3,140 research outputs found

    Bloom filter variants for multiple sets: a comparative assessment

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    In this paper we compare two probabilistic data structures for association queries derived from the well-known Bloom filter: the shifting Bloom filter (ShBF), and the spatial Bloom filter (SBF). With respect to the original data structure, both variants add the ability to store multiple subsets in the same filter, using different strategies. We analyse the performance of the two data structures with respect to false positive probability, and the inter-set error probability (the probability for an element in the set of being recognised as belonging to the wrong subset). As part of our analysis, we extended the functionality of the shifting Bloom filter, optimising the filter for any non-trivial number of subsets. We propose a new generalised ShBF definition with applications outside of our specific domain, and present new probability formulas. Results of the comparison show that the ShBF provides better space efficiency, but at a significantly higher computational cost than the SBF

    Peer to Peer Information Retrieval: An Overview

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    Peer-to-peer technology is widely used for file sharing. In the past decade a number of prototype peer-to-peer information retrieval systems have been developed. Unfortunately, none of these have seen widespread real- world adoption and thus, in contrast with file sharing, information retrieval is still dominated by centralised solutions. In this paper we provide an overview of the key challenges for peer-to-peer information retrieval and the work done so far. We want to stimulate and inspire further research to overcome these challenges. This will open the door to the development and large-scale deployment of real-world peer-to-peer information retrieval systems that rival existing centralised client-server solutions in terms of scalability, performance, user satisfaction and freedom

    Context discovery using attenuated Bloom codes: model description and validation

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    A novel approach to performing context discovery in ad-hoc networks based on the use of attenuated Bloom filters is proposed in this report. In order to investigate the performance of this approach, a model has been developed. This document describes the model and its validation. The model has been implemented in Matlab, and results are also shown in this document. Attenuated Bloom filters appear to be a very promising approach for context discovery in ad hoc networks compared to conventional solutions. The results show that using attenuated Bloom filters in context discovery can well save traffic load in a fully distributed ad hoc network in practical situations

    Answering Spatial Multiple-Set Intersection Queries Using 2-3 Cuckoo Hash-Filters

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    We show how to answer spatial multiple-set intersection queries in O(n(log w)/w + kt) expected time, where n is the total size of the t sets involved in the query, w is the number of bits in a memory word, k is the output size, and c is any fixed constant. This improves the asymptotic performance over previous solutions and is based on an interesting data structure, known as 2-3 cuckoo hash-filters. Our results apply in the word-RAM model (or practical RAM model), which allows for constant-time bit-parallel operations, such as bitwise AND, OR, NOT, and MSB (most-significant 1-bit), as exist in modern CPUs and GPUs. Our solutions apply to any multiple-set intersection queries in spatial data sets that can be reduced to one-dimensional range queries, such as spatial join queries for one-dimensional points or sets of points stored along space-filling curves, which are used in GIS applications.Comment: Full version of paper from 2017 ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information System

    Why (and How) Networks Should Run Themselves

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    The proliferation of networked devices, systems, and applications that we depend on every day makes managing networks more important than ever. The increasing security, availability, and performance demands of these applications suggest that these increasingly difficult network management problems be solved in real time, across a complex web of interacting protocols and systems. Alas, just as the importance of network management has increased, the network has grown so complex that it is seemingly unmanageable. In this new era, network management requires a fundamentally new approach. Instead of optimizations based on closed-form analysis of individual protocols, network operators need data-driven, machine-learning-based models of end-to-end and application performance based on high-level policy goals and a holistic view of the underlying components. Instead of anomaly detection algorithms that operate on offline analysis of network traces, operators need classification and detection algorithms that can make real-time, closed-loop decisions. Networks should learn to drive themselves. This paper explores this concept, discussing how we might attain this ambitious goal by more closely coupling measurement with real-time control and by relying on learning for inference and prediction about a networked application or system, as opposed to closed-form analysis of individual protocols