327 research outputs found

    Capacities and Capacity-Achieving Decoders for Various Fingerprinting Games

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    Combining an information-theoretic approach to fingerprinting with a more constructive, statistical approach, we derive new results on the fingerprinting capacities for various informed settings, as well as new log-likelihood decoders with provable code lengths that asymptotically match these capacities. The simple decoder built against the interleaving attack is further shown to achieve the simple capacity for unknown attacks, and is argued to be an improved version of the recently proposed decoder of Oosterwijk et al. With this new universal decoder, cut-offs on the bias distribution function can finally be dismissed. Besides the application of these results to fingerprinting, a direct consequence of our results to group testing is that (i) a simple decoder asymptotically requires a factor 1.44 more tests to find defectives than a joint decoder, and (ii) the simple decoder presented in this paper provably achieves this bound.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Asymptotics of Fingerprinting and Group Testing: Capacity-Achieving Log-Likelihood Decoders

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    We study the large-coalition asymptotics of fingerprinting and group testing, and derive explicit decoders that provably achieve capacity for many of the considered models. We do this both for simple decoders (fast but suboptimal) and for joint decoders (slow but optimal), and both for informed and uninformed settings. For fingerprinting, we show that if the pirate strategy is known, the Neyman-Pearson-based log-likelihood decoders provably achieve capacity, regardless of the strategy. The decoder built against the interleaving attack is further shown to be a universal decoder, able to deal with arbitrary attacks and achieving the uninformed capacity. This universal decoder is shown to be closely related to the Lagrange-optimized decoder of Oosterwijk et al. and the empirical mutual information decoder of Moulin. Joint decoders are also proposed, and we conjecture that these also achieve the corresponding joint capacities. For group testing, the simple decoder for the classical model is shown to be more efficient than the one of Chan et al. and it provably achieves the simple group testing capacity. For generalizations of this model such as noisy group testing, the resulting simple decoders also achieve the corresponding simple capacities.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    On the Saddle-point Solution and the Large-Coalition Asymptotics of Fingerprinting Games

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    We study a fingerprinting game in which the number of colluders and the collusion channel are unknown. The encoder embeds fingerprints into a host sequence and provides the decoder with the capability to trace back pirated copies to the colluders. Fingerprinting capacity has recently been derived as the limit value of a sequence of maximin games with mutual information as their payoff functions. However, these games generally do not admit saddle-point solutions and are very hard to solve numerically. Here under the so-called Boneh-Shaw marking assumption, we reformulate the capacity as the value of a single two-person zero-sum game, and show that it is achieved by a saddle-point solution. If the maximal coalition size is k and the fingerprinting alphabet is binary, we show that capacity decays quadratically with k. Furthermore, we prove rigorously that the asymptotic capacity is 1/(k^2 2ln2) and we confirm our earlier conjecture that Tardos' choice of the arcsine distribution asymptotically maximizes the mutual information payoff function while the interleaving attack minimizes it. Along with the asymptotic behavior, numerical solutions to the game for small k are also presented.Comment: submitted to IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Securit

    Dynamic Traitor Tracing for Arbitrary Alphabets: Divide and Conquer

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    We give a generic divide-and-conquer approach for constructing collusion-resistant probabilistic dynamic traitor tracing schemes with larger alphabets from schemes with smaller alphabets. This construction offers a linear tradeoff between the alphabet size and the codelength. In particular, we show that applying our results to the binary dynamic Tardos scheme of Laarhoven et al. leads to schemes that are shorter by a factor equal to half the alphabet size. Asymptotically, these codelengths correspond, up to a constant factor, to the fingerprinting capacity for static probabilistic schemes. This gives a hierarchy of probabilistic dynamic traitor tracing schemes, and bridges the gap between the low bandwidth, high codelength scheme of Laarhoven et al. and the high bandwidth, low codelength scheme of Fiat and Tassa.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Optimal symmetric Tardos traitor tracing schemes

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    For the Tardos traitor tracing scheme, we show that by combining the symbol-symmetric accusation function of Skoric et al. with the improved analysis of Blayer and Tassa we get further improvements. Our construction gives codes that are up to 4 times shorter than Blayer and Tassa's, and up to 2 times shorter than the codes from Skoric et al. Asymptotically, we achieve the theoretical optimal codelength for Tardos' distribution function and the symmetric score function. For large coalitions, our codelengths are asymptotically about 4.93% of Tardos' original codelengths, which also improves upon results from Nuida et al.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Dynamic Tardos Traitor Tracing Schemes

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    We construct binary dynamic traitor tracing schemes, where the number of watermark bits needed to trace and disconnect any coalition of pirates is quadratic in the number of pirates, and logarithmic in the total number of users and the error probability. Our results improve upon results of Tassa, and our schemes have several other advantages, such as being able to generate all codewords in advance, a simple accusation method, and flexibility when the feedback from the pirate network is delayed.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure
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