316 research outputs found

    An Economist's Guide to Local Loop Unbundling

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    This guide provides a critical review of the economics literature on the desirability and the effects of unbundling the local loop. Firstly, we discuss recent contributions, which aim to quantify the effect of unbundling regulations on the development of broadband services. Secondly, we review the literature on the potential impact of unbundling on investment and innovation incentives. Finally, we conclude this paper by offering some suggestions for further research.Unbundling; broadband diffusion; investment and innovation

    An Economist's Guide to Local Loop Unbundling

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    This guide provides a critical review of the economics literature on the desirability and the effects of unbundling the local loop. Firstly, we discuss recent contributions, which aim to quantify the effect of unbundling regulations on the development of broadband services. Secondly, we review the literature on the potential impact of unbundling on investment and innovation incentives. Finally, we conclude this paper by offering some suggestions for further research.Unbundling; broadband diffusion; investment and innovation

    Customer value assessment of Sichuan Mobile

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    The present research aims to contribute with the evaluation and a segmentation index criterion of the customer group value in order to improve knowledge to the telecommunication industry, in value assessment and in market subdivision based on customer value. This thesis gives practical instrument measure and guiding suggestions to a deeper customer value assessment, combining characteristics of the communication industry in China, based on outstanding domestic and foreign research results and taking the group customers of China Mobile Sichuan Company. A first brief crossing between theoretical backgrounds of customer value assessment, segmentation concept and group customer, allowed the selection and choices of the methodology and the variables that influence group customer value. The following empirical step complemented the development of the assessment index system to calculate the group customer value and the following cluster analysis. The results obtained included the industry experts' experience, which help the identification of the 14 factors that influence the group customer value and the data analysis from 2000 group customers, which has been extracted from the mobile BOSS system. Factor analysis and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method are used to calculate weights of indexes. Finally, based on current value, potential value, social value and the total value, clusters with typical characteristics are discovered using K-means clustering method. And corresponding marketing strategy is put forward.Esta tese avalia o Valor de grupos de clientes, no âmbito da grande empresa chinesa de telecomunicações móveis, a Sichuan Mobile. O presente estudo contribui para a análise da avaliação e segmentação de grupos de clientes, nomeadamente no mercado das telecomunicações. Este, sugere, ainda, um instrumento prático de medida; um índice de medida do valor de grupo de clientes é proposto e construído com base em análise de dados secundários do sector e do mercado chinês e primários baseados opiniões de peritos do sector e de resposta a um inquérito dos grupos de clientes da China Mobile. Após uma breve revisão do enquadramento teórico de conceitos inseridos na Gestão do Marketing, como Valor do Cliente, Segmentação e cliente-grupo, foram analisadas e seleccionadas as opções metodológicas e as variáveis que podem influenciar a avaliação do valor de um grupo de clientes. O desenvolvimento do índice de ponderação do valor de grupo de clientes foi elaborado após vários passos. Em primeiro lugar foram identificados, junto de peritos do sector, 14 factores que influenciam a avaliação do valor de grupo de clientes; Depois, efectuou-se um inquérito a 2000 grupos de clientes, retirados do sistema móvel BOSS da empresa Sichuan Mobile. Por fim realizou-se à base de dados obtida análises estatísticas como Análise Factorial e de Hierarquia (AHP), métodos que permitiram obter a ponderação do índice. Finalmente, com base no índice de valor corrente, valor potencial, valor social e valor total foram identificados os clusters. A análise destes clusters permitiu ainda sugerir estratégias de marketing em adaptação a cada cluster

    The effects of mobile number portability on consumers in South Africa

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    The European Union introduced the concept of global reforms in the 1990s, in order to open markets for competition. The trajectory of reforms in South Africa took the following shape: first, liberalisation of markets in the telecommunications industry. Second, were the privatisation of incumbents, and lastly, the creation of regulatory agencies, which were mandated by the American Telecommunications Act of 1996 (No. 103 of 1996) to promote competition. These changes opened the market for the licensing of cellular network operators, to compete with the dominant fixed line provider on voice and data services. Competition in its nature, aims to improve services, provide affordable prices to consumers and flexible products where consumer can exercise choice. One of the highlights of competition in the telecommunications sector came through the legislative requirement for the industry to introduce number portability. There are different types of number portability but for purposes of this study, focus shall be on mobile number portability (MNP). This study examines the extent to which MNP has benefited consumers who have ported their number in South Africa. The first chapter provides a background on the global reforms in the telecommunication sector, and this is followed by reforms in South Africa. The second chapter provides a literature review on the effects of MNP, and looks at the regulatory framework of MNP, processes of porting, and the results of the introduction of MNP in various countries. The study found that policy and regulations on MNP had both positive and negative effects. Consumers are now able to switch operators whilst keeping their numbers, thus exercising their right to choice. However, prices still remain uncompetitive and quality of service is yet to improve

    Lean Product Development Flow

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    A general holistic framework, also called a process—named “Lean Product Development Flow (LPDF)”—for organizing the engineering work of Product Development (PD), has been proposed as a contribution to the emerging field of Lean Systems Engineering. The framework is based on Lean Principles, with emphasis on PD value-pulling workflow pulsed by takt periods. The value is defined as (1) mission assurance/product quality, (the traditional goals of Systems Engineering) and (2) reduced program cost and schedule achieved by a radical reduction of waste. LPDF is recommended for smaller design programs based on a high degree of legacy knowledge, with technologies mature enough so that the program feasibility is not in question. LPDF may involve limited-scope research, provided that it can be identified early in the program, and carried out separate from the main workflow. The paper is focused on aerospace and defense programs, which are presently burdened with as much as 60–90% of waste, but the process is also applicable to commercial programs. LPDF can be applied to the entire PD, to one or more milestones, and to a multilevel program. LPDF requires both detailed preparations and disciplined execution. The preparations include detailed Value Stream Mapping, separation of research from the main workflow, parsing of the Value Stream map into Takt Periods, architecting the LPDF team using dynamic allocation of resources, and team training. LPDF execution is organized as a flow through a series of short and equal work Takt Periods, each followed by an Integrative Event for structured, comprehensive coordination. Strategic and flexible tactical mitigations of uncertainties must be applied during the flow. LPDF also requires excellent leadership of a Chief Engineer, modeled after Toyota and Honda, who is a dedicated program “owner,” an expert systems designer, a strong leader focused on the program and product integrity, and skilled in consensus-building. The Chief Engineer is responsible for the entire program, with Assistant Chiefs assisting in selected technical areas, and a Project Manager assisting with program administration. An industrial pilot program is currently being undertaken to validate the method

    An Economist's Guide to Local Loop Unbundling

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    This guide provides a critical review of the economics literature on the desirability and the effects of unbundling the local loop. Firstly, we discuss recent contributions, which aim to quantify the effect of unbundling regulations on the development of broadband services. Secondly, we review the literature on the potential impact of unbundling on investment and innovation incentives. Finally, we conclude this paper by offering some suggestions for further research

    An Economist's Guide to Local Loop Unbundling

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    This guide provides a critical review of the economics literature on the desirability and the effects of unbundling the local loop. Firstly, we discuss recent contributions, which aim to quantify the effect of unbundling regulations on the development of broadband services. Secondly, we review the literature on the potential impact of unbundling on investment and innovation incentives. Finally, we conclude this paper by offering some suggestions for further research

    An Economist's Guide to Local Loop Unbundling

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    This guide provides a critical review of the economics literature on the desirability and the effects of unbundling the local loop. Firstly, we discuss recent contributions, which aim to quantify the effect of unbundling regulations on the development of broadband services. Secondly, we review the literature on the potential impact of unbundling on investment and innovation incentives. Finally, we conclude this paper by offering some suggestions for further research

    The e-health opportunity for the telecommunication industry and Portugal Telecom: a case study

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    JEL classification system: M10 - General Business Administration; I100 - Health: GeneralElectronic-Health (e-health) is a recent answer to some pressing challenges on health. Aging of western societies and treatments’ rising costs raised doubts about health systems’ sustainability. Individuals, companies and public administration alike are looking for technology to find aid in addressing these challenges. Several industries are tacking those issues offering innovative solutions among which Telecommunication’s. Nonetheless, this industry is facing challenges from over-the-top players menacing its business model. Portugal Telecom shares these challenges and is looking to diversify to guarantee future growth, namely, by developing in e-health solutions. This case study follows two important threads in strategy literature: diversification and the resource-based view, applied Portugal Telecom and the e-health opportunity. As a case study, it aims providing readers a tool to better understand and employ strategic management concepts and frameworks in an applied business context. E-health as an opportunity for growth to Telecommunication companies and Portugal Telecom is described from three points of view: i) an actual market need ii) that may be addressed by Telecommunication companies and iii) should be addressed by those companies as they need to grow. It is shown how increasing concern with health issues by individuals, general public, companies and public administration is driving technology to find innovative answers to those same issues (i). Then, it is explained how Telcos may and in fact are addressing those issues, namely, by developing e-health solutions for their customers (ii). Finally, it is argued why Telcos should address this opportunity due their eroding revenues and margins (iii).‘Electronic-health’ (e-saúde) é uma resposta recente a alguns desafios na saúde. O envelhecimento das sociedades ocidentais e custos crescentes dos tratamentos levantaram dúvidas acerca da sustentabilidade do sistema de saúde. Indivíduos, empresas e administração pública procuram tecnologia capaz de ajudá-los a enfrentar esses desafios. Várias indústrias endereçam esses problemas oferecendo soluções inovadoras, incluindo a indústria das telecomunicações. Porém, esta indústria enfrenta desafios de concorrentes ‘over-the-top’ que ameaçam o seu modelo de negócio. A Portugal Telecom partilha estes desafios e procura diversificar o negócio para garantir crescimento futuro, desenvolvendo soluções de e-Saúde. Este estudo de caso segue duas linhas da literatura de gestão: diversificação e a visão baseada-em-recursos, aplicada à Portugal Telecom e à oportunidade da e-saúde. Como estudo de caso, procura oferecer aos leitores uma ferramenta para melhor compreender e empregar conceitos / enquadramentos teóricos de gestão estratégica num contexto de negócio. A e-saúde como oportunidade de crescimento para empresas de Telecomunicações e a Portugal Telecom é descrita sob três perspetivas: i) uma necessidade real do mercado ii) que pode ser endereçada por empresas de Telecomunicações e iii) deve ser endereçada por essas empresas que precisam de crescer. Mostra-se como a preocupação crescente com problemas de saúde pelos indivíduos, público geral, empresas e administração pública tem levado a respostas tecnológicas inovadoras para esses problemas (i). Posteriormente, explica-se como as Telcos podem e estão a endereçar esses problemas, nomeadamente, via soluções de e-saúde (ii). Finalmente, argumenta-se porque devem as Telcos endereçar esta oportunidade devido à erosão de receitas e margens (iii)