, the present metric is capable to evaluate any object-oriented language.We validate our metric with case study, comparative study and empirical validation. The case study is in Python, Java andC++ and the results prove that Python is better than other object-oriented languages. Later, we validate the metric empirically with a real project, which is developed in Python

    Procjena složenosti programa u Python jeziku

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    In this paper, a complexity metric for Python language is formulated. Since Python is an object oriented language, the present metric is capable to evaluate any object-oriented language. We validate our metric with case study, comparative study and empirical validation. The case study is in Python, Java and C++ and the results prove that Python is better than other object-oriented languages. Later, we validate the metric empirically with a real project, which is developed in Python.U ovom radu formulirana je metrička složenost za jezik Python. Budući je Python objektno orijentiran jezik, postojeća metričnost je u stanju procijeniti bilo koji objektno usmjeren jezik. Potvrđujemo naÅ”u metričnost studijom slučaja, usporednom studijom i empirijskom provjerom valjanosti. Studija slučaja je u Python, Java i C ++ jeziku, a rezultati pokazuju da je Python bolji od ostalih objektno orijentiranih jezika. Kasnije smo provjerili metričnost empirijski sa stvarnim projektom, koji je razvijen u Python jeziku

    A Software Metric for Python Language

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