385 research outputs found

    Computational Methods for Sparse Solution of Linear Inverse Problems

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    The goal of the sparse approximation problem is to approximate a target signal using a linear combination of a few elementary signals drawn from a fixed collection. This paper surveys the major practical algorithms for sparse approximation. Specific attention is paid to computational issues, to the circumstances in which individual methods tend to perform well, and to the theoretical guarantees available. Many fundamental questions in electrical engineering, statistics, and applied mathematics can be posed as sparse approximation problems, making these algorithms versatile and relevant to a plethora of applications

    Channel Protection: Random Coding Meets Sparse Channels

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    Multipath interference is an ubiquitous phenomenon in modern communication systems. The conventional way to compensate for this effect is to equalize the channel by estimating its impulse response by transmitting a set of training symbols. The primary drawback to this type of approach is that it can be unreliable if the channel is changing rapidly. In this paper, we show that randomly encoding the signal can protect it against channel uncertainty when the channel is sparse. Before transmission, the signal is mapped into a slightly longer codeword using a random matrix. From the received signal, we are able to simultaneously estimate the channel and recover the transmitted signal. We discuss two schemes for the recovery. Both of them exploit the sparsity of the underlying channel. We show that if the channel impulse response is sufficiently sparse, the transmitted signal can be recovered reliably.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (Taormina

    Improved Compressive Sensing Of Natural Scenes Using Localized Random Sampling

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    Compressive sensing (CS) theory demonstrates that by using uniformly-random sampling, rather than uniformly-spaced sampling, higher quality image reconstructions are often achievable. Considering that the structure of sampling protocols has such a profound impact on the quality of image reconstructions, we formulate a new sampling scheme motivated by physiological receptive field structure, localized random sampling, which yields significantly improved CS image reconstructions. For each set of localized image measurements, our sampling method first randomly selects an image pixel and then measures its nearby pixels with probability depending on their distance from the initially selected pixel. We compare the uniformly-random and localized random sampling methods over a large space of sampling parameters, and show that, for the optimal parameter choices, higher quality image reconstructions can be consistently obtained by using localized random sampling. In addition, we argue that the localized random CS optimal parameter choice is stable with respect to diverse natural images, and scales with the number of samples used for reconstruction. We expect that the localized random sampling protocol helps to explain the evolutionarily advantageous nature of receptive field structure in visual systems and suggests several future research areas in CS theory and its application to brain imaging
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