13 research outputs found

    Control of an IPMC soft actuator using adaptive full-order recursive terminal sliding mode

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    The ionic polymer metal composite (IPMC) actuator is a kind of soft actuator that can work for underwater applications. However, IPMC actuator control suffers from high nonlinearity due to the existence of inherent creep and hysteresis phenomena. Furthermore, for underwater applications, they are highly exposed to parametric uncertainties and external disturbances due to the inherent characteristics and working environment. Those factors significantly affect the positioning accuracy and reliability of IPMC actuators. Hence, feedback control techniques are vital in the control of IPMC actuators for suppressing the system uncertainty and external disturbance. In this paper, for the first time an adaptive full-order recursive terminal sliding-mode (AFORTSM) controller is proposed for the IPMC actuator to enhance the positioning accuracy and robustness against parametric uncertainties and external disturbances. The proposed controller incorporates an adaptive algorithm with terminal sliding mode method to release the need for any prerequisite bound of the disturbance. In addition, stability analysis proves that it can guarantee the tracking error to converge to zero in finite time in the presence of uncertainty and disturbance. Experiments are carried out on the IPMC actuator to verify the practical effectiveness of the AFORTSM controller in comparison with a conventional nonsingular terminal sliding mode (NTSM) controller in terms of smaller tracking error and faster disturbance rejection

    Analytical and Computational Modeling of Robotic Fish Propelled by Soft Actuation Material-based Active Joints", The

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    Abstract-Soft actuation materials, such as Ionic PolymerMetal Composites (IPMCs), are gaining increasing interest in robotic applications since they lead to compact and biomimetic designs. In this paper, we propose the use of soft actuation materials as active joints for propelling biomimetic robotic fish. An analytical model is developed to compute the thrust force generated by a two-link tail and the resulting moments in the active joints. The computed joint moments can be combined with internal dynamics of actuation materials to provide realistic kinematic constraints for the joints. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling is also adopted to examine the flow field, the produced thrust, and the bending moments in joints for the two-link tail. Good agreement is achieved between the analytical modeling and the CFD modeling, which points to a promising two-tier framework for the understanding and optimization of robotic fish with a multi-link tail. We also show that, comparing to a one-link bending tail, a two-link tail is able to produce much higher thrust and more versatile maneuvers, such as backward swimming

    Experimental Studies and Dynamics Modeling Analysis of the Swimming and Diving of Whirligig Beetles (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae)

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    Whirligig beetles (Coleoptera, Gyrinidae) can fly through the air, swiftly swim on the surface of water, and quickly dive across the air-water interface. The propulsive efficiency of the species is believed to be one of the highest measured for a thrust generating apparatus within the animal kingdom. The goals of this research were to understand the distinctive biological mechanisms that allow the beetles to swim and dive, while searching for potential bio-inspired robotics applications. Through static and dynamic measurements obtained using a combination of microscopy and high-speed imaging, parameters associated with the morphology and beating kinematics of the whirligig beetle\u27s legs in swimming and diving were obtained. Using data obtained from these experiments, dynamics models of both swimming and diving were developed. Through analysis of simulations conducted using these models it was possible to determine several key principles associated with the swimming and diving processes. First, we determined that curved swimming trajectories were more energy efficient than linear trajectories, which explains why they are more often observed in nature. Second, we concluded that the hind legs were able to propel the beetle farther than the middle legs, and also that the hind legs were able to generate a larger angular velocity than the middle legs. However, analysis of circular swimming trajectories showed that the middle legs were important in maintaining stable trajectories, and thus were necessary for steering. Finally, we discovered that in order for the beetle to transition from swimming to diving, the legs must change the plane in which they beat, which provides the force required to alter the tilt angle of the body necessary to break the surface tension of water. We have further examined how the principles learned from this study may be applied to the design of bio-inspired swimming/diving robots. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.100279

    The Development of a Flexible Sensor for Continuum Soft-Bodied Robots

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    In this thesis, we investigate, develop, and verify an approach to sense over soft and flexible materials based on the use of a tomographic technique known as Electrical Impedance Tomography

    Ionic Electroactive Polymer Devices: Physics-Based Modeling with Experimental Investigation and Verification

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    The primary focus of this study is to examine, understand, and model ionic electroactive polymer based systems in attempt to further develop this field of study. Physics-based modeling is utilized, as opposed to empirical modeling, to achieve a deeper insight to the underlying physics. The ionic electroactive polymer system of primary interest in this study is ionic polymer-metal composite (IPMC) devices. Other similar devices, such as anion-exchange membrane (AEM) type actuators and flow battery systems are also investigated using the developed model. The underlying physics are in the studies of transport phenomenon for describing the ionic flow within the polymer membrane, solid mechanics for describing deformation of the given devices, electric potential and electric currents physics for the voltage across the devices, and ion exchange along with chemical reaction in case of flow batteries. Specific details of these systems are analyzed, such as geometrical and electrode effects. The results in modeling IPMC actuators and sensors have been used to experimentally validate the modeling framework and have provided keen insight to the underlying physics behind these transduction phenomena. The developed models will benefit researchers in these fields and are expected to provide a better understanding of these systems. This study provides a framework for design and fabrication of advanced, highly integrated, ionic migration and exchange polymer-composite devices. In particular, this work focuses on finite element simulations of ionic electroactive polymers using COMSOL Multiphysics versions 4.3 through 5.2, with primary focus on ionic polymer-metal composite devices. The basic framework model for IPMCs is of greatest importance and is the initial focus of this work. This is covered in Chapter 3 in detail with experimental comparison of results. Other aspects of interest are geometrical and electrode effects of IPMCs, which are discussed in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. Applications of the modeling framework, such as in modeling other electroactive polymer actuators is covered in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6, which includes simulations of electrodeless artificial cilia actuators in lithium chloride (LiCl) electrolyte, discussion and modeling of all-Vanadium oxidation reduction (redox) flow battery devices, fluid-structure interactions with IPMCs, and discussion of implementing the modeling framework for anion type IPMCs. Two publications from Journal of Applied Physics and one paper accepted for publication from the Marine Technology Society Journal are included herein, with publisher permission. These papers focus directly on topics of interest to this work. They underwent several revisions and are included in full or large excerpt form to provide the most accurate description and discussion of these topics. The author of this dissertation is first author and did much of the work of one of the three papers; specific author contributions for the other two papers are detailed before each paper is presented, in which the author of this dissertation was primarily responsible for finite element simulations, discussion, and revisions. Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 contain conclusions and recommendations for future work, respectively

    Micro Propulsion in Liquid by Oscillating Bubbles

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    A number of attempts have been made to fabricate microswimmers that possibly navigate in vivo including the artificial magnetic bacteria flagella, chemical microswimmers and natural organism based microswimmers. This paper presents another propelling mechanism in micron scale that works by oscillating microbubbles in acoustic field. First of all, the propulsion mechanism is proven by two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Then, the microswimmer device is made on a parylene structure by photolithography. The underwater propulsion in one-dimensional is demonstrated and the propulsion mechanism is also confirmed by experiments. The relation of the propulsion speed/bubble oscillation amplitude and the input acoustic signal is measured. It is shown that the propulsion will happen when the bubble oscillation amplitude (or Reynolds number) gets large enough which is close to the system acoustic resonance. Around this resonance frequency (about 11 kHz), the measured propulsion speed is up to 45 mm/s and payload-carrying ability is realized. The one-directional rotation acoustic turbo is also made with a speed of about 75 rpm. This acoustic frequency dependence also becomes the foundation for two-dimensional propulsion. Then, the bi-directional motion and two-dimensional steering motion are realized by microbubbles with different lengths based on their different acoustic resonances. First of all, the frequency behavior for long (about 760 μm average length) and short (about 300 μm average length) bubbles at about 6 kHz and 11 kHz are measured, including oscillation amplitude and generated microstreaming. By adjusting input acoustic frequency, specific bubbles could be activated selectively. Then, when the different microbubbles are arranged into opposite directions, the bi-directional propulsion can be realized, including back/forth motion and clockwise/counter-clockwise rotation. The bi-directional motion mechanism is also confirmed by three-dimensional CFD simulations and the net force is calculated. The concept is further developed into two-dimensional propulsion by arranging long and short bubbles into orthogonal directions on the same device. By switching the input acoustic frequency, the controlled steering propulsion is illustrated on a two-dimensional plane. Carrying of objects in a T-junction microchannel is shown as well. The last part of this thesis is focused on developing the microswimmer into a biodegradable device, including long- and short-tem. The long-term biodegradable device is fabricated by polycaprolactone (PCL) by a simple dipping method, and propulsion in a minitube is shown. The short-term biodegradable device is fabricated by rolling up magnesium film based on building stress mismatch mechanically with help of a stretcher. The method could also be applied to aluminium and parylene film rollups. At last, the propulsion and biodegradable abilities of magnesium microtube are demonstrated

    Study of parameters dominating electromechanical and sensing response in ionic electroactive polymer (IEAP) transducers

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    Ionic electroactive polymer (IEAP) transducers are a class of smart structures based on polymers that can be designed as soft actuators or sensors. IEAP actuators exhibit a high mechanical response to an external electrical stimulus. Conversely, they produce electrical signals when subjected to mechanical force. IEAP transducers are mainly composed of four different components: The ionomeric membrane (usually Nafion) is an ion permeable polymer that acts as the backbone of the transducer. Two conductive network composite (CNC) layer on both sides of the ionomeric membrane that enhance the surface conductivity and serve as an extra reservoir to the electrolytes. The electrolytes, (usually ionic liquids (IL)), which provides the mobile ions. And two outer electrodes on both sides of the transducer to either provide a distributed applied potential across the actuators (usually gold leaves) or to collect the generated signals from the sensors (usually copper electrodes). Any variation in any of these components or the operating conditions will directly affect the performance of the IEAP transduces. In this dissertation, we studied some of the parameters dominating the performance of the IEAP transducers by varying some of the transducers components or the transducers operating conditions in order to enhance their performance. The first study was conducted to understand the influence of ionic liquid concentration on the electromechanical performance of IEAP actuators. The IL weight percentage (wt%) was varied from 10% to 30% and both the electromechanical (induced strain) and the electrochemical (the current flow across the actuators) were studied. The results from this study showed an enhanced electrochemical performance (current flow is higher for higher IL wt%) and a maximum electromechanical strain of approximately 1.4% at 22 wt% IL content. A lower induced strain was noticed for IL wt% lower or higher than 22%. The second study was to investigate the effect of changing the morphology of the CNC on the sensing performance of IEAP stress sensors. In this study, small salt molecules were added to the CNC layers. Salt molecules directly affected the morphology of the CNC layers resulting in a thicker, more porous, and high conductive CNCs. As a result, the ionic conductivity increased through the CNC layers and sensing performance was enhanced significantly. In the third study, a non-linear angular deformation (limb-like motion) was achieved by varying the CNC layers of the IEAP actuators by adding some conjugated polymers (CP) patterns during the fabrication of the actuators. It was found that the segments with the CP layers will only expand and never contract during the actuation process. Depending on the direction of motion and the location of the CP layers, different actuation shapes such as square or triangular shapes were achieved rather than the typical circular bending. In the fourth study, the influence of temperature on the electromechanical properties of the IEAP actuators was examined. In this study, both electromechanical and electrochemical studies were conducted for actuators that were operated at temperatures ranging from 25 ðC to 90 ðC. The electromechanical results showed a lower cationic curvature with increasing temperature up to 70 ðC. On the other hand, a maximum anionic curvature was achieved at 50 ðC with a sudden decrease after 50 ðC. Actuators started to lose functionality and showed unpredictable performance at temperatures higher than 70 ðC. Electrochemically, an enhancement of the ionic conductivity was resulted from increasing temperature up to 80 ðC. A sudden increase in current flow was recorded at 90 ðC indicating a shorted circuit and actuator failure. Finally, in the fifth study, protons in Nafion membranes were exchanged with other counterions of different Van der Waals volumes. The ionic conductivity was measured for IEAP membranes with different counterions at different temperatures. The results showed higher ionic conductivities across membranes with larger Van der Waals volume counterions and higher temperatures. A different ionic conductivity behavior was also noticed for temperatures ranging from 30 úC to 55 úC than temperatures between 55 úC and 70 úC after fitting the data with the Arrhenius conductivity equation