2 research outputs found

    Implementaci贸n de una red ethernet para la comunicaci贸n entre sistemas basados en FPGA

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    En este documento se describe la implementaci贸n de una topolog铆a de red tipo estrella con sistemas de desarrollo basados en dispositivos FPGA. La implementaci贸n se realiza empleando un sistema de desarrollo Zedboard, el cual contiene una FPGA de la familia Zynq-7000 de Xilinx. Esta tarjeta posee conexiones para diferentes tipos de perif茅ricos de entrada y salida. El objetivo del trabajo presentado es establecer la comunicaci贸n entre los sistemas de desarrollo por medio de una red Ethernet. Para la configuraci贸n de la conexi贸n se efect煤a la instalaci贸n en la Zedboard de una distribuci贸n del sistema operativo Linux embebido conocida como Petalinux, usando las aplicaciones y los controladores requeridos. El sistema operativo se carga en la RAM mediante una memoria SD y es el encargado de detectar perif茅ricos y asignar los controladores correspondientes. Las tarjetas funcionan como clientes DHCP a trav茅s del uso de un servidor DHCP implementado en un router. Esto garantiza la asignaci贸n de una direcci贸n IP como identificador para cada FPGA. Finalmente, por medio de un switch se realiza la comunicaci贸n entre todas las FPGAs. Este producto es desarrollado en el laboratorio de Sistemas de Control y Rob贸tica del ITM. La realizaci贸n de este producto sirve como insumo para trabajos de grado y proyectos de investigaci贸n que requieran el uso de sistemas basados en FPGA en red, para la implementaci贸n de diferentes tipos de algoritmos. Para el desarrollo de esta pr谩ctica se utilizaron recursos disponibles en el laboratorio Microelectr贸nica y Nanotecnolog铆a del ITM (sede fraternidad).Ingeniero de Telecomunicacionespregrad

    Wireless multi-carrier communication system design and implementation using a custom hardware and software FPGA platform

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    Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices and high-level hardware development languages represent a new and exciting addition to traditional research tools, where simulation models can be evaluated by the direct implementation of complex algorithms and processes. Signal processing functions that are based on well known and standardised mathematical operations, such as Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs), are well suited for FPGA implementation. At UCL, research is on-going on the design, modelling and simulation of Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) techniques such as Spectrally E - cient Frequency Division Multiplexing (SEFDM) which, for a given data rate, require less bandwidth relative to equivalent Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). SEFDM is based around standard mathematical functions and is an ideal candidate for FPGA implementation. The aim of the research and engineering work reported in this thesis is to design and implement a system that generates SEFDM signals for the purposes of testing and veri cation, in real communication environments. The aim is to use FPGA hardware and Digital to Analogue Converters (DACs) to generate such signals and allow recon gurability using standard interfaces and user friendly software. The thesis details the conceptualisation, design and build of an FPGA-based wireless signal generation platform. The characterisation applied to the system, using the FPGA to drive stimulus signals is reported and the thesis will include details of the FPGA encapsulation of the minimum protocol elements required for communication (of control signals) over Ethernet. Detailed testing of the hardware is reported, together with a newly designed in the loop testing methodology. Veri ed test results are also reported with full details of time and frequency results as well as full FPGA design assessment. Altogether, the thesis describes the engineering design, construction and testing of a new FPGA hardware and software system for use in communication test scenarios, controlled over Ethernet