15,915 research outputs found

    Dual Relation Knowledge Distillation for Object Detection

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    Knowledge distillation is an effective method for model compression. However, it is still a challenging topic to apply knowledge distillation to detection tasks. There are two key points resulting in poor distillation performance for detection tasks. One is the serious imbalance between foreground and background features, another one is that small object lacks enough feature representation. To solve the above issues, we propose a new distillation method named dual relation knowledge distillation (DRKD), including pixel-wise relation distillation and instance-wise relation distillation. The pixel-wise relation distillation embeds pixel-wise features in the graph space and applies graph convolution to capture the global pixel relation. By distilling the global pixel relation, the student detector can learn the relation between foreground and background features, and avoid the difficulty of distilling features directly for the feature imbalance issue. Besides, we find that instance-wise relation supplements valuable knowledge beyond independent features for small objects. Thus, the instance-wise relation distillation is designed, which calculates the similarity of different instances to obtain a relation matrix. More importantly, a relation filter module is designed to highlight valuable instance relations. The proposed dual relation knowledge distillation is general and can be easily applied for both one-stage and two-stage detectors. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance, which improves Faster R-CNN based on ResNet50 from 38.4% to 41.6% mAP and improves RetinaNet based on ResNet50 from 37.4% to 40.3% mAP on COCO 2017.Comment: Accepted by IJCAI-202

    Knowledge Distillation with Adversarial Samples Supporting Decision Boundary

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    Many recent works on knowledge distillation have provided ways to transfer the knowledge of a trained network for improving the learning process of a new one, but finding a good technique for knowledge distillation is still an open problem. In this paper, we provide a new perspective based on a decision boundary, which is one of the most important component of a classifier. The generalization performance of a classifier is closely related to the adequacy of its decision boundary, so a good classifier bears a good decision boundary. Therefore, transferring information closely related to the decision boundary can be a good attempt for knowledge distillation. To realize this goal, we utilize an adversarial attack to discover samples supporting a decision boundary. Based on this idea, to transfer more accurate information about the decision boundary, the proposed algorithm trains a student classifier based on the adversarial samples supporting the decision boundary. Experiments show that the proposed method indeed improves knowledge distillation and achieves the state-of-the-arts performance.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 201

    Joint Topic-Semantic-aware Social Recommendation for Online Voting

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    Online voting is an emerging feature in social networks, in which users can express their attitudes toward various issues and show their unique interest. Online voting imposes new challenges on recommendation, because the propagation of votings heavily depends on the structure of social networks as well as the content of votings. In this paper, we investigate how to utilize these two factors in a comprehensive manner when doing voting recommendation. First, due to the fact that existing text mining methods such as topic model and semantic model cannot well process the content of votings that is typically short and ambiguous, we propose a novel Topic-Enhanced Word Embedding (TEWE) method to learn word and document representation by jointly considering their topics and semantics. Then we propose our Joint Topic-Semantic-aware social Matrix Factorization (JTS-MF) model for voting recommendation. JTS-MF model calculates similarity among users and votings by combining their TEWE representation and structural information of social networks, and preserves this topic-semantic-social similarity during matrix factorization. To evaluate the performance of TEWE representation and JTS-MF model, we conduct extensive experiments on real online voting dataset. The results prove the efficacy of our approach against several state-of-the-art baselines.Comment: The 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2017