7 research outputs found

    Smartphone-Based Self Rescue System for Disaster Rescue

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    Recent ubiquitous earthquakes have been leading to mass destruction of electrical power and cellular infrastructures, and deprive the innocent lives across the world. Due to the wide-area earthquake disaster, unavailable power and communication infrastructure, limited man-power and resources, traditional rescue operations and equipment are inefficient and time-consuming, leading to the golden hours missed. With the increasing proliferation of powerful wireless devices, like smartphones, they can be assumed to be abundantly available among the disaster victims and can act as valuable resources to coordinate disaster rescue operations. In this paper, we propose a smartphone-based self-rescue system, also referred to as RescueMe, to assist the operations of disaster rescue and relief. The basic idea of RescueMe is that a set of smartphones carried by survivors trapped or buried under the collapsed infrastructure forms into a one-hop network and sends out distress signals in an energy-efficient manner to nearby rescue crews to assist rescue operations. We evaluate the proposed approach through extensive simulation experiments and compare its performance with the existing scheme TeamPhone. The simulation results show that the proposed approach can significantly reduce the schedule vacancy of broadcasting distress signals and improve the discovery probability with very little sacrifice of network lifetime, and indicate a potentially viable approach to expedite disaster rescue and relief operations

    Device-to-device based path selection for post disaster communication using hybrid intelligence

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    Public safety network communication methods are concurrence with emerging networks to provide enhanced strategies and services for catastrophe management. If the cellular network is damaged after a calamity, a new-generation network like the internet of things (IoT) is ready to assure network access. In this paper, we suggested a framework of hybrid intelligence to find and re-connect the isolated nodes to the functional area to save life. We look at a situation in which the devices in the hazard region can constantly monitor the radio environment to self-detect the occurrence of a disaster, switch to the device-to-device (D2D) communication mode, and establish a vital connection. The oscillating spider monkey optimization (OSMO) approach forms clusters of the devices in the disaster area to improve network efficiency. The devices in the secluded area use the cluster heads as relay nodes to the operational site. An oscillating particle swarm optimization (OPSO) with a priority-based path encoding technique is used for path discovery. The suggested approach improves the energy efficiency of the network by selecting a routing path based on the remaining energy of the device, channel quality, and hop count, thus increasing network stability and packet delivery

    SmartDR: A Device-to-Device Communication for Post-Disaster Recovery

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    Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, can cause severe destruction and create havoc in the society.Buildings and other structures may collapse during disaster incidents causing injuries and deaths to victims trapped under debris and rubble. Immediately after a natural disaster incident, it becomes extremely difficult for first responders and rescuers to find and save trapped victims. Often searches are carried out blindly in random locations, which delay the rescue of the victims. This paper introduces a Smartphone Assisted Disaster Recovery (SmartDR) method for post-disaster communication using Smartphones. SmartDR utilizes the device-to-device (D2D) communication technology in Fifth Generation (5G) networks, which enables direct communication between proximate devices without the need of relaying through a network infrastructure, such as mobile access points or mobile base stations. We examine a scenario of multi-hop D2D communication where smartphones carried by trapped victims and other people in disaster affected areas can self-detect the occurrence of a disaster incident by monitoring the radio environment and then can self-switch to a disaster mode to transmit emergency help messages with their location coordinates to other nearby smartphones. To locate other nearby smartphones also operating in the disaster mode and in the same channel, each smartphone runs a rendezvous process. The emergency messages are thus relayed to the functional base station or rescue centre. To facilitate routing of the emergency messages, we propose a path selection algorithm, which considers both delay and the leftover energy of a device (a smartphone in this case). Thus, the SmartDR method includes: (i) a multi-channel channel hopping rendezvous protocol to improve the victim localization or neighbor discovery, and (ii) an energy-aware multi-path routing (Energy-aware ad-hoc on-demand distance vector or E-AODV) protocol to overcome the higher energy depletionrate at devices associated with single shortest path routing. The SmartDR method can guide search and rescue operations and increase the possibility of saving lives immediately aftermath a disasterincident. A simulation-based performance study is conducted to evaluate the protocol performance in post-disaster scenario. Simulation results show that a significant performance gain is achievable when a device utilises the channel information for the rendezvous process and the leftover energy

    Survey on Multi-Document Summarization: Systematic Literature Review

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    In this era of information technology, abundant information is available on the internet in the form of web pages and documents on any given topic. Finding the most relevant and informative content out of these huge number of documents, without spending several hours of reading has become a very challenging task. Various methods of multi-document summarization have been developed to overcome this problem. The multi-document summarization methods try to produce high-quality summaries of documents with low redundancy. This study conducts a systematic literature review of existing methods for multi-document summarization methods and provides an in-depth analysis of performance achieved by these methods. The findings of the study show that more effective methods are still required for getting higher accuracy of these methods. The study also identifies some open challenges that can gain the attention of future researchers of this domain

    Secure Authentication Mechanism for Cluster based Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET): A Survey

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) play a crucial role in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) by facilitating communication between vehicles and infrastructure. This communication aims to enhance road safety, improve traffic efficiency, and enhance passenger comfort. The secure and reliable exchange of information is paramount to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data, while the authentication of vehicles and messages is essential to prevent unauthorized access and malicious activities. This survey paper presents a comprehensive analysis of existing authentication mechanisms proposed for cluster-based VANETs. The strengths, weaknesses, and suitability of these mechanisms for various scenarios are carefully examined. Additionally, the integration of secure key management techniques is discussed to enhance the overall authentication process. Cluster-based VANETs are formed by dividing the network into smaller groups or clusters, with designated cluster heads comprising one or more vehicles. Furthermore, this paper identifies gaps in the existing literature through an exploration of previous surveys. Several schemes based on different methods are critically evaluated, considering factors such as throughput, detection rate, security, packet delivery ratio, and end-to-end delay. To provide optimal solutions for authentication in cluster-based VANETs, this paper highlights AI- and ML-based routing-based schemes. These approaches leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to enhance authentication within the cluster-based VANET network. Finally, this paper explores the open research challenges that exist in the realm of authentication for cluster-based Vehicular Adhoc Networks, shedding light on areas that require further investigation and development

    Mediated Listening: A Resource for Social Action

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      El 19 de septiembre del 2017 un terremoto sacudió la zona central de México. Sesenta inmuebles se derrumbaron y fallecieron alrededor de doscientas personas. Un grupo de brigadistas conformados por ingenieros de audio y sonidistas, utilizando su equipo de audio, asistieron en las labores de búsqueda de sobrevivientes en los edificios colapsados por el siniestro. En dicho proceso, experimentaron un posible rompimiento epistemológico, al convertir la escucha mediada en un recurso para la acción social. Considerando la utilidad de su equipo en un contexto caótico, extendieron las fronteras de su profesión, el uso de tecnología y la manipulación de su cuerpo y de su escucha para el bien común, reaprendiendo el hábito de escucha. Para presentar el caso, se han revisado los trabajos más propositivos de la tecnología del audio rescate, el marco teórico sociológico de la comunicación acústica y la mediación y transformación del cuerpo a través del uso de tecnología. Para enmarcar dicha transformación de la escucha se incluye el testimonio de la intervención de uno de los miembros de la brigada de los Gorriones Rojos y se hace una revisión de algunos materiales impresos y audiovisuales sobre y de los individuos y organizaciones que surgieron como resultado de estos esfuerzos.No dia 19 de setembro de 2017 um terramoto abalou a zona central do México. Desmoronaram-se sessenta edifícios e cerca de duzentas pessoas morreram. Uma brigada formada por engenheiros de áudio e por engenheiros de som usando os seus equipamentos de áudio ajudou na busca por sobreviventes nos edifícios destruídos pelo terramoto. Neste processo, experimentaram uma possível ruptura epistemológica ao converter a escuta mediada em um recurso para a ação social. Ao atribuir essa outra utilidade ao seu equipamento em um contexto caótico, expandiram as fronteiras da sua profissão, com o uso da tecnologia e a manipulação do seu corpo e da sua escuta para o bem comum, ressignificando assim o hábito da escuta. Para apresentar este caso, foram consultados os trabalhos mais significativos sobre a tecnologia de áudio utilizada em procedimentos de resgate, tendo como marco teórico sociológico a comunicação acústica e a mediação e transformação do corpo através do uso de tecnologia. Para compreender essa transformação da escuta, foi incluído um testemunho de um dos membros da brigada dos “Gorriones Rojos”, para além da revisão de alguns materiais impressos e audiovisuais sobre os indivíduos e as organizações que surgiram como resultado desses esforços.On September 19, 2017, an earthquake shook central Mexico. Sixty buildings collapsed and about two hundred people died. A group of rescuers conformed of soundmen, soundwomen and audio engineers using their audio equipment, assisted in the search for survivors in the collapsed buildings possibly experiencing an epistemological break, and turning mediated listening into a resource for social action. While considering the usefulness of their gear in a chaotic context, they extended the boundaries of their profession, the use of technology and the manipulation of their body and listening mode for the common good, relearning the habit of listening. To present the case, the sociological theoretical framework of acoustic communication, the mediation and transformation of the body through the use of technology and some of the more propositive works of audio rescue technology have been reviewed. To frame this listening transformation, the testimony of the intervention of one of the members of the Red Sparrows Brigade is included and a review is made of some printed and audiovisual materials about and of the individuals and organizations that emerged as a result of these efforts