16,117 research outputs found

    Affine Buildings and Tropical Convexity

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    The notion of convexity in tropical geometry is closely related to notions of convexity in the theory of affine buildings. We explore this relationship from a combinatorial and computational perspective. Our results include a convex hull algorithm for the Bruhat--Tits building of SLd(K)_d(K) and techniques for computing with apartments and membranes. While the original inspiration was the work of Dress and Terhalle in phylogenetics, and of Faltings, Kapranov, Keel and Tevelev in algebraic geometry, our tropical algorithms will also be applicable to problems in other fields of mathematics.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Robust Classification for Imprecise Environments

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    In real-world environments it usually is difficult to specify target operating conditions precisely, for example, target misclassification costs. This uncertainty makes building robust classification systems problematic. We show that it is possible to build a hybrid classifier that will perform at least as well as the best available classifier for any target conditions. In some cases, the performance of the hybrid actually can surpass that of the best known classifier. This robust performance extends across a wide variety of comparison frameworks, including the optimization of metrics such as accuracy, expected cost, lift, precision, recall, and workforce utilization. The hybrid also is efficient to build, to store, and to update. The hybrid is based on a method for the comparison of classifier performance that is robust to imprecise class distributions and misclassification costs. The ROC convex hull (ROCCH) method combines techniques from ROC analysis, decision analysis and computational geometry, and adapts them to the particulars of analyzing learned classifiers. The method is efficient and incremental, minimizes the management of classifier performance data, and allows for clear visual comparisons and sensitivity analyses. Finally, we point to empirical evidence that a robust hybrid classifier indeed is needed for many real-world problems.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures. To be published in Machine Learning Journal. For related papers, see http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Tom_Fawcett/ROCCH

    The 2+12+1 convex hull of a finite set

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    We study R2⊕R\mathbb{R}^2\oplus\mathbb{R}-separately convex hulls of finite sets of points in R3\mathbb{R}^3, as introduced in \cite{KirchheimMullerSverak2003}. When R3\mathbb{R}^3 is considered as a certain subset of 3×23\times 2 matrices, this notion of convexity corresponds to rank-one convex convexity KrcK^{rc}. If R3\mathbb{R}^3 is identified instead with a subset of 2×32\times 3 matrices, it actually agrees with the quasiconvex hull, due to a recent result \cite{HarrisKirchheimLin18}. We introduce "2+12+1 complexes", which generalize TnT_n constructions. For a finite set KK, a "2+12+1 KK-complex" is a 2+12+1 complex whose extremal points belong to KK. The "2+12+1-complex convex hull of KK", KccK^{cc}, is the union of all 2+12+1 KK-complexes. We prove that KccK^{cc} is contained in the 2+12+1 convex hull KrcK^{rc}. We also consider outer approximations to 2+12+1 convexity based in the locality theorem \cite[4.7]{Kirchheim2003}. Starting with a crude outer approximation we iteratively chop off "DD-prisms". For the examples in \cite{KirchheimMullerSverak2003}, and many others, this procedure reaches a "2+12+1 KK-complex" in a finite number of steps, and thus computes the 2+12+1 convex hull. We show examples of finite sets for which this procedure does not reach the 2+12+1 convex hull in finite time, but we show that a sequence of outer approximations built with DD-prisms converges to a 2+12+1 KK-complex. We conclude that KrcK^{rc} is always a "2+12+1 KK-complex", which has interesting consequences

    Topomap: Topological Mapping and Navigation Based on Visual SLAM Maps

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    Visual robot navigation within large-scale, semi-structured environments deals with various challenges such as computation intensive path planning algorithms or insufficient knowledge about traversable spaces. Moreover, many state-of-the-art navigation approaches only operate locally instead of gaining a more conceptual understanding of the planning objective. This limits the complexity of tasks a robot can accomplish and makes it harder to deal with uncertainties that are present in the context of real-time robotics applications. In this work, we present Topomap, a framework which simplifies the navigation task by providing a map to the robot which is tailored for path planning use. This novel approach transforms a sparse feature-based map from a visual Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) system into a three-dimensional topological map. This is done in two steps. First, we extract occupancy information directly from the noisy sparse point cloud. Then, we create a set of convex free-space clusters, which are the vertices of the topological map. We show that this representation improves the efficiency of global planning, and we provide a complete derivation of our algorithm. Planning experiments on real world datasets demonstrate that we achieve similar performance as RRT* with significantly lower computation times and storage requirements. Finally, we test our algorithm on a mobile robotic platform to prove its advantages.Comment: 8 page

    Convexity-Increasing Morphs of Planar Graphs

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    We study the problem of convexifying drawings of planar graphs. Given any planar straight-line drawing of an internally 3-connected graph, we show how to morph the drawing to one with strictly convex faces while maintaining planarity at all times. Our morph is convexity-increasing, meaning that once an angle is convex, it remains convex. We give an efficient algorithm that constructs such a morph as a composition of a linear number of steps where each step either moves vertices along horizontal lines or moves vertices along vertical lines. Moreover, we show that a linear number of steps is worst-case optimal. To obtain our result, we use a well-known technique by Hong and Nagamochi for finding redrawings with convex faces while preserving y-coordinates. Using a variant of Tutte's graph drawing algorithm, we obtain a new proof of Hong and Nagamochi's result which comes with a better running time. This is of independent interest, as Hong and Nagamochi's technique serves as a building block in existing morphing algorithms.Comment: Preliminary version in Proc. WG 201

    Convex Hull Formation for Programmable Matter

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    We envision programmable matter as a system of nano-scale agents (called particles) with very limited computational capabilities that move and compute collectively to achieve a desired goal. We use the geometric amoebot model as our computational framework, which assumes particles move on the triangular lattice. Motivated by the problem of sealing an object using minimal resources, we show how a particle system can self-organize to form an object's convex hull. We give a distributed, local algorithm for convex hull formation and prove that it runs in O(B)\mathcal{O}(B) asynchronous rounds, where BB is the length of the object's boundary. Within the same asymptotic runtime, this algorithm can be extended to also form the object's (weak) O\mathcal{O}-hull, which uses the same number of particles but minimizes the area enclosed by the hull. Our algorithms are the first to compute convex hulls with distributed entities that have strictly local sensing, constant-size memory, and no shared sense of orientation or coordinates. Ours is also the first distributed approach to computing restricted-orientation convex hulls. This approach involves coordinating particles as distributed memory; thus, as a supporting but independent result, we present and analyze an algorithm for organizing particles with constant-size memory as distributed binary counters that efficiently support increments, decrements, and zero-tests --- even as the particles move

    The Complexity of Order Type Isomorphism

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    The order type of a point set in RdR^d maps each (d+1)(d{+}1)-tuple of points to its orientation (e.g., clockwise or counterclockwise in R2R^2). Two point sets XX and YY have the same order type if there exists a mapping ff from XX to YY for which every (d+1)(d{+}1)-tuple (a1,a2,…,ad+1)(a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_{d+1}) of XX and the corresponding tuple (f(a1),f(a2),…,f(ad+1))(f(a_1),f(a_2),\ldots,f(a_{d+1})) in YY have the same orientation. In this paper we investigate the complexity of determining whether two point sets have the same order type. We provide an O(nd)O(n^d) algorithm for this task, thereby improving upon the O(n⌊3d/2⌋)O(n^{\lfloor{3d/2}\rfloor}) algorithm of Goodman and Pollack (1983). The algorithm uses only order type queries and also works for abstract order types (or acyclic oriented matroids). Our algorithm is optimal, both in the abstract setting and for realizable points sets if the algorithm only uses order type queries.Comment: Preliminary version of paper to appear at ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA14
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