8 research outputs found

    Learning to Select the Relevant History Turns in Conversational Question Answering

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    The increasing demand for the web-based digital assistants has given a rapid rise in the interest of the Information Retrieval (IR) community towards the field of conversational question answering (ConvQA). However, one of the critical aspects of ConvQA is the effective selection of conversational history turns to answer the question at hand. The dependency between relevant history selection and correct answer prediction is an intriguing but under-explored area. The selected relevant context can better guide the system so as to where exactly in the passage to look for an answer. Irrelevant context, on the other hand, brings noise to the system, thereby resulting in a decline in the model's performance. In this paper, we propose a framework, DHS-ConvQA (Dynamic History Selection in Conversational Question Answering), that first generates the context and question entities for all the history turns, which are then pruned on the basis of similarity they share in common with the question at hand. We also propose an attention-based mechanism to re-rank the pruned terms based on their calculated weights of how useful they are in answering the question. In the end, we further aid the model by highlighting the terms in the re-ranked conversational history using a binary classification task and keeping the useful terms (predicted as 1) and ignoring the irrelevant terms (predicted as 0). We demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed framework with extensive experimental results on CANARD and QuAC -- the two popularly utilized datasets in ConvQA. We demonstrate that selecting relevant turns works better than rewriting the original question. We also investigate how adding the irrelevant history turns negatively impacts the model's performance and discuss the research challenges that demand more attention from the IR community

    A Multiple Choices Reading Comprehension Corpus for Vietnamese Language Education

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    Machine reading comprehension has been an interesting and challenging task in recent years, with the purpose of extracting useful information from texts. To attain the computer ability to understand the reading text and answer relevant information, we introduce ViMMRC 2.0 - an extension of the previous ViMMRC for the task of multiple-choice reading comprehension in Vietnamese Textbooks which contain the reading articles for students from Grade 1 to Grade 12. This dataset has 699 reading passages which are prose and poems, and 5,273 questions. The questions in the new dataset are not fixed with four options as in the previous version. Moreover, the difficulty of questions is increased, which challenges the models to find the correct choice. The computer must understand the whole context of the reading passage, the question, and the content of each choice to extract the right answers. Hence, we propose the multi-stage approach that combines the multi-step attention network (MAN) with the natural language inference (NLI) task to enhance the performance of the reading comprehension model. Then, we compare the proposed methodology with the baseline BERTology models on the new dataset and the ViMMRC 1.0. Our multi-stage models achieved 58.81% by Accuracy on the test set, which is 5.34% better than the highest BERTology models. From the results of the error analysis, we found the challenge of the reading comprehension models is understanding the implicit context in texts and linking them together in order to find the correct answers. Finally, we hope our new dataset will motivate further research in enhancing the language understanding ability of computers in the Vietnamese language

    Can an LLM-Powered Socially Assistive Robot Effectively and Safely Deliver Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? A Study With University Students

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    Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a widely used therapeutic method for guiding individuals toward restructuring their thinking patterns as a means of addressing anxiety, depression, and other challenges. We developed a large language model (LLM)-powered prompt-engineered socially assistive robot (SAR) that guides participants through interactive CBT at-home exercises. We evaluated the performance of the SAR through a 15-day study with 38 university students randomly assigned to interact daily with the robot or a chatbot (using the same LLM), or complete traditional CBT worksheets throughout the duration of the study. We measured weekly therapeutic outcomes, changes in pre-/post-session anxiety measures, and adherence to completing CBT exercises. We found that self-reported measures of general psychological distress significantly decreased over the study period in the robot and worksheet conditions but not the chatbot condition. Furthermore, the SAR enabled significant single-session improvements for more sessions than the other two conditions combined. Our findings suggest that SAR-guided LLM-powered CBT may be as effective as traditional worksheet methods in supporting therapeutic progress from the beginning to the end of the study and superior in decreasing user anxiety immediately after completing the CBT exercise

    A short survey of pre-trained language models for conversational AI-A new age in NLP

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    Building a dialogue system that can communicate naturally with humans is a challenging yet interesting problem of agent-based computing. The rapid growth in this area is usually hindered by the long-standing problem of data scarcity as these systems are expected to learn syntax, grammar, decision making, and reasoning from insufficient amounts of task-specific dataset. The recently introduced pre-trained language models have the potential to address the issue of data scarcity and bring considerable advantages by generating contextualized word embeddings. These models are considered counterpart of ImageNet in NLP and have demonstrated to capture different facets of language such as hierarchical relations, long-term dependency, and sentiment. In this short survey paper, we discuss the recent progress made in the field of pre-trained language models. We also deliberate that how the strengths of these language models can be leveraged in designing more engaging and more eloquent conversational agents. This paper, therefore, intends to establish whether these pre-trained models can overcome the challenges pertinent to dialogue systems, and how their architecture could be exploited in order to overcome these challenges. Open challenges in the field of dialogue systems have also been deliberated.Munazza Zaib, Quan Z. Sheng, Wei Emma Zhan

    Automatická detekce fake-news na slovenských textech

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    Fake news is a problem in recent years. This study focuses on detecting fake news written in the Slovak language using text classification methods. It is unique because it is the first to conduct such a comprehensive set of experiments on Slovak. During the study, a balanced dataset was created, and over 80 experiments were conducted to find the optimal classifier for the problem. Pre-trained transformer-based language models, including BERT, mBERT, RoBERTA, XLM-RoBERTa, and SlovakBERT, were used in the initial step of the study, and their performance was compared against other machine learning methods using standard metrics. The models were fine-tuned with LIAR and COVID19 FN, English-language datasets, to test the impact of fake news topics and language transfer properties. SlovakBERT combined with training exclusively on Slovak datasets achieved the best results with an (acc = 0.9610). This study can contribute to the development of tools to automatically detect fake news in Slovak, aiding in the fight against the spread of false information. 1Šírenie fake-news je dlhodobým problémom, ale v posledných rokoch sa stáve ešte výraznejším. Preto sme sa v tejto práci pozreli na problém ich automatickej detekcie ako na úlohu klasifikácie textu. Práca sa od iných, jej podobných štúdií, odlišuje primárne v tom, že sa zameriava na slovenčinu, kde doposiaľ nebola vykonaná takáto rozsiahla sada experimentov. Počas testov sme vytvorili vybalansovaný dataset. Vykonali sme taktiež viac ako 80 experimentov s cieľom nájsť optimálny klasifikátor pre riešenie tohto pro- blému. Ako prvý sme použili predtrénované jazykové modely typu Transformer (BERT, mBERT, RoBERTA, XLM-RoBERTa a SlovakBERT) a pomocou štandardných metrík sme porovnali ich výkonnosť s inými metódami strojového učenia. Pre fine-tuning sme použili aj anglické datasety LIAR a COVID19 FN, na ktorých sme otestovali vplyv témy fake-news a prenos vlastnosti medzi jazykmi. Najlepšie výsledky dosiahol SlovakBERT v kombinácii s tréningom na výlučne slovenskom datasete (acc = 0.9610). 1Ústav formální a aplikované lingvistikyInstitute of Formal and Applied LinguisticsFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Situated grounding and understanding of structured low-resource expert data

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    Conversational agents are becoming more widespread, varying from social to goaloriented to multi-modal dialogue systems. However, for systems with both visual and spatial requirements, such as situated robot planning, developing accurate goaloriented dialogue systems can be extremely challenging, especially in dynamic environments, such as underwater or first responders. Furthermore, training data-driven algorithms in these domains is challenging due to the esoteric nature of the interaction, which requires expert input. We derive solutions for creating a collaborative multi-modal conversational agent for setting high-level mission goals. We experiment with state-of-the-art deep learning models and techniques and create a new data-driven method (MAPERT) that is capable of processing language instructions by grounding the necessary elements using various types of input data (vision from a map, text and other metadata). The results show that, depending on the task, the accuracy of data-driven systems can vary dramatically depending on the type of metadata and the attention mechanisms that are used. Finally, we are dealing with low-resource expert data and this inspired the use of the Continual Learning and Human In The Loop methodology with encouraging results